Shock N Awe 70 twinks


We are recruiting! we are looking to fill our core 25 man group we are in need of some tanks and dps. We raid friday, saturday, and sunday at 8 server and we are located on azgalor (horde side). if anyone has any questions about the guild PM me or Pst me in game at killonsight or feelmytotem.
Ill join! im missing the brutallus neck and hardened khorium ring/hyjal ring for my shaman enh BiS, i pull 3.6k dps on target dummies and i know all fights. Is there an age requirement? or anything of that matter? also do you have a sight i can check out? I cant promise that ill join but i can guarantee a good chance
is there any recruitment process? no application its just hey you can join?

i also checked the guild on the armory, seems i outgear all the people in there, i look foward to running raids and such, not looking for gearing up, i just want to raid. do you clear BT, Sunwell and such every week?
we are still working on gearing up our people for core 25 our group we have now is geared and yes we clear it every week. there is not app or anything like that and this is a new guild so we do have some people who need geared and if your there for every raid we will get u gear ontop of other people who need it as well

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