Sigs by Eurys




what do you think?

canihascookie said:
My turn... Let me get a picture of my level ten twinks and put you can put em togeather x3

Main Text - The Few, The Proud

Sub Text - The Level Tens


Ok. Just waiting on the screenie. :p
Not bad, it looks great, but mind making it darker?

Like all the colors, i love the gray and green, but i dont want white or my ingame color in it really, like more smoked colors and dark, you know? And i hate script, sorry lol

but thanks for your time.!
Ogsir said:
Not bad, it looks great, but mind making it darker?

Like all the colors, i love the gray and green, but i dont want white or my ingame color in it really, like more smoked colors and dark, you know? And i hate script, sorry lol

but thanks for your time.!


or do you not want your fiery/agi enchant colors on there either?
Xposure said:
I think I want a new sig... the other one was good, but I want another one if you don't mind? :p Maybe it could be something like Twinkytoe's sig? Picture of me (choose the one you think's best), my name and my guild, just simple letters too.

like this?


Thats AMAZING!! Mind tossing a matching sig,

Make it just say Ogii, Suramar, ya dig, with the same color vibe
Think he meant a matching avatar :p

also, love your work Eurys, very nicely done :) If i had any idea of what I would like, id ask you to make me one...but I don't have the slightest clue xD
make one for my 80 mage because i play it way more than any toon in with a vengeance :p

name is arktide on medivh
Hey would you mind making me another sig, that is the same vibe as twinkytoes and xposure's. Im going to use that one on another site.

And man, thank you soo much for all your time.
Your thread got me thinking of maybe making a custom sig, although I have no idea really how to pull off most of the stuff you do. Maybe I could put you to work :).

I was thinking of a slightly larger sig, but not by too much. The background split down the middle with two different backgrounds. The Alliance Crest on the left side, the Horde crest on the right side (maybe extended over the top and the left and right sides, slightly larger than the background).

My three alliance and three horde twinks on their respective sides. On the alliance side, My female gnome warlock towards the center, weapon and OH out crouched in the melee attack stance. Behind/slightly above her my female ele shaman in casting or finished casting chain lightning. In the back closest to the Alliance crest my female human warrior in a /roar position.

On the horde side female orc warlock casting shadowbolt (finished casting with a shadowbolt flying, maybe with "Taitaih" in the shadowbolt) on the horde side in the middle, perhaps with a Power Word:Shield on her. My horde priest behind her (actually male lol) in a "finished casting" position of a holy spell such as power word shield. In the rear, my Horde female BE in the melee attack position, perhaps in the middle of casting Seal of Command.

For center text I was just thinking of something simple with three lines with Taitaih, [US] Ruin, 49 Twink Information

I started working on this, but I don't have WoW Model Viewer on my mac so I'm a little stuck, and I'm still pretty fail at editing. Let me know what you think, I've just been thinking about this for a while. And you can definitely put in a "Sig by Eurys" in the corner :).

*edit* - I can probabably get screenies of what my toons look like, but not with all the gear on them or in the right poses.
Can I have an avatar. I will let you be creative and make it yourself with no limits! If I don't like it, ill tell you what to tweek to make it perfect.
Not to hijack this thread or anything, but I figured, heck, why not try to make one myself.

so i *cough* legally got myself a picture editing program: Photoshop CS3, I also found out that there's a freeware called Gimp. it's supposedly a good program, but I wanted the real deal.

so I sat down and played around for a good hour(note: I'm a complete noob at picture editing, Ive done quite a lot of 3d modeling, but this is the first time I'm using Photoshop)

anyways, this is what I came out with:


tell me what you think Eurys :) (anyone else is ofc free to leave a comment)

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