US <Skill Ratio> - Bleeding Hollow (H) Recruitment

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re: [19] Raw Talent (H) Recruitment

Why are you applying to join Waw Tawent? What sparked your interest?

- When I look for partners in Arena I look for players who play at the same caliber I do. I am applying to Waw Tawent for that same reason. I believe that your guild is home to some of the most skilled twinks, and I believe that I play at the same level.

When was the first time you heard about or noticed our guild?

- I had read about you guys through this website while I was digging for information on my Twink.

How long have you been playing WoW?

-I've been playing WoW since season 1.

How long have you been playing in the 19 bracket?

- I have been actively queue'ing in the 19 bracket for about 1 month now. I am still learning little tricks here and there, but after I become completely familiar with this bracket I believe I'll be a very solid Hunter and a great addition to your guild and BG team.

Have you or do you play in another bracket other than 19

- No, the 19 bracket is the first and only twink bracket I have ever seriously played in.

In comparison to other players, who also play your class, how would you compare yourself?

- Better then most. I've PvP'd at high ratings and have done so since Pre-BC, any new class or spec I take on just takes some time to learn how to play. PvP is definetly my main focus in this game and always has been.
- I was part of the highest RBG team in the world and maintained an 80% w/l ratio. I am very familiar with how premade BG's work.
- I have great awareness from countless hours of arena's with top tier players.
- Here are links to 2 of my main characters that I PvP with.
Shaman : Torhs @ Mal'Ganis - Game Guide - World of Warcraft Personal Ratings: 2's,2581 3's,2664 5's,2457
Warlock : Torh @ Mal'Ganis - Game Guide - World of Warcraft Personal Ratings: 2's,2214 3's,2362

Picture of your twink's UI: Very basic UI, only PvP related add-on's i have installed are Interrupt Bar (for sham & lock) and Gladius.

- Imageshack - sub1l.jpg

Armory of your twink: I will be transferring over to Alliance and back for Ello's Band and to grab the bracers for my FC set. I am currently working on my FC set.

- Nettiebay @ Mal'Ganis - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
re: [19] Raw Talent (H) Recruitment

Why are you applying to join Waw Tawent? What sparked your interest?

Tired of q'ing by myself or with only a friend or two, looking for more people to premade or even just to Q with

When was the first time you heard about or noticed our guild?

I think Zng first told me I should apply, but I don't recall the first time I heard about or noticed them.. it's been a while now

How long have you been playing WoW?


How long have you been playing in the 19 bracket?

Vanilla, once BC came around I was more into it tho.

Have you or do you play in another bracket other than 19?

I've played at 19, 29, and 39.

In comparison to other players, who also play your class, how would you compare yourself?

I stick to my objectives, I don't suck, so compared to other people, great I guess.. but I'd say I'm pretty good, I'm a smart player

Picture of your twink's UI: Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting

Armory of your twink: Composure @ Eitrigg - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
re: [19] Raw Talent (H) Recruitment

Why are you applying to join Waw Tawent? What sparked your interest?

I've seen you in BGs over the past few weeks and your well organized, I used to play a 19 rouge and 19 hunter back about 5 years ago with a guild like yours. It was a blast and I miss it so I re rolled a hunter and have a buddy working on a priest who will be interested also.

When was the first time you heard about or noticed our guild?

I started playing 19 bracket 3 weeks ago (after not playing for a while) and noticed your team once I turned XP off

How long have you been playing WoW?

10+ years

How long have you been playing in the 19 bracket?

I played in 19s for 3 + years 5 years ago with a group of Horde from Hemorush, that slowly fissled after a long run and we did quite well back then, then dabbled here and there as I could never find a guild to run with, I recently created a new hunter and only need one more GMA trinket and a few Horde Quests to finish her off.

Have you or do you play in another bracket other than 19?

29s a little

In comparison to other players, who also play your class, how would you compare yourself?

I know my class, know my role as DPS or FC, ill do what im asked - defend, FC, Kill heals .... . I have 2 sets for both roles. I would like to play with a supporting team as PUGs are ok but no twhat I want to do long term. DPS and KBs seem like the stat people focus / judge, I m not like that, just like winning ;)

Picture of your twink's UI: Ill get a pic but in a nut shell
Power Auras
Healers Have to Die
Class Timers

Can load what ever MODs you need, PC has 16 Gig RAM, 30 inch screen, gaming mouse/keyboard...

Armory of your twink:

As mentioned, need 2 horde Quests, planning a X fer / faction change for this and my 85 mage, and 1 Grand Master Trinket to get Trinket.
Reesey @ Malfurion - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
re: [19] Raw Talent (H) Recruitment

Why are you applying to join Waw Tawent? What sparked your interest?
I quit twinking when they nearly died out, and I couldn't play with any of the people i knew. I've recently rejoined wow and wanted to start twinking again.

When was the first time you heard about or noticed our guild?
This is the first time i've seen it as Waw Tawent, but i knew of Pizza.

How long have you been playing WoW?
As i said, since 2005

How long have you been playing in the 19 bracket?
Since 2005

Have you or do you play in another bracket other than 19?
I tested out 29, but i always preferred 19

In comparison to other players, who also play your class, how would you compare yourself?
I am a very adept player. The years of experience has given me the capability to be a great healer along with a flag carrier. I do a mix of dps and healing because heal bots don't always cut it in a fight, although i can play that role if necessary too. I also always do well in terms of being one of the top couple healing, while still doing damage that other healers don't do.

Picture of your twink's UI:

Armory of your twink:
Baiktos @ Rexxar - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
re: [19] Raw Talent (H) Recruitment

Why are you applying to join Waw Tawent? What sparked your interest?
I quit twinking when they nearly died out, and I couldn't play with any of the people i knew. I've recently rejoined wow and wanted to start twinking again.

When was the first time you heard about or noticed our guild?
This is the first time i've seen it as Waw Tawent, but i knew of Pizza.

How long have you been playing WoW?
As i said, since 2005

How long have you been playing in the 19 bracket?
Since 2005

Have you or do you play in another bracket other than 19?
I tested out 29, but i always preferred 19

In comparison to other players, who also play your class, how would you compare yourself?
I am a very adept player. The years of experience has given me the capability to be a great healer along with a flag carrier. I do a mix of dps and healing because heal bots don't always cut it in a fight, although i can play that role if necessary too. I also always do well in terms of being one of the top couple healing, while still doing damage that other healers don't do.

Picture of your twink's UI:

Armory of your twink:
Baiktos @ Rexxar - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
did u play a tauren hunter on scarlet crusade?
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