There was another 24 warr on youtube doing something similar to what you did, but the video was still great nonetheless . Crazy damage...
Hope you come back to 19s doe.
needs moar playerz like u on alliance bruh
Nice buffs,especially the magic resistance potion ur like the first person ive seen to ever use it( isee all these 24s run around without em..i mean you have a choice of nullfiying half of that explosive shot shit..then y not..)
I have a 24 hunter...made him when we were going to premade <EPlC> but then they couldn't field 10 and I kinda got bored of the facerolling...
Edit: I might make a 24 rogue once I finish finals.
If someone has an F2P geared rogue they don't really play anymore I'd take it off your hands to do some damage in this bracket
i can't even stand playing a twink hunter it's too easy let alone beating up f2p's with one. i enjoy warriors and i can't really have more fun in this game than dominating a 10v1 with one.
i would have fun being on the receiving end of getting owned in a 10v1, i would laugh all day about it.
man i swear thats some dejavu, it felt like it happen today.........did i?. My but feels swore....maybe it did.
How is that even fun? Life of a 19 wogue too hard I guess..