shaman PvP guide

Halbrium! Do Alamo next! <3
a few made me laugh but seriously.
You won't update when you're sober right? Would spoil it.
Legendary post. Reminds me of playing enhance at 39 in the wf days.
I'm glad the ice turned out so well for you!

UPDATE TO THE SKY: Many of you shaman's have requested me that I add guide to kill fellow shamans brothers. YOU ARE TRAITORS. You must love your shamans. When you see shamans you use do not fight. use spectral wolf ability and you dance with the other spectral wolves.


Hello all shamns!

I am Qubec so please excuse my unexcellence typing.

Things may seem stupid but if you fret you will be apologetics because what i bring is smart witty and satisfying to all shaman.

first i say hello and then i say PVP!!!!


Mage - This fight is for the ones who say "SHAMAN NEED BUFFS" HAHAHA!! because mage is EZ SELECT MODE.

STEP 1: Lay down your main friend totem! The one I spoke of is grounding totem! This highly effect totem is used to vacum spells that your oponent sends to your face!

STEP 2: PURGE PURGE PURGE! Take his powers and make him waste his MANA!

STEP 3: Pray that you receive the excellence of windfury! You will be so sweet and set! When you get 10,000 DMG!

STEP 4: USE EARTHSHOCK CONSERVATIVLEY (like your bush!!) Because when you do that it will be very difficult for them to destory you when you are weaked at the end of the fight. DO NOT BLOW YOUR MANA FOR DMG! HAMMER IS FOR DMG!!! ES IS FOR GETTING OUT OF MEAN SITUATION

Warlock - This fight is for those who say OHHHHH NOOO NOT WARLOCK!!! They are very hard fighters because they use the power of main fire and the Satan!!!

STEP 1: Again lay down the grounding totem!! It will steal his shadowbolts! WASTE HIS MANA!

STEP 2: Purge his devil horse.

STEP 3: Again! Pray that you receive the excellence of windfury! You will be so sweet and set! When you get 10,000 DMG!

DRUID: This fight is for those that say "OH NO WHY IS ANIMALS ON MY FACE?!"

STEP 1: This fight will be very slow and it will be very diffcult. Use WF and whittle him down like a stick

STEP 2: USE Earthshock to hurt him while healing.



Warrior: This is easy fight because warriors have so many abilities that dont hurt shaman very much. The best way to kill is to use as many spells as possible since they bypass his BIG armor

STEP 1: Shoot him with power!



HUNTER: This is one fight worth remebering because hunters are common! it seems everyone is elf hunter

STEP 1: USE earthbind totem to slow that man and his beast to a crawl. Use frostshock if he gets too far, or for quick slowing. Try and keep his beast seperated from him so his beast does not turn your body into a delicious treat for consumption.


STEP 3: Do now slow down to heal, this is a bad idea. The only time you should heal is if you can do it super quick. It is like if you just sat there licking your blood but have arrows shoot in your eyes causing more blood. you will use your mana to get rid of the blood till you have no more mana and the arrows cover your entire body in a coat of pain.

PALADIN: He will hearth alot so watch out for his bubble.

STEP 1: To stop his heath interup him or just keep hitting him. This is where quick weapons like two knives are valuable. Just keep tapping him with knives and it will defect his escape

STEP 2: Incase he decides to try his luck, he will take a long time to die and its best you manage your mana wiseley. If you keeping shocking earth he will kill you because you will be out of mana and paladin uses power of the immortal god so he can stay alive/awake for hours.

STEP 3: If you get him down low and he still has enough mana to heal, stun that sun of the gun, and do all the dmg power you can. windfurry, earthshock, nature swift!, and stormstrike all in UNISON. make him say "I am going to win" and then bring him the dead screen. He will think he is under the lag.

ROGUE: You will not be able to see this character. The rogue can hide from your eyes, like water or transparent glue.

STEP 1: This character should probably be played with a nintendo wifiii because it would be so fun to shake the wand like a person on very exciting drugs. People will think you are crazy but you will be doing MASSIVE DAMAGE.

STEP 2: Much like Paladin, you must trick the rogue to think you are about to die and your powers will combine for the power of planet.


STEP 3: The rogue will not attack you as frequently if you are not in an area with many quests like STV.

PRIEST: This is a fight for people who are not afraid to anger the main god.

Step 1: Priest are a healing class, which makes them vurile foes in one on one, but you need not worry about that in group pvp.

STEP 2: If they turn dark, you have made them angry and your brain may start to smell like burning. Run quickly away. This situation is what spectral wolf talent is made for.

STEP 3: If you see a golden water fountain occur, you make breathe sigh of releif because your opponent is a child.

the angel with the breasts is your sexual image reward for victory


I will have more later but my mom is taking me for excellent ice!!!!!!!!!!!!! EDIT: I HAVE ALREADY GOTTEN THE ICE!


EDIT: I AM BACK FROM ICE!!!!!!!! IT WAS SO GOOD. I put maple syrup on it like always but my sister whom, has amrican boyfriend does not use tree syrup, she uses blue juice that is like fruit, but it does not taste like fruit.
By far the best thing I've read all week. This will keep me giggling for years.
Reading this had the same feel as being in a bad pug.

And then, I realized, none of this matters and enjoyed the madness for what it was.
I hope you're going to add a Q&A in the future cause I got a problem.

STEP 2: If they turn dark, you have made them angry and your brain may start to smell like burning. Run quickly away. This situation is what spectral wolf talent is made for.
Okies, so, I was at dat part den my head went all explody, KA-BOOM! Think humpty dumpty but, like instead of an egg, well, it's like my head was the egg. KA-PLOW, my brains were just leaking all over the place. It was like the priest said, "How do you like your eggs?" menacingly before giving me the breakfast special, you know, the ol crackin' the noggin' open.

From burning, melting, to exploding, quite the sensation if you ask me. My team was way way WAY freaked, like "WOAH, their head just exploded!". I was like "Duude, calm down, it's just a flesh wound". PuGs can be sooo dramatic and needy, ugh, so needy. "My hair's on fire, help!," "HEAL ME!," "Get this rogue off of me!" Jeez, re-lax guys, come on... it's just a game, right? Besides, WHERE WERE YOU WHEN MY HEAD EXPLODED? HUH?!

Anyhow, my friends and family are super worried, they want me to give up shamanism.

What should I do? Thanks in advance!
I hope you're going to add a Q&A in the future cause I got a problem.

Okies, so, I was at dat part den my head went all explody, KA-BOOM! Think humpty dumpty but, like instead of an egg, well, it's like my head was the egg. KA-PLOW, my brains were just leaking all over the place. It was like the priest said, "How do you like your eggs?" menacingly before giving me the breakfast special, you know, the ol crackin' the noggin' open.

From burning, melting, to exploding, quite the sensation if you ask me. My team was way way WAY freaked, like "WOAH, their head just exploded!". I was like "Duude, calm down, it's just a flesh wound". PuGs can be sooo dramatic and needy, ugh, so needy. "My hair's on fire, help!," "HEAL ME!," "Get this rogue off of me!" Jeez, re-lax guys, come on... it's just a game, right? Besides, WHERE WERE YOU WHEN MY HEAD EXPLODED? HUH?!

Anyhow, my friends and family are super worried, they want me to give up shamanism.

What should I do? Thanks in advance!

Bbest way i found to cope wit those pesky brain meltzors is make yourself stupid. Do everything u can to diminish your brain powers. I have some pointers but alot of them include abusing illegal substances, so i better not post them heres or i might get in troubles :)
Bbest way i found to cope wit those pesky brain meltzors is make yourself stupid. Do everything u can to diminish your brain powers. I have some pointers but alot of them include abusing illegal substances, so i better not post them heres or i might get in troubles :)

I voted you for MVP.
Bbest way i found to cope wit those pesky brain meltzors is make yourself stupid. Do everything u can to diminish your brain powers. I have some pointers but alot of them include abusing illegal substances, so i better not post them heres or i might get in troubles :)
Oh, uh okay.

I guess I'll start by removing all the intellect from my gear :O

And maybe I should pickup Bloodthistle again, it was quite relaxing.

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