Shout out to the fossils!

thought u got automatic vet with 3 years of membership?
bgs need dedication, EU is at more fragile state than it was in cata or wrath, needs a lot working like people funding new ppl, advertising bracket etcetc, and the last 2 questions are opinions I can't really give you an answer - to me the game is still very much fun and I play it for the feels, nostalgic!

i don't think funding will help in all fairness. it shows that there's still alot of players around in the background even when you think they ain't.

i agree 100% with the rest though.

i also think if people played a little "nicer" with each other, it would boost this bracket no end. in the days of blackout only bg's there was unwritten rules about how players conducted them selves, if you look around it's still 90% blackout people in 19s. they should know better.
Although I didn't play with you guys back in the days, I might enchant up my ally rogue on Draenor and join you, if you want me :D

So far, we have (active):

- Sputnick (Druid)
- Swing (Paladin)
- Rastaman (Rogue)
- Obybetty (Druid)
- Shapau (Rogue)
- Gretan (Mage)
- Opponent (Nype, Rogue)

We are 7 regularly active twinks (19). You're welcome to join <Against All Odds>, we are recruiting.
happy now?

haha you keep keep it, I abandoned it some time ago.
But some people here are real fossils, it's cool that they still read this forum from time to time even to they don't play anymore.
That's why I replied to this thread in the first place, to toss my hat in the ring, not my LFH ofc. I heard the enchants work again? Man i'm fossil, don't even know what's going on in retail right now! Do they even call it retail nowadays? :D

Greetings out of the 19s pension
haha you keep keep it, I abandoned it some time ago.
But some people here are real fossils, it's cool that they still read this forum from time to time even to they don't play anymore.
That's why I replied to this thread in the first place, to toss my hat in the ring, not my LFH ofc. I heard the enchants work again? Man i'm fossil, don't even know what's going on in retail right now! Do they even call it retail nowadays?
Greetings out of the 19s pension

Hello dude, long time no see. I just left the 19s pension for a walk! :) How have you been?

Why's Sputnick banned o_O

The main reason was because I insulted Laurasia. But we have sorted everything now, not going to happen again.
Just talking with familiar faces ingame (Finalprayer, you), makes me feel the nostalgia. :)
Concerning the queue time (1h30min), not so much... But I understand, times change. We used to wait like, 2min for a queue pop? Sometimes instant.

Well, that makes 3 of us (Sputnick, Finalprayer and Phonebook). 3 old geezs queueing up, whatayasay?

I will try to get Purj (from Bloodlust, not the other) to comeback again. He was Requiem on Hamcake/DetourWoW btw, for those of you who can't remembre (undefeated shaman).

Will also try to get Kalle (Ryrith) to log in. :3


Purge from Revo? He was undefeated? I remember him being not that great on PTRs compared to almost every other shaman on the PTRs at the time :O (Lota, Farmthis, etc.)
Purge from Revo? He was undefeated? I remember him being not that great on PTRs compared to almost every other shaman on the PTRs at the time :O (Lota, Farmthis, etc.)

He was Pürged from Dunemaul, Requiem from DetourWoW, and Tombstone from HamcakeLand.

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