Share Money Making Tips?

Heyaa, just got this idea, to cba to see if this kind of opic is already in ´the forums so i just start fresh one.

So the idea of this topic, is to tell your money making idea for other twinks that they can buy stuff etc etc everything easier with easier job.

Like example if some1 starts just twnik on some realm without main character or anything (easy to make dk these days for few golds tough ) and wants to make some easy gold.

This maybe stupid idea, i don't know.

My first money making tip number.1 (More helpfull for hordes than alliances)

Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight drops from barrens from random mobs. In my realm it costs 200-350g in auction house. I always buy all under 320g, and then i'll fly to the Barrens. /1 WTB (Recipe) /w me" then "noobs" as we usually call them, whispers, and are willing to sell it for 1-50golds for me. so it's very cheap.

Then i head to Booty Bay auction house and put them in forlike 425 golds and after the sell, you get 361golds.

They sell very very well.

I don't even farm money these days. I get 1-2k money per day, doing 10 journeys to barrens from orgrimmar and /1 wtb for the recipie, and buying it from the horde auction house and selling in neutral.

Why does this work?

Recipe only drops form Barrens and it's WAY MORE COMMON in horde side than alliance becouse hordes level in barrens and it's 1% drop rate.

Alliance twinks can buy it from BB for example 425golds and sell alliance ah for 600g in my realm. so it's not so big bucks for allys. but it works as well.

(ya i know long writing :S)

Tip 2.

This works for both factions.

Selling Argeant Tournament pet's or just normal pets, Cocroaches, praire dogs, snakes, dragonhawks etc etc, in Booty Bay AH. Each pet costs 40silver, and i sell them for around 15gold per pet. it's helpfull, if you can know your oppositing actipon prices trough another twink or if you can acces for 2 accounts.

It's very simple, drop the price for like 50% from alliance prices or try different prices to see how much they sell for. Tournament pet's are selling very nice as well. i sold Durotar Scorpion for 1.5k and i bought it for 750golds. Got it sold in 30minutes from buying it. easy money, no job.

(These works for alliance as well but i play horde so it just comes this way out)

Final tip. (this is not so big money maker but it happens trough BB AH as well so it's handy to use this style as well)

So my final tip wich i'm sharing is selling Cooking recipies trough bb ah. example Recipe: Bat Bites, is for horde only, costs under 4silver in Tranquillien and can be sold for 22golds. there are load's of these recipes and for horde and alliance. These recipies are needed for some cooking achievment, i just rly can't remember for what, collect 160recipies or something.

Here's link for the Alliance and Horde recipies, wich sells nice for the oppositing faction, Faction exclusive recipes - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft

Collect like 100 each recipes and pet, create bank character wich you get in BB sent them in mail to save space, and put them in.

Well there were my tips for easy money, share your own tips, that people can gear their twinks easier or just collect some gold.

PS. Try not to Flood the markets :p

Yes sure you can do Dailies as well, but imo it tastes crap, and i like to make money easier. spending 1hour to collect recipies, get them sold in 2-3days and receive 2k from them, then deviates 1-2k per day when theyr availiable or pets. i rather just collect few items, put them on bb ah and do something else,check auctions after 24h example and loot few thusand from the mailbox (ofc not every time, but usually works for me)
Buy Adder's Tongue and Eternal Life. Tip a scribe 50g to mill and make cards. Double your investment every time assuming a 2500g investment each time and that you complete the decks. Doesn't require you moving outside of Dalaran or Org, 2 hours a day tops, 2 - 3 days per deck. Average of 500g+ gold an hour. No backing, no setup, no main required, and hassle-free. Best part is it's impossible for competition to appear. The decks sell for 5k on average and they are moderately in demand at least until 3.2 so there's absolutely no problem with someone attempting to undercut you.
I make some decent money with Scarlet Rubies. They sell during the week for around 40g a peice and during the weekend they are around 80g. It has been working quite well but it could only be my server.
I've noticed the cost of twink gear on the realms many twinks have been transfering to has gone up dramatically. However on other realms the gear is cheap becuase demand has bottomed. If you plan on transfering to a twinked realm might want to load up on twink gear such as bracers or even the more rare blue items. Saw a treebark on a Reckoning BG realm for 300g I know this item sells for much more on a Ruin or Cyclone realm.
farm crusader enchants and vanilla mats in live strat
I used to be able to farm Lifestealing recipes for 100-125g each. I swear I could have had 5 in the bank at any given time and just rack up a ton of cash having farmed nothing but the first room in Scholo 5 times in about 45 minutes. I could never understand why they sold for that much but they did. Yet no one EVER was in trade looking for Lifestealing. Go figure.

Crusader is also a very good enchant to farm. Though I never had the success rate with it that I had with Lifestealing drops.

One of the best things for 49 twinks is mid-level leatherworking skins. I don't know if it was just my server but the stuff I'd get from STV would be 25-30g a stack. It's certainly not sexy and is a bit on the high side for time vs. G but you're not dependent on drops. Mining is going to be hella sexy for thorium/mithril once we get epic mounts and can outrun anything we may aggro in the 50-60 areas.

One of the best things to do if you're only 30-39 is to collect silver, gold and Truesilver. Those ores on my server were 100g a stack thanks to mining deadzones.
Castrophy said:
I make some decent money with Scarlet Rubies. They sell during the week for around 40g a peice and during the weekend they are around 80g. It has been working quite well but it could only be my server.

Similar to the above,

on most servers I've played on, scarlet rubies are much cheaper than the cut version(s), sometimes even up to 50% cheaper. I've bulk bought these, then had them cut for about 5g tip per cut - as most JCers will go cheaper cutting fee if you order in bulk - and made up to 55g per cut (60g, -5g cutting fee).

just thought I'd share this, can't really think of anything else...

Oh wait,

If you are continuously running a really unlucky friend through VC to get BDA or CB, or w.e, make sure you keep all parrot cages (green wing macaw). I've sold loads of these for a range of 60-150g on horde ah.

hope this helps


I also only farm the AH so here goes...

Easy way to make lots of money..

Make macros saying you will mass buy stuff (then type in a cheaper price then the AH). Most people will sell it to you if they just got it because the AH is a hassle and often people selling these items just want money.

Things you can do this with:

Buy and sell Runed Orbs.. on the market you can find some for 500 (I spam a macro so people CoD them to me) - resell for 750

Buy and sell Frozen Orbs (I buy for 50 resell for 65-70)

Nobles Decks, (I have bought these for 3k and sold for 7k before) What IAT said is very good advice.

Eternal Life (I buy for 10 resell for 15)

Tailoring cloth (Get tailors to quickly make you moonshroud, ebonshroud etc and pay them 5-10g in tip) *I ask tailor's in my mains guild* . You can make huge profits from this... generally it costs about 20g a moonshroud and you resell for up to 150.

Twink Items are huge. Buy twinks items and sell high... especially rare ones. People that are twinking are often thinking ... I want an item for 100g etc.. but if its rare often they will spend more to get it. For example, I have sold Thorbia's for 200g before simply because I had all 4 on the server and I bought out any that appeared. Eventually the warriors had to buy it from me.

Buy epics from Ulduar. Often people who cant raid but have a lot of money will buy these items because they dont have the time to raid. Go to Ulduar.. spam a macro at 12 when most raids end. Often tired gleaders will just sell to you if no one in their guild wants anything.

Think creatively.. You can send tells to top guilds in your server or starting guilds doing Naxx and tell the gleader that for a fee you will take your main with engineering and come inside their instance to allow them to use your repair bot.

Spam alchemy in general chat outside Ulduar. Often people (I did this a lot until I figured out I could make a profit from thinking ahead of time instead of giving other people my profit) will forget pots and will hastily buy it from you come raiding time. I know some guilds get pretty pissed if you arent flasked
Evocate said:
I also only farm the AH so here goes...

Easy way to make lots of money..

Make macros saying you will mass buy stuff (then type in a cheaper price then the AH). Most people will sell it to you if they just got it because the AH is a hassle and often people selling these items just want money.

Things you can do this with:

Buy and sell Runed Orbs.. on the market you can find some for 500 (I spam a macro so people CoD them to me) - resell for 750

Buy and sell Frozen Orbs (I buy for 50 resell for 65-70)

Nobles Decks, (I have bought these for 3k and sold for 7k before) What IAT said is very good advice.

Eternal Life (I buy for 10 resell for 15)

Tailoring cloth (Get tailors to quickly make you moonshroud, ebonshroud etc and pay them 5-10g in tip) *I ask tailor's in my mains guild* . You can make huge profits from this... generally it costs about 20g a moonshroud and you resell for up to 150.

Twink Items are huge. Buy twinks items and sell high... especially rare ones. People that are twinking are often thinking ... I want an item for 100g etc.. but if its rare often they will spend more to get it. For example, I have sold Thorbia's for 200g before simply because I had all 4 on the server and I bought out any that appeared. Eventually the warriors had to buy it from me.

Buy epics from Ulduar. Often people who cant raid but have a lot of money will buy these items because they dont have the time to raid. Go to Ulduar.. spam a macro at 12 when most raids end. Often tired gleaders will just sell to you if no one in their guild wants anything.

Think creatively.. You can send tells to top guilds in your server or starting guilds doing Naxx and tell the gleader that for a fee you will take your main with engineering and come inside their instance to allow them to use your repair bot.

Spam alchemy in general chat outside Ulduar. Often people (I did this a lot until I figured out I could make a profit from thinking ahead of time instead of giving other people my profit) will forget pots and will hastily buy it from you come raiding time. I know some guilds get pretty pissed if you arent flasked

If you have a stable income of gold PLEASE don't ever do this, regardless of how much is offered. Those items can be saved for good players in your guild or friends that can use it, as opposed to selling it off to increase that little number in your bag higher.
Ah i forgot one. This reguires main, or just high level friends with soe right prrofessions.

Buy all Eternal Earths Under 7.5g, and find and JC to make Stoneguard rings for you form them. Or, in my realm, Eternal Shadows are cheaper than Earths, buy Shadows as well and make Shadowmight Rings.

So 1 Ring costs around 15g MAX.

Next step is to find Enchanter who can disenchant them for you. Loot from 1ring is around 2-5 Infinite dusts, wich in my relam costs 4g in good days. and usually the drop is better side of the 3 so it's only 2g loss from it.

But, around 25% chance they drop Greater Cosmic essences or 2, wich sells nice. Usually if i spent 1000golds for buying mats and then tippin ppl who do the job for me, i spent like 1100g. but after selling the enchanting materials in ah i get 2000g so 900g profit. wich is nice to get in 15min work or so.

Enjoy : )
AH farming: rep items and "combinables"

I hate spending time on farming, so I look for pricing gaps in reputation items and in combinable items. For example, on two servers I buy argent dawn rep items (dark iron scraps, bone fragments, savage fronds, and two others I can't think of atm) at any point that I can get them for an average price of 3G per thirty. Then I sell them for double that, plus listing fees. The "per thirty" is important, since players hand in these items thirty at a time. Some rep items have more demand than others.

Likewise, motes of fire, earth, water, shadow and especially air tend to sell for less than the primals they make. Get to know the going rates of prices on your servers, buy motes, and resell them as primals. Primals also fluctuate wildly, so you can buy low and sell high. I used to buy life and shadow anytime they dipped below 2G each, and then sell them for 4G each or more. I would buy any motes of air at 1G each or less, then sell the primal air for 20-30G. Anytime you sell, don't sell more than five primals at a time.

After you build up enough money, you can start to do this with excess twink items that appeal to multiple twinks, like freezing bands, underworld bands, Robes of the Magi, ...basically any blue or purple twink item. I prefer to buy them and help fellow twinks with them, but some servers simply don't have enough of an interested and skilled twink population. ...Kirin'Tor, I'm looking at you.

If you have mining skills or alchemy skills, look for opportunities to turn ore into more profitable bars (though often the ore goes for more), and herbs into more profitable potions. Same thing with enchanting. ...I have a bank alt who I worked up to level 20, then got her enchanting up to 225. That means she can disenchant level 50 items, which often yield illusion dust or eternal essences. Any green item that sells for 1G or less in that range will yield a profit when you DE it.

Interested in the 39 bracket specifically? Start collecting pieces of Cuergo's treasure map -- anytime you see a piece for 1G or less on the AH, snag it. When you have a bunch of maps put together, go get the treasure. Kill all the pirates guarding the treasure, but only loot one of them. Get the treasure. Then start the quest again with another map, and loot the next pirate. Surprise! That pirate just gave you the key to the treasure again! Wash, rinse, repeat. This is great for 39s because not only can you disenchant useless greens for vision dust and nether essence (dream dust goes for nothing on my servers), but every once in awhile you get a good green 39 twink item. Bonus tip: If the treasure chest contains a BoP recipe, don't take it out of the treasure box! You can sell it via trade chat for some gold, because Cuergo's treasure chest is not bound! This will make some wealthy recipe collectors very happy, and increases your reputation as a trustworthy source of interesting goods.

If 3.2 enables arcana enchanting via trade windows again, consider getting into that business. Getting the mats for +100 hp takes awhile, but +8 AGI and +8 spell power are a quick trip to scholo or strat for the BoP materials, and then a jaunt to Dire Maul after you finish the quest chain for the first time. Not as profitable as playing the AH, but it's a good way to meet other twinks on your server and get a feel for who you may or may not get along with.

By the same token, now that old world enchants are BoE, farming them may bring you a little profit, but also allow you to meet more players interested in twinking.

For the AH suggestions, this is a lot of work by hand, but if you use mods to help you, then you can get a regular flow of items and gold going with very little work. Even with just an old "shopping list" type of mod, I spent less time and made more money per-time-spent than most people did straight farming.

Netherweave Bags can also bring you in a bit of cash - if you're just starting out and a little nervous about working the AH. It takes 20 netherweave cloth and 1 runed thread to make each bag, buy a stack of cloth for 2-4g and sell the bag for ~10-20g
Bwappo said:
Interested in the 39 bracket specifically? Start collecting pieces of Cuergo's treasure map -- anytime you see a piece for 1G or less on the AH, snag it. When you have a bunch of maps put together, go get the treasure. Kill all the pirates guarding the treasure, but only loot one of them. Get the treasure. Then start the quest again with another map, and loot the next pirate. Surprise! That pirate just gave you the key to the treasure again! Wash, rinse, repeat. This is great for 39s because not only can you disenchant useless greens for vision dust and nether essence (dream dust goes for nothing on my servers), but every once in awhile you get a good green 39 twink item. Bonus tip: If the treasure chest contains a BoP recipe, don't take it out of the treasure box! You can sell it via trade chat for some gold, because Cuergo's treasure chest is not bound! This will make some wealthy recipe collectors very happy, and increases your reputation as a trustworthy source of interesting goods.

Very interesting piece of information.
Yeah but for me I only keep rare twink items in my guild bank.. and I sell them when I know a good twink will use them. I refuse to just give my gear to anyone (especially people I know are terrible and dont have any inclination towards becoming better). That being said if you are on its likely you care about twinking... so no one here should have that problem =)
[item]Deviate Fish[/item] -> [item]Savory Deviate Delight[/item]

Use: Sell Me ;)

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