Shaman gear questions:

Why do you people [ITEM]Evocator's Blade[/ITEM]? Wouldn't [ITEM]Buzzer Blade[/ITEM] better for the crit?

Or say [ITEM]Buzzer Blade[/ITEM] with sp on it and [ITEM]Evocator's Blade[/ITEM] with int enchant on it to start fights with?

Also, I've read, get [ITEM]Forest Buckler[/ITEM] for main shield with stam on it and get [ITEM]Arctic Buckler[/ITEM] with spirit on it? Why is this? Does the extra int really outweight the stats on the arctic?

Last thing is, on the Arctic Buckler, does the 4 extra block not doing anything special compared the Forest Buckler?

Thanks in advance.

Edit: This is for a int/stam/sp shaman btw.
Yes, Evocator's Blade with +22 int and Buzzer Blade with +30 spell is fine.

Forest Buckler with +7 stam is for the start of the fight, once you wear out the stam and int you switch to Arctic Buckler with +4 mp5/hp5 - this will last you most of the fight.

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