Hello Everyone!
The days of 60 raiding and twinking have long passed. But there are those who hold on to the memories of such times and those have not yet got to experianced them. Can the experiance be regained? Personally I don't think so. Even private servers try to do their best but even the best ones have bugs. The experience can not be regained because the game was new, and fresh for exploring. Those who twinked at 60 know the bracket pretty much died when they changed the level requirements after wrath. So if the exprience can't be regained, What can be?
Even though these times are long gone glimpses of the past can still relived and fun can still be had. What we are trying to do is offer a old experience with a new twist on things. By no means ground breaking but something fresh.
Sixty Alpha and Omega's goal is to provide a fun and active environment in the 60 bracket for PvP and PvE. Ok, nothing new here. So what's different? Every 60 twink or "xp off" guild since the beginning of time has created one guild to rule them all. Then complained about no competition. Here we plan to create competition by being our own competition. By creating "Sixty Alpha" Horde, and "Sixty Omega" Alliance. Two guilds under one umbrella. The idea is to build up our own roster with each person making a toon on both alliance and horde to pop our own Arenas, battle grounds and make our own pvp events. Therefore, we control the scenario. See who is on, split up the team and have at it. Makes sense right?
Our classic raiding will be modeled much like "Screams of the past." If you don't know who they were, they limited the raiding gear to classic only with classic classes only. We feel this is still the way to approach raiding to keep some challenge in it.
What we Offer:
- Two guilds under one umbrella for more active competition.
- Discord for communication
- All new recruits will be given bags and some starting gold when making a new character
- All recruits that reach 60 will be given more gold to finish their riding skills, member status, and gear.
- A full guild bank of 60 mats both horde and alliance side to get your toon decked.(Mats for multiple Legendary's)
- Classic raid night! Once a week we will run classic raids using only classic gear! (both ally and horde)
- I'm here for pvp, Just gear me! We offer carries for your toon to gear you out.
- PvP server. Lets go gank some people
- Guild repairs
- inner guild competition. Organized PvP in 60-69 bracket.
-A good optimistic attitude.
-Discord and a Mic
-English speaking
Bonus requirments
-A sense of humor
--previous 60 twinking experience.
Looking for experienced leaders for PvP and classic raiding.
*Can I make a DK or Monk?
- We do accept Dk's and Monks for PvP only.
*Can I be a DK or monk in classic raiding?
- We DO NOT accept Dk's or monks during our classic raid nights. But we allow shaman/pally on either side
*How is loot distributed on classic runs?
-Group loot on all bosses except for legendary drop one's
*Do you accept transfers?
-Yes! all capped 60's are welcome to transfer to our horde or allance guild
*Do you accept cross realm raiders?
- We do not accept cross realm raiders. We are trying to build a long lasting community.
*how does the 60-69 bracket work now?
- https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20753547525?page=16#post-316
*Do I have to PvE?
-You don't have to PvE. Our main focus is PvP. But it's all for fun and optional.
Contact info.
Make a toon on korgath Horde or Alliance and look someone up.
Or add these people for a quick response.
Iron - Madflavor#1783
Delayed - delayed#1508
Feather - featherstone#1449
McCainadin - mccain420#1593
Discord: https://discord.gg/u5GwpYg
The days of 60 raiding and twinking have long passed. But there are those who hold on to the memories of such times and those have not yet got to experianced them. Can the experiance be regained? Personally I don't think so. Even private servers try to do their best but even the best ones have bugs. The experience can not be regained because the game was new, and fresh for exploring. Those who twinked at 60 know the bracket pretty much died when they changed the level requirements after wrath. So if the exprience can't be regained, What can be?
Even though these times are long gone glimpses of the past can still relived and fun can still be had. What we are trying to do is offer a old experience with a new twist on things. By no means ground breaking but something fresh.
Sixty Alpha and Omega's goal is to provide a fun and active environment in the 60 bracket for PvP and PvE. Ok, nothing new here. So what's different? Every 60 twink or "xp off" guild since the beginning of time has created one guild to rule them all. Then complained about no competition. Here we plan to create competition by being our own competition. By creating "Sixty Alpha" Horde, and "Sixty Omega" Alliance. Two guilds under one umbrella. The idea is to build up our own roster with each person making a toon on both alliance and horde to pop our own Arenas, battle grounds and make our own pvp events. Therefore, we control the scenario. See who is on, split up the team and have at it. Makes sense right?
What we Offer:
- Two guilds under one umbrella for more active competition.
- Discord for communication
- All new recruits will be given bags and some starting gold when making a new character
- All recruits that reach 60 will be given more gold to finish their riding skills, member status, and gear.
- A full guild bank of 60 mats both horde and alliance side to get your toon decked.(Mats for multiple Legendary's)
- Classic raid night! Once a week we will run classic raids using only classic gear! (both ally and horde)
- I'm here for pvp, Just gear me! We offer carries for your toon to gear you out.
- PvP server. Lets go gank some people
- Guild repairs
- inner guild competition. Organized PvP in 60-69 bracket.
-A good optimistic attitude.
-Discord and a Mic
-English speaking
Bonus requirments
-A sense of humor
--previous 60 twinking experience.
Looking for experienced leaders for PvP and classic raiding.
*Can I make a DK or Monk?
- We do accept Dk's and Monks for PvP only.
*Can I be a DK or monk in classic raiding?
- We DO NOT accept Dk's or monks during our classic raid nights. But we allow shaman/pally on either side
*How is loot distributed on classic runs?
-Group loot on all bosses except for legendary drop one's
*Do you accept transfers?
-Yes! all capped 60's are welcome to transfer to our horde or allance guild
*Do you accept cross realm raiders?
- We do not accept cross realm raiders. We are trying to build a long lasting community.
*how does the 60-69 bracket work now?
- https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20753547525?page=16#post-316
*Do I have to PvE?
-You don't have to PvE. Our main focus is PvP. But it's all for fun and optional.
Contact info.
Make a toon on korgath Horde or Alliance and look someone up.
Or add these people for a quick response.
Iron - Madflavor#1783
Delayed - delayed#1508
Feather - featherstone#1449
McCainadin - mccain420#1593
Discord: https://discord.gg/u5GwpYg
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