One can only hope shammies become viable again in the 19 bracket. Right now they just blow ass without any real viable defense tools. Lackluster dmg, healing, and no real CC. Frost shock would be great, Healing Surge would be even better Stormstrike and Lava burst would be ideal.
This Xpac is still like. Over a year away. Chill. WTB less threads like 'Look what's happening in mists! Rogue's are losing shadow step! Shamans are getting buffed! Hunters are wearing cloth!'.... It's a fucking YEAR away. Probably MORE than that. I foresee the release date being like cata was - Mid December to make some serious buck from Christmas.
And as for ferals? My main is a feral. And feral DPS is fucking DISGUSTING (In a good day) [@85] HOWEVER - As for 19's? I don't really know too much. From what I've seen they hit pretty hard, but at the same time their ToT seems to be lacking. I think giving them feral charge (Something new to spice things up a bit) and to give back Nature's grasp would be a pretty cool move.
And imo blizz should make feral charge like heroic leap... Just saying...
Have you tried playing a shaman @ 19? If there are zero rogues/hunters on the field you can probably do well. If there are rogues/hunts present, you just get destroyed.
Have you tried playing a shaman @ 19? If there are zero rogues/hunters on the field you can probably do well. If there are rogues/hunts present, you just get destroyed.
I've been playing my 19 Shaman for nearly 5 years. I've been through the phases where we would jump up and down on the "OP" scale. I'm aware of the classes weaknesses, and honestly I manage quite well in the field on my Shaman. If you know how to play you can counter Rogues and Hunters, it may not be easy but it can be done.
Just because our of recent nurfs doesn't tarnish us of our usefulness, to say that we aren't viable because of Healing Wave or not enough DMG is absurd.
All your posts discussing Shamans throughout the 19 bracket forums are all completely negative and the rubbish needs to end.