Shadowfangs, Retarded People, player's IQ decreasing...

I was trying to buy a shadowfang last year and some guy told me this: "You cant buy a dungeon noob".

Ahahaahaha I remember that ahaha
you got trolled so badly you made a thread about it. imo trolling is retarded and a waste of time but you actually fell for it pretty badly, so who is the dumb one?

also you have no idea how to haggle. hypothetically if he had been not trolling you could have gotten really cheap shadowfangs but you kind of told him they were worth 75k when he said they were worth 400g

First of all, I want to ask you one thing. Since almost 90% of the players are like 12 years old and fucking imature, do you really think everyone is a troll? Many of them are ignorant, imo. But seems almost everyone in this thread thinks everyone is a troll, and even support it... I respect your opinions but think about it.

And i have no idea how to haggle? Tell me how much money did you make selling things, would like to know, since almost all my money wasn't grinded or doing daily quest, almost everything by haggling and selling stuff

edit: and yeah, unlike almost all the people, I don't like to lie that's why i told him the "correct" price, saying they were worht 75k
, but that's just me...
i make most of my money by buying/selling things at low prices to get a stockpile of gold, then buying out all of the herbs on the market and selling them for 5x the going price. currently i am buying all the gromsblood/icecap on the market (most people put it up for 20-50g a stack) and reselling it for 180g a stack. it's working quite nicely. also you can buy enchanting vellums from the npc, walk 10 seconds to the AH and sell them for 10x the price to people who don't know it is bought from the vendor (or are too lazy). sadly this works.

since the first thing he said was that shadowfangs dropped in price from 2000g to 400g, i would have offered him 350 right there. just try to make it seem like i'm interested, but also to get him thinking about what he actually wants for it. he would probably say 375 or say no must be 400 or something. this is hypothetical. one thing i would not have done was tell him it's worth more than 400g. i wouldn't have offered more unless he was reluctant to sell. though i guess if you're trying to be honest that's respectable.
"also you can buy enchanting vellums from the npc, walk 10 seconds to the AH and sell them for 10x the price to people who don't know it is bought from the vendor (or are too lazy). sadly this works."

Yeah, sad but works :S

"though i guess if you're trying to be honest that's respectable."

Ok, good you understood
poor troll willing to talk to anyone so he can think he has a friend. "mom i go outside all the time, outside Org yesterday with my new friend"
HAHAHAHA "go away you bosnian fuck"

that made my day hahaha XD
i bought my first SF for 50g i think in vanilla my 2nd for about 60 3rd for 100 then 4,5,6 all about 100 ea was the price at the time
I bought my first Shadowfang for 50g in 2006.

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