Shalian left The blacklisted and remade a new guild. Why?

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Alright i'll just post this once to settle things correctly. I never at any point have hated Tetarius, I only felt at the end i was forced to leave the guild and take action since in my opinion Tetarius is pure slack. He said himself i was free to leave. And so i did. With alot of members who felt the same way as i did. Don't get me wrong though. I don't really care if you think i'm a jerk or if you think Tetarius is a jerk. I would simply just like you all to know why instead of getting tons of whispers ingame. Not to mention the fact Tetarius is saying things about me which isn't exacktly true ( Read the Russian propeganda thread below ).

First of all why?

Tetarius is one big slacker. Now i don't want this thread to be a flame thread, course no one cares. But fact is me and a few others have done several requests to tetarius to be a more active Guild master. Fact is for the time we've been in Blacklistedn he's done no Gevents, RBGs, raids, nor really helped out on things like dungeon challenges. He dosn't really listen to his officers.

I just had enough with terarius.

Tetarius generally?

russian BGs. All he does. No speaking in guild chat, or as just stated, any guild efforts / events. Much of his attitude when i kindly asked him to do stuff was either ''/shoo'' or bla bla bla.Simply an attitude that isn' really fit for guild master in my opinion. Atleast it gets very tiresome with a guildmaster who's pure slack and don't care for his guild members.

For instance

For once tetarius actually did scheduele a guild event. Black temple. Tetarius words were. people are unreliable and stuff like that. But even though we had 16 people signed and 4 on tenative, Tetarius gets himself safed.

When we did the 85 instances for phoenix mount Tetarius didn't want to show up. he ''cba'' even though we needed him as tank since no one else could come. Same applies for several raid events. When tetarius dosn't want to come, he dosn't give a flying **** if it means 20 people won't be able to do thier raid.

I can keep going with situations where tet has just been either pure slack or made stupid decisions which had lead the guild downhill,.

About guild bank

To be fair when we first bought the guild i deposited alot of gold into the Guild bank since we didn't have cash flow, and people contributing enough compared to the repair we gave everyone ( which tetarius later on secretly removed though we clearly had an agreement. Just another situation where he excluded his officers ). And gems? Well guess who deposited them. only thing tetarius did was just taking them without payment which also was another agreement we had.

I was not officer but Co-GM

When me and tet bought the guild he got the GM rank, but we clearly agreed i was to be just as much GM. Aka Co GM. BUT tetarius never trusted anyone. He kept slacking with ranks, making me unable to gkick the people who were just shitty in the way they spammed or flammed everyone else in the guild. We even had a day with botters spamming the guild chat and i was unable to do anything since the only one who could kick was Tetarius.

Daily when i logged on i got several whispers from random people who asked me questions regarding the guild, Guild invite and so on. All in all people just saw me as the guild master and not tetarius who only did Russian premades.

Russian propeganda

Now yes i said those things about tetarius as his screenies clearly states. But it was taken out of contrast. It's been like that for ages, with tetarius being slack slack slack. he didn't hold our agreement which basicly was i was just as much GM as he was. He kind of abused his rank imo.

Funny thing is though Tetarius is currently reporting me to a guild master for; ''Guild kicking someone whom's farther was black. A K A racism?

Generally, things tetarius says is taken out of contrast.
Uhm.. If it was this bad, who the hell would join the guild?
All I just read was: "Tetarius is mean". And when you complain about him not scheduling guild events, if you were co gm why didn't you schedule events yourself?
If someone feels serious enough about this situation to post on this forum about it I think you should deal with it with due diligence and respect. A legitimate concern is expressed and perhaps you should discuss it.
Russian propeganda

And vodka and dancing bears

Fact is for the time we've been in Blacklistedn he's done no Gevents, RBGs, raids, nor really helped out on things like dungeon challenges. He dosn't really listen to his officers.

Officers/raidleader's job, not mine.

For once tetarius actually did scheduele a guild event. Black temple. Tetarius words were. people are unreliable and stuff like that. But even though we had 16 people signed and 4 on tenative, Tetarius gets himself safed.


When we did the 85 instances for phoenix mount Tetarius didn't want to show up.

orly? who was tanking it for ya ( the only glory of cata run) and didnt leave etc?

we first bought the guild

I bought. the lvl 8 guild for 75k gold.

i deposited alot of gold into the Guild bank since we didn't have cash flow, and people contributing enough compared to the repair we gave everyone ( which tetarius later on secretly removed though we clearly had an agreement. Just another situation where he excluded his officers ). And gems? Well guess who deposited them. only thing tetarius did was just taking them without payment which also was another agreement we had.

Agree about deposit, but it was the guild's gems and gold from that moment. and i paid for them always 100g each to a guildbank. "Secretly removed" and reduced repair was announced 2 weeks before in guildinfo

Shalian' timestamp='1327210177' post='416131 said:
He kept slacking with ranks, making me unable to gkick the people who were just shitty in the way they spammed or flammed everyone else in the guild. We even had a day with botters spamming the guild chat and i was unable to do anything since the only one who could kick was Tetarius.

Shalian' timestamp='1327210177' post='416131 said:
Daily when i logged on
Shalian' timestamp='1327210177' post='416131 said:
i got several whispers from random people who asked me questions regarding the guild, Guild invite and so on. All in all people just saw me as the guild master and not tetarius who only did Russian premades.
You think im not getting them?

Shalian' timestamp='1327210177' post='416131 said:
Russian propeganda

''Guild kicking someone whom's farther was black. A K A racism?
And vodka and dancing bears

Not for that. Talking about our dialog only, didnt even know wtf you were talking about (whom's farther was black) until some 1 said it to me ~4h after your guild leaving what kind of racism was it and why you got 24h banned for that. You said it was just for a "racist" joke in guildchat?

Shalian' timestamp='1327210177' post='416131 said:
Now i don't want this thread to be a flame thread
Orly? Ofc you do. And i think some 1 is sh*tting bricks because of my "Russian propeganda"

oh and:

/SHOO BLABLABLABLA !!!!!111111eleven

PS: Uhh, those two looks nice together


PS2: About those who left- i dont care anymore. They all knew about what Shalian did, but still joined him coz "The Blacklisted is dead" and dont have RBGs , when they all were in the guild and was able to do those. If they put personal benefits and ingame achieves above moral etc ( well, im not good at lexycal Ñ￾omparisons, but i think you got the idea) - i dont need them in my guild. And after they wont like Shalians guild (maybe) they wont be invited back to my guild

PS3: lock the thread, but dont delete it
Who is Shalian anyways?

obviously not important in the 70 community.
Hahahaha, Shalian seriusly, get a ******* life..

If you want events create them yourself.

If you want "decent" players in your guild recruit them yourself.

PS. being a jerk won't help you in any way Shalian, and I'm speaking of experience..

Several times i've seen people ask for your help for stuff as simple as gem cutting and you refuse (while not doing anything ig).

TL:DR you're bad Shalian, baaaaaaaad
Several times i've seen people ask for your help for stuff as simple as gem cutting and you refuse (while not doing anything ig).

Agree. He have almost all the epic gem cratfs but always ignores ppl. He was barely cutting them for me and was always whining about empty guildbank (gems). And he took them all . ROFL
Dont see the reason why theres so much drama over this, sounds like Tetarius is slacking (hiihihihiihihihiih) and Shalian is crying and seeking some attention because nobody really cares :>

I like potato's.
isnt shalian 2.3 or smth? unlike sponzo trying to troll him when he tells people he bots only but still able to emote /spit /spit Backpeddle /spit /spit Lance Lance JUmp/spit /spit and when he miraculously kills someone with 7 buttbuddies he /lols
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