Wizard of the ramp
This whole thread is a joke. People need to know the facts before they start bitching and calling out players/guilds.
You're a joke. Explain to the community what facts we are missing.
This whole thread is a joke. People need to know the facts before they start bitching and calling out players/guilds.
Come on SR you're being called out for being.. "baby back bitches"
Where is the backbone of the bracket anyone? Need more drama.
This thread was deemed unworthy of a proper response.A majestic stallion does not bother to swat at every single fly that buzzes about.
This thread was deemed unworthy of a proper response.A majestic stallion does not bother to swat at every single fly that buzzes about.
Weve known the facts for years manThis whole thread is a joke. People need to know the facts before they start bitching and calling out players/guilds.
Back in reality, we know there is no way for you all to save face as you acknowledge the issue but it's not in your interest to change this deleterious behavior.This thread was deemed unworthy of a proper response.A majestic stallion does not bother to swat at every single fly that buzzes about.
This whole thread is a joke. People need to know the facts before they start bitching and calling out players/guilds.
You're a joke. Explain to the community what facts we are missing.
Someone is a little salty… The fact that the blame always falls into SR's lap is a little absurd. I have only been apart of the guild for about 10 months, but I've grown to really like the members of SR. I used to dislike the majority of them when I would play against them, but after getting to know them, the majority of them care a lot about the bracket and each other. They ALL want the bracket to succeed and most of the current members have been around for years. They have literally grown with the bracket and I think people like that should be able to /afk once in a while. You can't expect people to play hundreds/thousands of games and sit through every single one. Things come up and maybe they have to go, or they are swapping toons/factions, or if by /afking they can help the team get a better comp, or maybe they are just upset because some retard fucked up and threw the game and there is no coming back.
I find it very hard to believe that 3-4 members of SR /afk out of a game. Maybe a SR member will /afk if he is alone with a bunch of retards, but not if it's a competitive game.
Overall, this debate is a lose/lose for SR and everyone knows that. That's why no one else from SR will comment on this. It's a waste of time and they have already spent years trying to defend themselves and no one sees their side. You guys will always bitch when things don't go the way you want them to. It has happened year after year.
Some quotes that I've seen from different SR members include:
"Everyone AFKs from every guild from time to time. It's just other players aren't in the spotlight and don't have the same impact on games, so when they AFK it goes unnoticed."
"It's sort of like when SR or HARVEST group queues people complain, but when other guilds do, people don't mind it. It's because of our players being of higher quality that we make a stronger impact on games."
"Most of the things people complain about they don't do so fairly."
"I even checked my stream feed from the last four times I streamed. Haven't AFKed a single game."
"We're just the scapegoat for it all. Very easy to blame us for anything and everything that is going wrong."
"When someone else spends 1-2 hours of their day on level 1s promoting the Cup and bracket like I do, then they can come tell me that I am all talk and no walk when it comes to promoting the Cup. When someone else keeps multiple threads bumped across different forums to promote the Cup and bracket, then they can talk."
---- Continue to hate on us because it's easy to rally the troops, but it has gotten old. We don't ruin games, in fact we make them better. I would say people are delighted when they see SR members on their team. Grow a fucking pair and instead of putting the blame on SR as a whole, call out individual members of the 19 community.
Back in reality, we know there is no way for you all to save face as you acknowledge the issue but it's not in your interest to change this deleterious behavior.
SEE THIS IS ALL WE WANTED!! An emotional comeback where it is lead with the heart and not the brain. Put the leash back on this kid. /muzzle
Someone is a little salty… The fact that the blame always falls into SR's lap is a little absurd. I have only been apart of the guild for about 10 months, but I've grown to really like the members of SR. I used to dislike the majority of them when I would play against them, but after getting to know them, the majority of them care a lot about the bracket and each other. They ALL want the bracket to succeed and most of the current members have been around for years. They have literally grown with the bracket and I think people like that should be able to /afk once in a while. You can't expect people to play hundreds/thousands of games and sit through every single one. Things come up and maybe they have to go, or they are swapping toons/factions, or if by /afking they can help the team get a better comp, or maybe they are just upset because some retard fucked up and threw the game and there is no coming back.
I find it very hard to believe that 3-4 members of SR /afk out of a game. Maybe a SR member will /afk if he is alone with a bunch of retards, but not if it's a competitive game.
Overall, this debate is a lose/lose for SR and everyone knows that. That's why no one else from SR will comment on this. It's a waste of time and they have already spent years trying to defend themselves and no one sees their side. You guys will always bitch when things don't go the way you want them to. It has happened year after year.
Some quotes that I've seen from different SR members include:
"Everyone AFKs from every guild from time to time. It's just other players aren't in the spotlight and don't have the same impact on games, so when they AFK it goes unnoticed."
"It's sort of like when SR or HARVEST group queues people complain, but when other guilds do, people don't mind it. It's because of our players being of higher quality that we make a stronger impact on games."
"Most of the things people complain about they don't do so fairly."
"I even checked my stream feed from the last four times I streamed. Haven't AFKed a single game."
"We're just the scapegoat for it all. Very easy to blame us for anything and everything that is going wrong."
"When someone else spends 1-2 hours of their day on level 1s promoting the Cup and bracket like I do, then they can come tell me that I am all talk and no walk when it comes to promoting the Cup. When someone else keeps multiple threads bumped across different forums to promote the Cup and bracket, then they can talk."
---- Continue to hate on us because it's easy to rally the troops, but it has gotten old. We don't ruin games, we in fact make them better. I would say people are delighted when they see SR members on their team. Grow a fucking pair and instead of putting the blame on SR as a whole, call out individual members of the 19 community.
since DCM's adolescent years.
I don't know how AFKing out of games hurt more than someone in the actual glutch but not playing the game or barely being useful... I mean seriously there is shit ton of people who are waiting for a game in orgrimmar AFKing out of the glutch is a good thing for people who waited that long to enter the battlefield.
http://youtu.be/UUYwY3IHIZI This was years ago when lethal synergy was a thing we were just in pugs happend to be filming and got into 7 waw tawant when we started wiping them all 7afk just an example of this happening and how it's been a thing for years. Brown threw the clip into this vid
starts at 1.15
You must be a euro. In the U.S. we call it getting skull ratio'ed. Wait in queue 25 minutes only to get in game down 0-2 with 2 minutes left and what remains of your team getting gy camped. A couple of times of that and you think the guy is happy he got in?
Pointless discussion because the bracket is full of mental children and douches....but the point the OP made is incredibly valid. Just won't change anything.