/sigh Just want to leave my mark on history.

Cogs said:
no no, i meant Iaccidentallytwink. I have Theif with +15agi on OH.. why would i change that? And dodge vs +3agi? Not a big diff, ill keep my dodge.

and Omgima i didnt realize you were the lock lol, youre my favs :)

reckoning represent!...

and with the changes to dodge, its more beneficial (imo) to get another CB with fiery/LS in your OH. The proc makes up for the AP/crit you lose, and your dodge isn't gimped as bad, cause the agi doesn't give that much in the first place. And as for 3agi/12dodge, it goes either way, whether you want more crit and tad more dodge and armor and ap, or 2% dodge. Its usually arrows your gettin hit by. heh.
lol well i have SF w/ Firey MH, and Thief w/ +15agi OH

been told time and time again it was best for me >.> /shrug
i personally think i'll get the explorer title on one of my level tens... maybe my new twink im making :S
Cogs said:
lol well i have SF w/ Firey MH, and Thief w/ +15agi OH

been told time and time again it was best for me >.> /shrug

i roll dual LS. i like it, cause im currently sub specced with no skinning, so fiery won't crit as much as to outweigh the heal from LS. To each their own i guess :D

rogue v rogue though, definitely dual agi.
Cogs said:
Only active, and ofcourse you would never be 100% sure.. i mean how could you? But if you had the title.. which, after looking at all the 19s with the name "Medikal" and finding there isnt one that has Explorer, meaning.. you dont, wouldnt YOU play that toon?

And seeing is how youre ripeing on me without the title.. maybe you should go get it first? And then talk about how easy it is, or how "unspecial" i am for having it. Kthnx.

are you serious? ur posts are as stupid here as they are in wow forums. bro, i could careless about titles in this game. And obviously all my 19's names are medikal right? U claimed in ur first post to be the only 2 with the title (pre-3.2) in lolreckoning19's. U can't be sure, so your lousy first post is bullshit.

no no, i meant Iaccidentallytwink. I have Theif with +15agi on OH.. why would i change that? And dodge vs +3agi? Not a big diff, ill keep my dodge.

and Omgima i didnt realize you were the lock lol, youre my favs

yes, cuz dodge rating is amazing at 19. but hey, i mean who needs 6 more armor, some crit, 3 ap and some of that amazing dodge. 3 agil or increased stealth are the only viable options.
Omgimarogue said:
well, there aren't a lot twinks in reckoning to begin with - so its pretty safe to assume that mia and her are the first 2. And it would be safe to assume that anyone who worked their ass of to get it would be fairly active amirite? Gratz to you cogs :D

actually their are a bitch load of twinks in reckoning. 90% of them are back peddling hunters with full boa and rogues who spam ss with an evis to end their "amazing" dps. the other 10% saw reckoning was junk and pieced out, quit 19's, or do endgame mostly.
Medikal said:
actually their are a bitch load of twinks in reckoning. 90% of them are back peddling hunters with full boa and rogues who spam ss with an evis to end their "amazing" dps. the other 10% saw reckoning was junk and pieced out, quit 19's, or do endgame mostly.

yeah i used to play reckoning 19s but as of late they just seem overrun by people that don't know how to play : /

i know a lot of people who moved to 39s
Cogs said:
no no, i meant Iaccidentallytwink. I have Theif with +15agi on OH.. why would i change that? And dodge vs +3agi? Not a big diff, ill keep my dodge.

and Omgima i didnt realize you were the lock lol, youre my favs :)

Because the 2 choices I mentioned are better?
Natasya said:
So what? You do like it's so much hard work to just run around in a game. Rayu also got a hand of that, always the same bragging. That's just not the point where it gets hard, sir.

Why not say stuff to my face? =/
This achievement is nothing but a show of dedication (Read: absolutely no life), and many people choose to put themselves into this section, myself included.
Medikal said:
actually their are a bitch load of twinks in reckoning. 90% of them are back peddling hunters with full boa and rogues who spam ss with an evis to end their "amazing" dps. the other 10% saw reckoning was junk and pieced out, quit 19's, or do endgame mostly.

i dont count hunter with 900 health who sssssssssss and rogues with 900 health who 2222222222223 (2 = ss 3 = evis) as twinks. What i mean to say is that there are not nearly as many gear+skill twinks in reckoning as there are in other battlegroups.
Omgimarogue said:
i dont count hunter with 900 health who sssssssssss and rogues with 900 health who 2222222222223 (2 = ss 3 = evis) as twinks. What i mean to say is that there are not nearly as many gear+skill twinks in reckoning as there are in other battlegroups.

Lol .
Youre such a bitter person, and u must know who i am because youve read my other posts on the forums. Sorry i hurt your feelings, but its sad youre keeping a grudge over lol19s.

As far as dodge vs agi, to each his own. If it were that bad, there wouldnt be as many people with it.

You think explorer at 19 is easy? Okay, it sure is, probably the easiest thing ive done in this game.

And you can say my first post is lame, lousy, uncalled for or whatever you want.. im still damn proud of what i did, regardless of whether you want to hate or not. And like i said, you have yet to come forth with a toon that got this EASY achievement.

And sure, ideally, for some people, 2SF, or 2Assassins would be ideal. Or a combo of 800 other different weapon choices for a rogue. Welcome to "lolarathor", we dont have unlimited ammounts of amazing twink items, So lets not bag on the fact that its all i have.. how about lets talk about the fact that i got one on our fail server regardless?

Rogues have hundreds of combos, i dont do my twink like you do yours, doesnt mean i cant kill shit lol.
Got mine 1/13/09. As far as people saying that it was no harder before than it is now, I beg to differ. I know I was not the first to get the title, but I was among the first, and I did it legit, I ground out around 20k gold after power leveling to 80, and bought a mammoth. When I got mine the consensus was still that it could not be done.

In other words I was shooting for an something with no certainty that it was possible. 19 twinks had enough problems with xp as it was pre 3.2 but throw a few titles and a crapload of achievements in there and it made it all the harder.

Sure its just as "painful" to do now as it was then, but it is not as big an achievement now imo. I don't think that it can be argued that the amount of care and planning it took to make a toon with that title, and still have a well made twink when you are done, can in anyway be compared with today.

The reason why I made my toon was too see exactly how much I could fit into a character under the restrictions of 19 levels. To a great extent that is a meaningless endeavor now. Anyone can get any achievement or title in the game if they level indiscriminately, but the challenge of doing all of it with the fear of a possible ding definitely added to the allure of it to me. Now its just this: Toggle xp and grind grind grind.

Grats Cogs

Edit: my twink: [char=Kul+Tiras]D%C3%B6mhring[/char]
Cogs said:
Youre such a bitter person, and u must know who i am because youve read my other posts on the forums. Sorry i hurt your feelings, but its sad youre keeping a grudge over lol19s.

As far as dodge vs agi, to each his own. If it were that bad, there wouldnt be as many people with it.

You think explorer at 19 is easy? Okay, it sure is, probably the easiest thing ive done in this game.

And you can say my first post is lame, lousy, uncalled for or whatever you want.. im still damn proud of what i did, regardless of whether you want to hate or not. And like i said, you have yet to come forth with a toon that got this EASY achievement.

And sure, ideally, for some people, 2SF, or 2Assassins would be ideal. Or a combo of 800 other different weapon choices for a rogue. Welcome to "lolarathor", we dont have unlimited ammounts of amazing twink items, So lets not bag on the fact that its all i have.. how about lets talk about the fact that i got one on our fail server regardless?

Rogues have hundreds of combos, i dont do my twink like you do yours, doesnt mean i cant kill shit lol.

"As far as dodge vs agi, to each his own. If it were that bad, there wouldnt be as many people with it."

There aren't many people with it. the people who do have it just got the game back and haven't realized yet its junk. there are 2 enchants clearly better then the one u have. I am not a bitter person, i think its funny u post dumb shit here just like on wow forums. U got ripped apart on there to for ur lolguild and ur bogus claims.

"i dont count hunter with 900 health who sssssssssss and rogues with 900 health who 2222222222223 (2 = ss 3 = evis) as twinks. What i mean to say is that there are not nearly as many gear+skill twinks in reckoning as there are in other battlegroups."

They got xp turned off. They are most likely twinks. Just not very good ones. which is what i said. Gear + Skill in reckoning lol19's really doesn't exist anymore. Shiet is dead. I suggest u go to ruin.
^ you beat Thirk in achi points btw

EDIT: just noticed this was mentioned in another thread too. :/

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