Skirmishes will maybe come back someday!

Q: Arena Skirmishes: What happened to them? They were a useful tool in trying new compositions, testing out a new teammate, or just having some fun during downtime. Wargames are nice, but did skirmishes have to go in order for them to be implemented? – Zubzar (North America/ANZ), Nølfen (Europe [French]), Jinusek (Europe [English]), Whoohoo (Europe [German])

A: We didn’t cut Skirmishes because they were flawed. We just thought we’d get more bang for the buck out of Wargames. While some players enjoyed Skirmishes, we can tell you that overall they were used very rarely. We would have kept them if it had been relatively easy to do so, and we may add them back someday, but it’s just not a huge priority based on their previous popularity.

"We would have kept them if it had been relatively easy to do so, and we may add them back someday" That gives me some hope to got my Skirmishes back!
but it’s just not a huge priority based on their previous popularity.

should CRUSH that hope!

one of Blizzard's many morons said:
We just thought we’d get more bang for the buck out of Wargames.

Yeah, wonderful, replace something that worked fine with something that:

  • Doesn't have any match-making, so you have to spam chat to find opponents to fight with.
  • Only works on your own realm, while skirmishes were cross battlegroup, and could have been regional if they were kept and updated in line with battlegrounds.
  • Doesn't work if you lock your XP.

I bet they'll be saying the same things about War Games in another year, and all because they can't be bothered to actually make a feature complete and usable before moving onto something else.
Donteventrii said:
If they do come back, I doubt they will let anyone below 70 use them.

If they come back it would be because of twinks, we'd get them.
Donteventrii said:
Hah. That was a good chuckle.

When has Blizzard ever done anything because of us?

He's got a point... All Blizz wants to do is rid WoW of twinks... And if they want to so bad, they should just give us a twink only server that doesn't bg with other realms lol
If they really would want to get rid of twinks, they would NEVER have twinks be able to lock their experience. Or am I wrong?
Beefhead said:
Twinks are even called in the official manual in the game

You just made me read my freaking book >.- nothing about twink (Have the BC book actually)

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