Shadowlands Beta - Build 35679


Shadowlands Feedback - Class Changes in the Upcoming Build

Shadowlands Beta - Build 35679
A new build is on the way!

New Icons

Achievement Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
  • Epic (New) Equip an item of at least Epic quality, with a minimum item level of 183, in every slot. 10 points.
  • Shave and a Haircut Visit a Barber Shop and get your hair cut. 10 points. alter your appearance. 10 points.
  • Superior (New) Equip an item of at least Superior quality, with a minimum item level of 158, in every slot. 10 points.

  • Epic (Battle) Name changed from "Epic" to "Epic (Battle)". Equip Equipped an item of at least Epic quality, with a minimum item level of 340, in every slot. 10 points. during Battle for Azeroth.
  • Superior (Battle) Name changed from "Superior" to "Superior (Battle)". Equip Equipped an item of at least Superior quality, with a minimum item level of 310, in every slot. 10 points. during Battle for Azeroth.

Deepwind Gorge
Player vs. Player
  • Market Dominance Complete 100 Complete 25 victories in Deepwind Gorge while controlling the Market base. 20 points.

  • Heritage of Highmountain Earn level 110 50 on a newly created Highmountain tauren character. Reward: Highmountain Tauren Heritage Armor. 10 points. Account Wide.
  • Heritage of the Dark Iron Earn level 110 50 on a newly created Dark Iron dwarf character. Reward: Dark Iron Dwarf Heritage Armor. 10 points. Account Wide.
  • Heritage of the Kul Tirans Earn level 110 50 on a newly created Kul Tiran character. Reward: Kul Tiran Heritage Armor. 10 points. Account Wide.
  • Heritage of the Lightforged Earn level 110 50 on a newly created Lightforged draenei character. Reward: Lightforged Draenei Heritage Armor. 10 points. Account Wide.
  • Heritage of the Mag'har Earn level 110 50 on a newly created Mag'har orc character. Reward: Mag'har Orc Heritage Armor. 10 points. Account Wide.
  • Heritage of the Mechagnome Earn level 110 50 on a newly created mechagnome character. Reward: Mechagnome Heritage Armor. 10 points. Account Wide.
  • Heritage of the Nightborne Earn level 110 50 on a newly created Nightborne character. Reward: Nightborne Heritage Armor. 10 points. Account Wide.
  • Heritage of the Void Earn level 110 50 on a newly created void elf character. Reward: Void Elf Heritage Armor. 10 points. Account Wide.
  • Heritage of the Vulpera Earn level 110 50 on a newly created vulpera character. Reward: Vulpera Heritage Armor. 10 points. Account Wide.
  • Heritage of the Zandalari Earn level 110 50 on a newly created Zandalari troll character. Reward: Zandalari Troll Heritage Armor. 10 points. Account Wide.

  • Covenant Campaign Complete the Covenant campaign. 10 points. Complete your Covenant campaign. 10 points. Account Wide.
  • Parasoling Master the art of Parasoling by completing the World Quest "Parasol Peril" 10 times. 10 points. Toy Reward: Weathered Purple Parasol. 10 points.

The Maw and Torghast
Expansion Features

String Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
  • 90POA_BOSS_01 (New) - Kalisthene
  • 90POA_BOSS_02 (New) - Echthra
  • 90POA_BOSS_03 (New) - Alderyn & Myn'ir
  • 90POA_BOSS_04 (New) - Nuuminuuru
  • 90POA_BOSS_05 (New) - Mad Mortimer
  • 90POA_BOSS_06 (New) - Splinterbark Nightmare
  • 90POA_BOSS_07 (New) - Thran'tiok
  • 90POA_BOSS_08 (New) - Craven Corinth
  • 90POA_BOSS_09 (New) - Athanos
  • 90POA_BOSS_10 (New) - Azaruux
  • ACCESSIBILITY_LABEL - Accessibility |TInterface\OptionsFrame\UI-OptionsFrame-NewFeatureIcon:0:0:0:-1|tAccessibility
  • ACTIONBARS_LABEL - |TInterface\OptionsFrame\UI-OptionsFrame-NewFeatureIcon:0:0:0:-1|tActionBars ActionBars
  • ADJUST_MOTION_SICKNESS_SHAKE - Camera |TInterface\OptionsFrame\UI-OptionsFrame-NewFeatureIcon:0:0:0:-1|tCamera Shake
  • ANIMA_DIVERSION_NOT_ENOUGH_CURRENCY - Not enough Deposited Anima. Reservoir Anima.
  • BIND_TRADE_TIME_REMAINING - You may trade this item with players that were also eligible to loot this item for the next %s.while logged in.
  • CALLINGS_QUESTS - Callings Quests
  • CHAR_CREATE_ALLIANCE_EMBASSY - And then visit the Stormwind Embassy to begin a quest to recruit this Allied Race. recruit this Allied Race
  • CHAR_CREATE_HORDE_EMBASSY - And then visit the Orgrimmar Embassy to begin a quest to recruit this Allied Race. recruit this Allied Race
  • CHAR_LEVELS_SQUISHED_DESCRIPTION (New) - Level 120 characters are now 50.|n|nLower level characters have been reduced proportionally.
  • CHAR_LEVELS_SQUISHED_TITLE (New) - Character Levels Squished
  • CMD_KEY_TEXT_ABBR (New) - m
  • COVENANT_MISSION_CONFIRM_HEAL_FOLLOWER (New) - Are you sure you want to fully heal this follower?
  • DISPLAY_LABEL - Display |TInterface\OptionsFrame\UI-OptionsFrame-NewFeatureIcon:0:0:0:-1|tDisplay
  • ERR_GROUPS_VOICE_CHAT_DISABLED (New) - Groups Voice Chat is currently disabled while we update the system. In the meantime, you can use voice chat through the Desktop App.
  • FLIGHT_MAP_CLICK_TO_ZOOM_OUT_HINT (New) - Right-Click to Zoom Out
  • JAILERS_TOWER_REWARD_HIGH_DIFFICULTY - Completing this difficulty layer will also grant you rewards from all lower difficulties
  • LFG_QUEUE_EXPAND_DESCRIPTION (New) - Dungeon Finder|n|n|cffffd200This search is taking a while.|n|nExpand your search to dungeons from other expansions?|r
  • LOCK_CURSOR - |TInterface\OptionsFrame\UI-OptionsFrame-NewFeatureIcon:0:0:0:-1|tLock Lock Cursor to Window
  • LOG_IN (New) - Log In
  • LOG_OUT (New) - Log Out
  • LOOT_JOURNAL_POWERS (New) - Powers
  • MAW_POWER (New) - Maw Power
  • META_KEY_TEXT_ABBR (New) - m
  • MOTION_SICKNESS_DROPDOWN - Motion |TInterface\OptionsFrame\UI-OptionsFrame-NewFeatureIcon:0:0:0:-1|tMotion Sickness
  • MOUSE_LABEL - |TInterface\OptionsFrame\UI-OptionsFrame-NewFeatureIcon:0:0:0:-1|tMouse Mouse
  • MUST_LOG_IN_FIRST (New) - Please log into the game with this character. Then log out and try again.
  • NPEV2_CHAT_NEWCOMER_GRADUATION_REMINDER (New) - |A:newplayerchat-chaticon-guide:0:0:0:0|a|cff00ff00You've graduated from Newcomer Chat!|r Feel free to ask any questions in General (%s) from now on.
  • OPTIONAL_REAGENT_TOOLTIP_SLOT_LOCKED_FORMAT (New) - Locked until skill rank %s.
  • OVERRIDE_SCREEN_FLASH - Override |TInterface\OptionsFrame\UI-OptionsFrame-NewFeatureIcon:0:0:0:-1|tOverride Screen Fades
  • PLAYER_CHOICE_QUALITY_STRING_COMMON - |cff20ff20Common|r|n|n |cffffffffCommon|r|n|n
  • PVP_CONQUEST_LOWLEVEL - You are not high enough level to use this feature yet. The %s feature unlocks at level 120. max level.
  • PVP_WAR_MODE_NOT_NOW_ALLIANCE - This can only be turned on in Stormwind. You must be in Stormwind to enlist in War Mode.
  • PVP_WAR_MODE_NOT_NOW_HORDE - This can only be turned on in Orgrimmar. You must be in Orgrimmar to enlist in War Mode.
  • QUICK_KEYBIND_MODE_BUTTON (New) - |TInterface\OptionsFrame\UI-OptionsFrame-NewFeatureIcon:0:0:0:-1|tQuick Keybind Mode
  • REFUND_TIME_REMAINING - You may sell this item to a vendor within %s for a full refund. of real time for a full refund.
  • RUNEFORGE_LEGENDARY_CRAFTING_CONFIRMATION (New) - Are you sure you want to craft this legendary for %s?
  • RUNEFORGE_LEGENDARY_UPGRADING_CONFIRMATION (New) - Are you sure you want to upgrade this legendary for %s?
  • SHOW_IN_GAME_NAVIGATION - In |TInterface\OptionsFrame\UI-OptionsFrame-NewFeatureIcon:0:0:0:-1|tIn Game Navigation
  • SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_506 (New) - You must obtain Venomous Solvents.
  • SPELL_FAILED_OPTIONAL_REAGENTS (New) - Invalid optional reagent: %s
  • STACK_RIGHT_BARS - |TInterface\OptionsFrame\UI-OptionsFrame-NewFeatureIcon:0:0:0:-1|tStack Stack Right Bars Vertically
  • TORGHAST_LEVEL_PICKER_LEADER_ERROR (New) - You are not the party leader.
  • UNITNAME_SUMMON_TITLE46 - %s's Pod Wildseed
  • VOICE_CHAT - |TInterface\OptionsFrame\UI-OptionsFrame-NewFeatureIcon:0:0:0:-1|tVoice Voice Chat
  • WIN_KEY_TEXT_ABBR (New) - w

Misc Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Battle Masters
  • All Arenas - Level: 10-60. Players: 5. Rated players: 5. Maps: Ashamane's Fall, Bastion Arena, Black Rook Hold Arena, Blade's Edge Arena, Dalaran Sewers, Empyrean Domain, Hook Point, Mugambala, Nagrand Arena, Ruins of Lordaeron, Shado-Pan Showdown, The Robodrome, The Tiger's Peak, Tol'Viron Arena.
  • Empyrean Domain - Name changed from "Bastion Arena" to "Empyrean Domain". Level: 10-60. Players: 5. Rated players: 5. Map: Bastion Arena. Empyrean Domain.

Character Titles
  • %s the Avowed (New)

Class Specializations

Currency Types
  • Argent Commendation - Commendation from the Argent Crusade in northern Icecrown for actions taken against the invading forces of the Shadowlands.
  • Sinstone Fragments - The Avowed and their adherents have an immense archive with knowledge to piece back together sinstones. This makes fragments highly valuable to them as well as some less scrupulous. Archivist Fane can use these to recreate Inquisitor Sinstones, which will allow you to hunt inquisitors in the Halls of Atonement.

Keystone Affixes
  • Bursting - When slain, non-boss enemies explode, causing all players to suffer 14% of their max health in damage over 4 sec. This effect stacks.
  • Grievous - When injured below 90% health, players will Injured players suffer increasing damage over time until healed above 90% health.
  • Inspiring - Name changed from "Inspiring [NYI]" to "Inspiring".
  • Spiteful - Name changed from "Spiteful [NYI]" to "Spiteful".
  • Storming - Name changed from "Storming [NYI]" to "Storming".

LFG Dungeons
  • Torghast, Tower of the Damned (New) - Fight your way to the top of Torghast. Map: Torghast, Tower of the Damned. Roles: 1-5 damage.
  • Torghast, Tower of the Damned (New) - Fight your way to the top of Torghast. Map: Torghast, Tower of the Damned. Roles: 1-5 damage.
  • Torghast, Tower of the Damned (New) - Fight your way to the top of Torghast. Map: Torghast, Tower of the Damned. Roles: 1-5 damage.
  • Torghast, Tower of the Damned (New) - Fight your way to the top of Torghast. Map: Torghast, Tower of the Damned. Roles: 1-5 damage.
  • Torghast, Tower of the Damned (New) - Fight your way to the top of Torghast. Map: Torghast, Tower of the Damned. Roles: 1-5 damage.
  • Torghast, Tower of the Damned (New) - Fight your way to the top of Torghast. Map: Torghast, Tower of the Damned. Roles: 1-5 damage.

Mail Templates
  • #576 (New) - $p, Not sure how long ago your letter arrived. Hopefully recent. Found your letter under a pile of ingots. It was covered in grease. Only read fourteen words were still legible and none of them in direct sequence. I assume you included some new curio in the package. In which case, I'm certain I've already found it, disassembled it, and reassembled it at least once already. It was no doubt illuminating. Your friend, Mikanikos
  • #577 (New) - $p, I seem to have forgotten where I was going or why I was going there. It was likely important. I found your letter in my bag. Perhaps you know what I was doing? If it helps, I appear to be near a large tree and... that's it. Please send instructions. Your friend, Mikanikos
  • #578 (New) - $p, Great letter. Diagrams of relics and technology you have encountered recently on your travels very appreciated. I will memorize them before distributing them to the forgehands for further study and experimentation. If I am not mistaken, one of the designs you sent will make a powerful new hat for Bron. Will try soon. Your friend, Mikanikos P.S. Bron says hello.
  • #579 (New) - To $p, Next time, please warn me before you open your letter with such a hiliarious anecdote. I nearly cracked a smile in front of the other polemarches. That said, you are right. It WAS hilarious when Theotar did that... thing at the Ember Court. You have some wild friends, $p. I am glad to count myself among them. See you soon, I hope, Polemarch Adrestes
  • #580 (New) - To $p, Thank you for taking the time to retrieve permission from General Draven to send me a thorough copy of the Stone Legion's military regulations and procedures. It was, for me, both an enlightening and rewarding book to read during my off-duty hours. I look forward to discussing it further with the general and the other military leaders at your next Ember Court. Until then, Polemarch Adrestes This letter is and all of its contents are the sole property of the Archon.
  • #581 (New) - To $p, Thank you for your letter. I sat on the edge of Hero's Rest, overlooking Purity's Pinnacle in the distance, as I read it. It was a valuable reminder of the victories we are winning across all of the Shadowlands. We will restore things to their proper order. Even here, as the forsworn assault our temples and attempt to sabotage us from within. We will prevail. We must. In honor, Polemarch Adrestes
  • #582 (New) - $p, Thank you for letter. It was very long. Please be more concise next time. Efficiency is essential to all of life's endeavors. Sika
  • #583 (New) - $p, Sika happy to hear that you are busy. Very good. Sika also busy. Very good. Come to Sika's workshop soon and we stop being busy. We just be friends. Sika
  • #584 (New) - $p, Your story in letter is good. Sika read it to all aspirants who come ask for help. All must hear good story of Sika's best friend. You are story hero now. Come tell story in person soon. Sika
  • #585 (New) - My friend, It was good to hear from you. I wrote back as soon as I was able, and I hope you will do the same. I love reading the stories of your adventures, particularly when you journey with others united in purpose. Tell me, $p, what is the most inspiring moment of sacrifice and bravery you have witnessed from a comrade in battle? I could use a little extra inspiration today. Your friend, Pelagos
  • #586 (New) - My friend, I am uncertain if you intended to convey a sense of sadness in your previous letter--perhaps I have misread it. Either way, I would like to offer you a word of encouragement. You have made tremendous progress in uniting the Shadowlands behind your Prince. The heroes of our realms rally behind your banner as you charge ahead into the unknown. The villains of our realms cower at the mere mention of your name. And I am proud to call you my friend. Sincerely, Pelagos P.S. Kleia wants you to know that she's proud of you too!
  • #587 (New) - Dear $p, I have wrestled the quill and parchment away from Pelagos so that I may be the one to write to you for once. I am currently writing this note while flying in the air above him. He is making quite the scene down there trying to convince me to come down. It is not my proudest moment, but it seemed the only way to ensure that I got to write to you for once. And now that I have... I can't quite think of what to write... I hope you're doing well. Come see us soon. Sincerely, Kleia P.S. If Pelagos asks what I wrote in this letter, tell him it was beautiful and inspiring!
  • #588 (New) - $p! I received your letter, but not the shipment of Revendreth-sourced slimes and oozes that I am certain was meant to accompany it. My experiments cannot wait, so I will have to move forward without them. Would you kindly send a dredger with the lost shipments as soon as possible? If there's a dredger you've been hoping to get rid of, send that one. It's a win-win! Thanks in advance, Plague Deviser Marileth
  • #589 (New) - $p, I am afraid that Kevin intercepted your previous letter before I could read it. I see it bobbing around inside of his slime as I write this. He seems reluctant to let me have it, and it's already mostly dissolved, so I'm going to let it go. It has given me a tremendous new idea for an experimental slime, however... Your teacher, Plague Deviser Marileth P.S. Kevin looks happier now. It must've been a very kind letter.
  • #590 (New) - No time for pleasantries! We have a crisis at the House of Plagues! (Well, another crisis...) Kevin caused it, of course. His constant flaunting of hats and showboating of balancing skills has sent the nearby colossal goos into a rampage! They're stomping right toward us, no doubt tot smash everything in sight! None of us will survive! As my apprentice you must carry on my work and-- Wait, it appears they turned left. They're heading back out to the leaning tower. They're sitting down. Oh, that's nice. False alarm. Carry on. Your teacher, Plague Deviser Marileth
  • #591 (New) - Got your note, $p. Appreciate the leads on new challengers for the theater of pain. Send 'em my way whenever they're ready. I don't care who they are, where they come from, or where they're going. If they can fight, I want 'em in my arena. Speaking of which, when are you going to come fight again? The fights today have put half the spectators to sleep. - Grandmaster Vole
  • #592 (New) - Keep sending stories like that last one in your last letter, and you'll be an even bigger legend around here. Overseer Kalvaros has been barking out the story of your battle to rile up the fans waiting below. You should've heard the cheer when he got to the part with your killing blow. Ha! Finish up whatever you're doing and then get over here to fight. The crowd's already chanting your name! - Grandmaster Vole
  • #593 (New) - Look, $p, I'm glad you're doing whatever it is you're doing out there across the Shadowlands, but you've got to get back here to the Theater of Pain. Mistress Dyrax just cleared the entire floor of challengers with five arms tied behind her back. It was incredible! I had L'arrynar bring in some Azerothian refreshments for you. Rencissa smashed them all because you took so long, but ol' Marcel Mullby's still got plenty of lukewarm tauralus milk. You like that stuff, right? Makes your bones strong! - Grandmaster Vole
  • #594 (New) - To $p, Thank you for sending a report of your recent military endeavors. I know that you are not required to do so, but appreciate your efforts to keep me in the loop as situations develop across the Shadowlands. When you have time, I am interested to discuss your tactics in the last battle described in your letter. They are unusual, but it sounds like they were effective. I would like to learn from them. From Maldraxxus, Alexandros Mograine
  • #595 (New) - To $p, As requested, a status report for the Bleak Redoubt. The Undying Army's position here remains strong. Bladeguards hold the north gate and walls, while our summoners work to pull in a powerful ally. The western entrance is our weak spot, but the soldiers there are not giving up. We should be able to hold it. Stitchmaster Rathan is investigating the possibility of establishing a new stitchyard nearby to further fortify our position. From Maldraxxus, Alexandros Mograine
  • #596 (New) - To $p, Your recent letter was a welcome surprise. I have been thinking back to my time on Azeroth more frequently since your arrival. I am sure much has changed, but I wonder what remains the same. I look forward to discussing Azeroth further with you when our campaign is done. I may have a story or two to tell that you'd be interested in as well. Your friend and comrade in arms, Alexandros Mograine
  • #597 (New) - Dear $p, I do so enjoy our correspondence. However, you should know better than to ask after such sensitive information through an unsecured mailing system such as this. If you need answers to those questions immediately, I shall send Khaliiq to deliver them to you in person. A better alternative, however, would simply be for you to come visit me at the Renounced Bastille. I much prefer face-to-face interactions. Always watching, Baroness Vashj
  • #598 (New) - Dear $p, Thank you for passing along that intriguing bit of intelligence in your last letter. Mekkar has filed it away in our records, until the day I have no doubt that it will prove quite useful. In return, allow me to return the favor. Anzio The Infallible at the Theater of Pain is anything but his namesake. In fact, I have heard that he is no longer allowed on to the arena floor at all, because of his frequent errors in battle. Banned by Grandmaster Vole himself. Interesting, no? Always watching, Baroness Vashj
  • #599 (New) - My little $p, You need not waste your time detailing your activities in Maldraxxus to me. Although I appreciate the thoroughness of your recent letter, you may rest assured that if it happened in Maldraxxus, I am already aware of it. Still, it is quite endearing that are you so willing to be open with me about your activities. I suppose we are friends now, are we not? Well, it appears that is one thing happening in Maldraxxus that I did not foresee. Always watching, Baroness Vashj

Map Areas
  • Jeff SW Quadrant > Empyrean Domain - Name changed from "Jeff SW Quadrant > Bastion Arena" to "Jeff SW Quadrant > Empyrean Domain".
  • Woeful Cavern (New)

Map Difficulties
  • Dev Map - Internapalooza (New) - Max players: 5.
  • Empyrean Domain - Name changed from "Bastion Arena" to "Empyrean Domain".
  • Torghast (New) - Max players: 5.

Battle for Azeroth
  • Dev Map - Internapalooza (New) - Directory: 2452. Type: Normal. Horde Description: "9.0 Dev Land".

  • Empyrean Domain - Name changed from "Bastion Arena" to "Empyrean Domain".
  • Torghast (New) - Directory: 2453. Type: Normal. Horde Description: "Torghast - Entry Chamber".

Flying Mounts
  • Amber Ardenmoth - Name changed from "Amber Glitterwing" to "Amber Ardenmoth". Flying Mount. Amber Glitterwing. "PH" Source: PH Amber Ardenmoth. "The brilliant orange hue of the amber ardenmoth signals to predator that it is dangerous to eat. Consuming one of these creatures will put a predator into a dreamless sleep for years." Source: Drop: Wild Hunt Supplies
  • Dusky Sporeflutterer - Flying Mount. Dusky Sporeflutterer. "PH" "Dusky sporeflutterers prefer the dark and damp forests of northwest Ardenweald, where fungal colonies are perpetually blooming." Source: Vendor: Aithlyn Zone: Ardenweald Faction: The Wild Hunt - Exalted Cost: 30,000
  • Highwind Darkmane - Flying Mount. Highwind Darkmane. "PH" Source: Adventures: Shadowlands "The Forsworn and their mounts take on a darker aspect upon renouncing the path laid forth by the Archon. While tame enough to ride, the Highwind Darkmane has a fiercely independent streak." Source: Adventures: Shadowlands
  • Silky Shimmermoth - Flying Mount. Silky Shimmermoth. "PH" "The moths of Ardenweald play a vital role in the ecosystem of ardenweald, carrying spores, anima, and pollen from one part of the forest to the other, providing nourishment and variation to the denizens living below." Source: Vendor: Master Clerk Salorn Zone: Ardenweald Cost: 30,000
  • Sinful Gladiator's Soul Eater - Name changed from "PH Soul Eater" to "Sinful Gladiator's Soul Eater". Flying Mount. PH Soul Eater. "PH" Source: PH Sinful Gladiator's Soul Eater. "This mount shows a proclivity for snacking upon the souls cast out of Revendreth." Source: Achievement: Sinful Gladiator: Shadowlands Season 1 Category: Player vs. Player
  • Skittering Blightwing - Flying Mount. Skittering Blightwing. "PH" Source: Adventures: Shadowlands "These exceptionally agile fliers make excellent mounts once they've been trained not to sap every ounce of anima from their rider." Source: Adventures: Shadowlands
  • Vibrant Flutterwing - Flying Mount. Vibrant Flutterwing. "PH" Source: PH "These minty green moths are very friendly. They particularly enjoy having their head fuzz vigorously brushed. They also enjoy music and poetry." Source: Vendor: Cortinarius Zone: Ardenweald
  • Wildseed Cradle - Ground Mount. Wildseed Cradle. "PH" Flying Mount. Wildseed Cradle. "The most precious cargo in all Ardenweald - the wildseeds - are cradled by this lovingly crafted cart. It is imbued with anima to allow it to hover over the ground." Source: Treasure: Cache of the Moon Zone: Ardenweald

Ground Mounts
  • Arboreal Gulper - Ground Mount. Arboreal Gulper. "PH" Source: Drop: Humon'gozz Zone: Ardenweald "The wood and foliage growing atop the this toad is a natural part of its body - helping it siphon anima from the air to nourish itself." Source: Drop: Humon'gozz Zone: Ardenweald
  • Darkwarren Hardshell - Ground Mount. Darkwarren Hardshell. "PH" Source: Adventures: Shadowlands "The Darkwarren Hardshell's chitin is sturdy enough to withstand mortar shells and dragon's fire. It will also conviently consume anything lacking anima, if needed." Source: Adventures: Shadowlands
  • Dreamlight Runedeer - Ground Mount. Dreamlight Runedeer. "PH" Source: PH "Runedeer are granted to those who have pledged their service to the Winter Queen and the Court of Night." Source: Covenant: Night Fae Campaign Quest: What's My Motivation? Zone: Ardenweald
  • Dreamlight Runestag - Ground Mount. Dreamlight Runestag. "PH" Source: PH "The majestic runestags are capable of siphoning anima from the ambient light of Ardenweald with their elaborate antlers. The anima is used as nourishment and to power the runestag's speed and magic." Source: Covenant: Night Fae Campaign Quest: Drust and Ashes Zone: Ardenweald
  • Glimmerfur Prowler - Ground Mount. Glimmerfur Prowler. "PH" "This prowler's brilliant green coat distinguishes it from the blues and purples of Ardenweald, making it much easier for others of its kind to see through the midnight woods." Source: Drop: Valfir the Unrelenting Zone: Ardenweald
  • Pale Acidmaw - Ground Mount. Pale Acidmaw. "PH" Source: Drop: Covenant Sanctum Feature "The acid present in the ichor of this creature sapped away the color from its shell, leaving them a striking shade of snowy white." Source: Drop: Covenant Sanctum Feature
  • Shimmermist Runner - Ground Mount. Shimmermist Runner. "PH" "Mischievous spriggan and the valerunners have a natural enmity. No valerunner would deign to allow a spriggan rider because they can sense their inherent malevolence. This angers the trickster Spriggan who take twisted enjoyment in playing cruel pranks on these majestic creatures." Source: Area: Mistveil Tangle Zone: Ardenweald
  • Spinemaw Gladechewer - Ground Mount. Spinemaw Gladechewer. "PH" "Spriggan riders tie bits of anima-less detritus to the end of sticks in front of their gorm mounts to steer. It's... an imperfect art." Source: Drop: Gormtamer Tizo Zone: Ardenweald
  • Swift Gloomhoof - Ground Mount. Swift Gloomhoof. "PH" "The ballads of Ardenweald claim that the birth of gloomrunner heralds the passing of a particularly benevolent wild god. Seeing a gloomrunner is therefore a blessing and a curse." Source: Drop: Night Mare Zone: Ardenweald
  • Umbral Runedeer - Ground Mount. Umbral Runedeer. "PH" Source: PH "The umbral runedeer are bred for their ferocity as well as their beauty by the Wild Hunt. They feel no fear charging into the den of any predator." Source: Covenant: Night Fae Renown Level: 20 Zone: Ardenweald
  • Umbral Runestag - Ground Mount. Umbral Runestag. "PH" Source: PH "An umbral runestag is capable of goring creatures as powerful as a gorm matriarch in defense of its herd. The Wild Hunt ride these mounts into dangerous corners of the Shadowlands, when their domain must be defended from those who would threaten the wilds." Source: Covenant: Night Fae Renown Level: 40 Zone: Ardenweald
  • Umbral Scythehorn - Ground Mount. Umbral Scythehorn. "PH" Source: PH "Black gorm are the most docile of all gorm, but they also grow the largest horns and mandibles. They are so docile because other creatures avoid riling them." Source: Vendor: Spindlenose Zone: Ardenweald
  • Wakener's Runedeer - Ground Mount. Wakener's Runedeer. "PH" Source: PH "Runedeer enjoy laying near wildseeds. The Wakener's believe they can hear the sleepers' dreams. Runedeer display a range of emotions in their vigil, signaling the dreams or nightmares of the spirits within." Source: Covenant: Night Fae Treasure: Queen's Conservatory Cache Zone: Queen's Conservatory
  • Wakener's Runestag - Ground Mount. Wakener's Runestag. "PH" Source: PH "Wakener runestags fiercely protect their wildseed groves. When the groves starting to fail, many runestags went berserk." Source: Covenant: Night Fae Treasure: Queen's Conservatory Cache Zone: Queen's Conservatory
  • Warstitched Darkhound - Ground Mount. Warstitched Darkhound. Source: Adventures: Shadowlands "These warhounds are crafted by the House of Constructs to carry any rider into the thick of battle, rending and tearing enemy mounts all the while." Source: Adventures: Shadowlands
  • Winterborn Runedeer - Ground Mount. Winterborn Runedeer. "PH" Source: PH "Winterborn runedeer are blessed by the Winter Queen herself. Their runes flare brilliantly when predators are nearby, warning the entire herd." Source: Covenant: Night Fae Vendor: Spindlenose Zone: Ardenweald
  • Winterborn Runestag - Ground Mount. Winterborn Runestag. "PH" Source: PH "Winterborn runestags are the favored mount of the Winter Queen herself, and she only bestows such a creature on her most favored subjects." Source: PH

An Audience with Arrogance
  • 01: An Audience with Arrogance (New) - Orchestrate the downfall of Sire Denathrius.

Blood from Stone
  • 01: Blood from Stone (New) - Crush all opposition guarding the path to the pinnacle of Castle Nathria.

Revendreth's Last Dance
  • 01: Revendreth's Last Dance (New) - Explore the opulent halls of Castle Nathria and disrupt the festivities within.

The Leeching Vaults
  • 01: The Leeching Vaults (New) - Delve deep below Castle Nathria to staunch the flow of anima into the Maw.

Torghast, Tower of the Damned
  • 01: Ascend the Tower (New) - Save souls, seek power, and defeat the Jailer's forces.
  • 01: Ascend the Tower (New) - Save souls, seek power, and defeat the Jailer's forces.
  • 01: Ascend the Tower (New) - Save souls, seek power, and defeat the Jailer's forces.
  • 01: Ascend the Tower (New) - Save souls, seek power, and defeat the Jailer's forces.
  • 01: Ascend the Tower (New) - Save souls, seek power, and defeat the Jailer's forces.
  • 01: Ascend the Tower (New) - Save souls, seek power, and defeat the Jailer's forces.
  • 02: Hurry Up! (New) - Your deaths have attracted the Tarragrue! Get to the next floor before he does!
  • 02: Hurry Up! (New) - Your deaths have attracted the Tarragrue! Get to the next floor before he does!
  • 02: Hurry Up! (New) - Your deaths have attracted the Tarragrue! Get to the next floor before he does!
  • 02: Hurry Up! (New) - Your deaths have attracted the Tarragrue! Get to the next floor before he does!
  • 02: Hurry Up! (New) - Your deaths have attracted the Tarragrue! Get to the next floor before he does!
  • 02: Hurry Up! (New) - Your deaths have attracted the Tarragrue! Get to the next floor before he does!

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Never subbed(FtP) vs previously subbed(vet) getting another string on top of the stuff in the last update is kinda wierd

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