<Skill Ratio> Strat Leak


Alpha and Omega
karma's a bitch

The Bracket Changing Strat

8 Heals and 2 DPS. After hearing that for a comp, you've already said no. Your mind is like a parachute, it only works if its open.
Everyone in this bracket has been regiously practicing the Mid Strat. The first guild to attempt Mid strat won. With winning thr is
losing but with the proof that something works, you cant say against it. You cannot argue that gravity doesn't exist. I admit that
right now, 8 heals 2 dps and with the certain meta games inside of just simple combat you can screw up and not be able to recover.
Everything relies heavily on to the players to do certain jobs differently.

Guilds are religiously practicing simple Mid Strat gameplay almost all the way up to MoP. MoP introduced the brewmaster spec and along
wth that a spell... Clash/Elemental Push was the first chapter to be discovered in the guide book to Mid Strat. Mid Strat is proven
to be the best Strat in every single bracket. Guilds have always been practicing a certain strat and before Mid Strat, it was a simple
O and D. The Mid Strat revolutionized the bracket, breaking the bad habit that guilds had been religiously practiced every day seven days
a week. What guilds, what the entire bracket, what every pug saw something new. Its near impossible to memorize or learn something on first
attempt and the people that can do it are looked upon highly in our society today. Seeing a new idea will never be accepted immediately
because you are human. Have of that puts you at a disadvantage because when a good idea rolls around you either dont accept it, can't memorize
or learn it and the fact that humans often cannot do that, we can use that to our advantage. Thats exactly what the inventors of Mid Strat did.

Guilds are religiously practicing simple Mid Strat. Same comp build every premade, same grip ele push, same reaction in positioning, ect.
We can use that against them, we can blindfold our enemies by breaking the bad habit they practice and slaughter them in Warsong Gulch.
Of coarse this is just an idea, and your normal reaction was to say no. Let me remind you that in your guild recruitment thread you have this written
"As a guild we strive to stay consistent day in and day out; putting in the work that it takes in order to perform at a higher caliber than our competition and to maintain our prestigious image."
Might I remind you that we are not preforming at a higher caliber then anyone in this bracket. We wouldve lossed to any guild the way we played during
our first premade which is completely understandable because we claim we lost because of ignorance. Our "prestigious image" was soiled in the matter of
20 minutes because of our ignorance, so might I remind you... your mind is like a parachute, and will only work when its open so let me prove this to you.


1. Druid - Restoration - Healing
2. Priest - Discipline - Healing
3. Druid - Balance - Damage/Healing
4. Shaman - Elemental - Damage/Healing
5. Shaman - Elemental - Damage/Healing
6. Warlock - Destruction - Damage
7. Warlock - Destruction - Damage
8. Hunter - Survival - Damage
9. Hunter - Survival - Damage
10. Monk - Brewmaster - Damage

The common response to seeing this is well why don't you run something like this:

1. Druid - Restoration - Healing
2. Priest - Discipline - Healing
3. Druid - Balance - Damage/Healing
4. Shaman - Elemental - Damage/Healing
5. Shaman - Elemental - Damage/Healing
6. Warlock - Destruction - Damage
7. Mage - Arcane - Damage
8. Hunter - Survival - Damage
9. Hunter - Survival - Damage
10. Monk - Brewmaster - Damage

In theory it works better in certain situation and could win if you force those situation but I'm not typing this to argue that.

The reason I chose two warlocks over mages, even though mages could work, is because of Fear and the Curse they can give out.

<<< <The ideal Mid Strat with our comp>

The ideal mid strat is only a hope. Perfection is only a dream that everyone chases, and with the right players you can get damn close to it.
Our team doesn't need 2400 skill capped players. After you've figured out the spells that your class can offer, have
learned your rotation and figured out where to be at the right time, you're considered good in this bracket. The ability to simply memorize a few
things makes you good. All I'm asking is you to add a few more chapters to The Guide On How To Become Good In This Bracket, to add a few things, or
details if you will, to what you religiously practice almost every single day of the week. Technically the ideas I'm about to introduce to you can
be preformed by our current comp, but the point I'm making is if preformed how they are written the comp would be ideal.

*The Scatter Push*
Thr are two versions of the *The Scatter Push*. One: No one is rolling DoTs and everyone is prepared to burst a single target. Both hunters will run out of position
10 or so feet towards the enemy team and disengage towards healers. Depending on the positioning of the enemy DPS, the monk clashes out the furthest one from his healer
or easiest one to kill while two hunters move in. The hunters should simutaniously be scattering the healers as the clash happens. Everyone should be on this target
using thr burst including the hunters still coming in. So what happens is two healers are scattered for 3 seconds, specificly the paladin and resto druid because
they have instant heals, and the priest is left alone. The only instant heal this priest has is bubble. The enemy we clashed in will have the debuff so the only
thing this priest can is move in and cash flash of light. In the time it takes to move up a few feet and cast flash of light, this player should be dead.
If this player isn't killed he will most likely blown a defensive and move back and most teams will move back with him which gives us field advantage but this
shouldn't happen but can very much realisticly happen. Version Two: Same exact thing but everyone pushes up a tiny bit and the monk clashes the priest healer. Idealy
this should happen but might not. Healers should be always 40 yards back but no one is perfect and we can use the enemies weaknesses against them. The common response
to hearing this would be "This is to risky for our hunters." but this does one great thing. It brings the attention off whatever they might be focusing onto the hunters.
Other then completely flipping the switch, the hunters can use defensives like tigers lust, AGM, PoTs, Healthstones, Pet Defensive, ect.
Thr are two great openings for this strat. We look for when the boomkin is casting starsurge; Casting starsurge is a sign that the enemy team is swapping to a target
and focusing them. When we see happened we end up reacting, resulting in us playing defensively. By looking for the starsurge, we shut down thr attempt to burst by
stunning one dps and having them swap to hunters after most of them just used thr burst. As a safety net 2 DPS will be feared and all DPS will have a debuff curse on them.
Leaving 3 out of the 6 dps the enemy team has to burst us. The other opening we can look for is a enemy healer way to close to his DPS, leaving him vulnerable.

Step 1: Look for opening

Step 2: Cast rotation as a team: 2 Disengages -> 2 Fears, 2 Scatters, 1 Clash -> All Burst Spells on Focus Target

*The Fake*

The fake is where we start to fall back after we have room to move back and clash the most over extended DPS. We move..
back 20 feet or so, enough to have them push up a
Very simple. We just set up the ideal situation to swap to something. Say we back up 30 feet then our hunters only back up 15, and they disengage in scatter healers
and come out. Most teams hit a wall when they push teams into graveyards. Nothings happening, no one dying, its time to fall back is what they think we think and they
might not excpect it. The entire enemies team will be a mess. We will look for the opening which is when we realize weve hit this wall where nothing is happening
and open with *The Fake*. When we realize its time to open with it we will stop using our brewmasters keg slow and our hunters concussive shots, making it easy for them
to feed into us. After theyve fed into us its time to have our seemingly to them slow, incompitent hunters disengage in and scatter healers while we nuke the living shit
out of a clash target. After weve landed a kill we take advantage and push for a flag kill or control of the graveyard.

Step 1: Realize we've hit a wall

Step 2: Fall Back -> 2 disengages -> 1 Clash, 2 Scatters -> All Burst Spells on Focus Target

Step 3: Push into them into graveyard where they cant move back and take advantage of the missing player for control of GY

<<< *The Seal Team 8 GO*

Every spell our team has to offer should be used as a team, not as a single player. When we are pushing, we take full advantage of the enemy teams fear and repositioning.
Every time a team moves back most healers move back with them which makes it so they are casting heals which makes it easier to kill things and causes the DPS to peel.
When we notice everyone starts to move back and hopefully do one out of two things, make them worry about moving back/peeling or put them in a situation they arent used to
(altering thr play and maybe forcing CDs like blink, ect). The great thing about this strat is we are constantly fearing so having them move back is only splitting up thr team
more then it just normally does with fear pathing. We split an entire team up, we force them to peel/move back and best part of it all is this is when we attempt to put them into
the GY. We pop all our big CDs like lifeblood, racials, ect. We have complete advantage at this point, splitting up thr team and we all our CDs. From this point when we
do a lot of things depending on thr positioning like Elemental Push, Priest fear bombs, Scatters on anything, KILLS ON HEALERS THAT ARE IN RANGE (MOST IMPORTANT),ect.
Obviously this is risky so its best to do it after a succcesful *The Scatter Push* or *The Fake* leaving them with 5 dps. 2/5 of them should be feared, 5/5 should be slowed,
and the 3/5 that aren't CCed should the boomkin, an Elemental and the remaining class should be able to be interrupted by our 2 Elemental Shamans, leaving it very easy for us
to push.

Step 1: Preform after we've killed 1 enemy DPS

Step 2: Push on top of them -> Pop ALL OFFENSIVE CDs -> All Burst Spells on Focus Target (One that was most likely feared) -> CC accordinly and kill as much as possible

Step 3: Mainly try to chop the healers when they stop to cast

<<< *Classic Control*

Classic graveyard controlling. Form a line around the graveyard with no exits. 1 hunter on each end, brewmaster in the middle. Make sure healers are in range of everyone
but every exit of GY is covered and no one can slip by. Be pushed in enough to healers can constantly grab mana hut. What most people think is when they are dying its time time to move
back but that only dangers the constant control of mana hut which puts your entire teams position on the line.

Step 1: Focus Boomkins/Healers mainly

<<< *Plan B*

Plan B is the back up strat. Our attempts of pushing in for kills are being laughed at and nothing is happening. We will Kite slowly back to our base, above graveyard specifically. We
will go slowly as if we were backpeddling all the way back towards our ramp where we will go up it and towards above GY. On our slow way back we will try everything in the book as
a desperate attempt to recover. Using the environment as our key to field advantage. From above our GY we will be able to clash/double push things off to where they can't attack us.
Our rules when we request a premade are going to be no more then 5 healing classes... Which that will be the 3 basic healers, 1 boomkin, 1 ele which leaves them with 1 elemental push
which gives us field advantage not only because we have more pushes but we have a place to res just in case. In the mix of all this, a team is bound to make a mistake which we
will see and take advantage of. We are forcing a situation they haven't seen before. One of the mistakes could be leaving the FC alone or leaving him with very few support which we can
send our boomkin stealth or if he has people with him with an elemental shaman. Both capable of going very fast, offhealing and dealing constant insane damage/purging/keeping up with kiting.
Obviously anything we do is situational with this because of our intentions. If he EFC doesn't stay in base for cap while the enemy team thinks they are pushing hard for a return, and ends
up keeping up with his team we should be able to get a repick with our boomkin or shamans.

<Class Breakdown>

1. Druid - Restoration - Healing
*Constant healing, will spam root on enemies falling behind when we push*
2. Priest - Discipline - Healing
*Constant Healing, Will fear bomb anything that falls behind*
3. Druid - Balance - Damage/Healing
*Offhealing when necassary and specifically when one of the healers needs mana, DoTing when time, will spam root on enemies falling behind when we push, constant damage*
4. Shaman - Elemental - Damage/Healing
5. Shaman - Elemental - Damage/Healing
*Offhealing when necassary and specifically when one of the healers needs mana, DoTing when time, saving push for splitting up enemy team/pushing them away when they push, constant damage*
6. Warlock - Destruction - Damage
7. Warlock - Destruction - Damage
*Cycling Fears on targets so two things are always feared and not effected by DR (ALWAYS), Supplying healthstones in combat, Soulstoning in combat, DoTing when time, occasional damage*
8. Hunter - Survival - Damage
9. Hunter - Survival - Damage
*Scattering when plays are made, slowing/worrying about people that pass by specifically FCs, DoTing when time, vocal humanoid tracking if needed, constant damage*
10. Monk - Brewmaster - Damage
*Clashes off cooldown, constant slows on enemies except when a plan says not to slow, DoTs when time, take insignias, Take enemy mana hut if possible, occasional damage*

<<< <Field Breakdown>
We will all go down tunnel, meet them on the left side of the field. We will have all 10 of us in mid. Our first intention is to not let FC get by, if s/he does our boomkin will go pick up
the flag. If our balance druid needs help we will send Shaman(s) to escort. We will go for a speed cap then but if they repick we will give one of our shamans the flag. In that scenario
on the field it is basically this situation:

2 Healers and 7 DPS vs 3 Healers and 5/6 DPS

and we should have advantage in that scenario. On the other hand we could just wipe them in mid and play it from thr.

*How to make this work:

1. Both of our warlock will be cycling fears constantly so 2 DPS are always feared
-Realisticly this is impossible to keep two dps constantly feared with trinkets/cleanse available but we will get damn close

2. Offhealers will need to offheal when needed

3. We will only DoT/slow/purge when we are about to push
-We do this because with 8 dps it is better to constantly be casting damage into 1 target them to DoT. We DoT then push because we will be moving along with them, so it might force
a healer to stop and heal. As we push, things will be dotted, slowed and purged.

4. Don't release, you will be battle rezzed by a warlock.

Shamans will save thr interrupt for boomkin burst/when they are in range of healers (sitational on how hard
they are bursting us vs how hard we are bursting them). The idea is to control mid with this comp and surprise/revolutionize the bracket.

<<< <Field Breakdown>
We will all go down tunnel, meet them on the left side of the field. We will have all 10 of us in mid. Our first intention is to not let FC get by, if s/he does our boomkin will go pick up
the flag. If our balance druid needs help we will send Shaman(s) to escort. We will go for a speed cap then but if they repick we will give one of our shamans the flag. In that scenario
on the field it is basically this situation:

2 Healers and 7 DPS vs 3 Healers and 5/6 DPS

and we should have advantage in that scenario. On the other hand we could just wipe them in mid and play it from thr.

*How to make this work:

1. Both of our warlock will be cycling fears constantly so 2 DPS are always feared
-Realisticly this is impossible to keep two dps constantly feared with trinkets/cleanse available but we will get damn close

2. Offhealers will need to offheal when needed

3. We will only DoT/slow/purge when we are about to push
-We do this because with 8 dps it is better to constantly be casting damage into 1 target them to DoT. We DoT then push because we will be moving along with them, so it might force
a healer to stop and heal. As we push, things will be dotted, slowed and purged.

4. Don't release, you will be battle rezzed by a warlock.

Shamans will save thr interrupt for boomkin burst/when they are in range of healers (sitational on how hard
they are bursting us vs how hard we are bursting them). The idea is to control mid with this comp and surprise/revolutionize the bracket.
im so confused right now
any1 else not bother to read simply becuz too long or becuz they dnt care cuz its 24s? :D
I just hope this works and no one screws it up.
I read until "8 Heals and 2 DPS" and I must say it was very enlightening. I imagine the rest to be even better :rolleyes:

Except it would have worked back in cata from where this strat originated.

The real shame is that the strategies' originator doesn't receive any credit ... just like most of the strats that this topic describes xdxDXDXdXdxD

#AlwaysCopy #NeverInnovate

: )
Skill Ratio is obviously going to win and the other team isn't even as well prepared as you guys are. I know one of the guys doesn't even know who is all playing on the team yet. You guys obviously always at least queue 5 mans all the time and have experience playing with all or most of your members.

Have fun winning

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