/sigh Just want to leave my mark on history.


So, theres been a lot of talk about how after 3.2 every twink is now wanting to get their Explorer title.. seeing is how i was on vacation when the patch came out and was too lazy to put this up before hand.. im posting my mark now.

I got the Explorer title May, 29th of this year on my 19 twink Quickiecuts. Recently, she has been renamed to GÃ¥shes because my frist name wasnt as monumental imo ><. Me and 1 other person on our battlegroup (Mia) had this title BEFORE 3.2!! And i just wanted to show off my pride and joy : /



Anyone else? lol
Quite a lot of people got it when it was first available. I think there were Explorers at low levels.. two months after WoTLK came out.. even before maybe.
Cogs said:
So, theres been a lot of talk about how after 3.2 every twink is now wanting to get their Explorer title.. seeing is how i was on vacation when the patch came out and was too lazy to put this up before hand.. im posting my mark now.

I got the Explorer title May, 29th of this year on my 19 twink Quickiecuts. Recently, she has been renamed to GÃ¥shes because my frist name wasnt as monumental imo ><. Me and 1 other person on our battlegroup (Mia) had this title BEFORE 3.2!! And i just wanted to show off my pride and joy : /



Anyone else? lol

YOUR VERY far from being the only one doin that. And doing anything in reckoning 19's isn't saying much lol.
Evocate said:
Quite a lot of people got it when it was first available. I think there were Explorers at low levels.. two months after WoTLK came out.. even before maybe.

Yeah a guy from my BG got it before 2009.

EDIT: And the explorer title is as painful to get now as it was a month ago, it's just that we can all share that pain whether we are lvl 1 or 19.
So what? You do like it's so much hard work to just run around in a game. Rayu also got a hand of that, always the same bragging. That's just not the point where it gets hard, sir.
he might be the first to do it without speedhacks/netlimiter not too sure. regardless whether you're first or 500th, congratulations on a major achievement and enjoy the title.
Hey, i never said i was the first.. and never claimed to have superiority over everyone else that got it. Point is.. there were only 2 on our entire battlegroup, me and Mia.. while you say Reckoning is POS.. and to a very large extent i agree, the point still remains that there WERE only 2 and i was personally proud of it. I wasnt asking you to rain on my parade, or to congratulate me but more or less to show some respect to myself and all the others that actually DID accomplish this before it became easier for EVERYONE to get it.
i fail to see how u can personally claim to be the first 2 in the bg (and only prior to 3.2). Have u looked up every single twink in reckoning and their achievements? Or is ur claim just the twinks u have seen? Either way, stating its a "Mark on history" is probably one of the stupiest things i have heard.
Only active, and ofcourse you would never be 100% sure.. i mean how could you? But if you had the title.. which, after looking at all the 19s with the name "Medikal" and finding there isnt one that has Explorer, meaning.. you dont, wouldnt YOU play that toon?

And seeing is how youre ripeing on me without the title.. maybe you should go get it first? And then talk about how easy it is, or how "unspecial" i am for having it. Kthnx.
Cogs said:
And seeing is how youre ripeing on me without the title.. maybe you should go get it first? And then talk about how easy it is, or how "unspecial" i am for having it. Kthnx.

Why would he need the title to "rip" on you? I have the title, yes it looks cool, yes it's a waste of time, no I don't regret doing it. But don't try to act as if it's something "unique". It shows you are dedicated into putting time in your twink, not much else.
You should fix your OH and possibly the cloak enchant. Get Shadowfang or Cruel Barb if you don't have access to another Shadowfang.
Medikal said:
i fail to see how u can personally claim to be the first 2 in the bg (and only prior to 3.2). Have u looked up every single twink in reckoning and their achievements? Or is ur claim just the twinks u have seen? Either way, stating its a "Mark on history" is probably one of the stupiest things i have heard.

well, there aren't a lot twinks in reckoning to begin with - so its pretty safe to assume that mia and her are the first 2. And it would be safe to assume that anyone who worked their ass of to get it would be fairly active amirite? Gratz to you cogs :D
no no, i meant Iaccidentallytwink. I have Theif with +15agi on OH.. why would i change that? And dodge vs +3agi? Not a big diff, ill keep my dodge.

and Omgima i didnt realize you were the lock lol, youre my favs :)
Cogs said:
So, theres been a lot of talk about how after 3.2 every twink is now wanting to get their Explorer title.. seeing is how i was on vacation when the patch came out and was too lazy to put this up before hand.. im posting my mark now.

I got the Explorer title May, 29th of this year on my 19 twink Quickiecuts. Recently, she has been renamed to GÃ¥shes because my frist name wasnt as monumental imo ><. Me and 1 other person on our battlegroup (Mia) had this title BEFORE 3.2!! And i just wanted to show off my pride and joy : /



Anyone else? lol

This topic is retarded, that is all.


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