It really is a shame that they shun and/or ignore twinks. I'm almost certain they wish to remove the experience lock feature altogether. And I can't figure out why for the life of me. Any player sees a handful of them every time they walk outside orgrimmar or go to goldshire. But to this day, many deny their method of enjoying the game and treat us like utter trash, without ever having tried locking their xp in the first place, whether it be 19s or 101s. The elitist, selfish mindset that endgame is the only means of enjoyment in wow is absolutely absurd.
But they know how much of an uproar that would cause if they were to remove the experience lock feature. Twinks make up a fairly large percentage of players throughout wow's history. But blizzard tends to want to ignore statistics and push their agenda and changes in the game without players consent or feedback.
It almost makes me want to quit the game knowing that all my effort in my toons are jeopardized by being in the hands of someone who could care less about it unless I was sucking off the endgame teets.
edit: Just as Chainz said, though. This is merely a support agent. So you shouldn't take it as set-in-stone. These things vary based on who you're talking to. But NONE of them reflect the higher-ups' view on the matter.
edit 2: also you are not currently a paying customer. So that could be one catalyst to this kind of response.