Small Demo Lock guide.

agree demo is hela fun. ive been messing around with mine. actually hit 32% haste just fucking around. Haste is not best stat but 1 sec fears and all other casting is hela fast ia fun. vers def > haste but i feel i need at least 12-13% haste
How'd you manage that? I am interested in replicating as best as possible.
Had a lock w inferno robe talbar mantle gravestone and whatever the name of the GF'd gloves are I forget. Been working g on updating him for current and doing some by. Demo is allot of fun. Puppies are really good single target and hog's aoe smh is more relevant than I imagined it would be. You have viable spells for single target and splashing smh in teamfights + surprisingly strong sustain and decent cc. Its been fun even if it is not a particularly strong spec
Had a lock w inferno robe talbar mantle gravestone and whatever the name of the GF'd gloves are I forget. Been working g on updating him for current and doing some by. Demo is allot of fun. Puppies are really good single target and hog's aoe smh is more relevant than I imagined it would be. You have viable spells for single target and splashing smh in teamfights + surprisingly strong sustain and decent cc. Its been fun even if it is not a particularly strong spec

Jutebraid Gloves
Bilescourge Bombers is far more fun then Demonic Strength. I like having the extra AoE worked into the rotation. I can time it just as easy as DS. 2 shards worth isn't too shabby either, considering it's the hardest hitting spell for the spec.

Dreadlash could be cool but only if they made it an instant cast and it's own spell not a function on another...

I've been enjoying my demo warlock. Fear truly is what makes the class, not the spec. Being able to fear others and watch what they do is informative.
Tried out bilescurge bombers and oof was it bad. Very cool animation and might be a decent talent if it didn't cost shard but still would be much less powerful than demonic strength.
Also if you are using the demonic strength talent you should have the pets blamestorm move bound. Allot of times you can scare a movement ability out of people just because they see the demon twirling.

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