Shadowfang US 9k

I am selling a shadowfang on KT alliance or horde but prefer horde doesnt really matter tho. I AM LOOKING FOR 8K. Contact me on Trickyjello (horde) or Lateisha (alliance) if i am in a bg i probably wont respond so send in game mail plz. I originally wanted 9k but people said its too much so now i am looking for 8k. I am willing to take trades to lower the price. TRADES primordial saronites(700g-per), Harbringer's bone band(3.5k-), and Saronite swordbreaker (900g-)(alliance version) or mats for a saronite swordbreaker if u are horde. WILL NEGOTIATE PRICE if needed
trickyjello said:
This is my third post for this item i am selling.

Are you wondering why? You want 9k for it. I'm not saying it won't sell, but there are usually cheaper ones listed in the AH section.

Quel's comment sucks to hear but it's true. 9k is steep at this point for someone to pay and transfer to you to get (unless you're charging 9k and transferring to them). I would go for the 5-7k range if you want to get rid of it. Otherwise, you'd probably be best to sit on it for a while and hope the value increases (which it should barring another anti-twink patch or a new BiS at Cata). GL with the sale.

Yeah, if theyre not selling for 9k now just wait, they definitely will. Its one of the rarest items in the entire game and its BiS by a LOOOOOOOOOOONG shot. Its going to be pretty hard for them to print a better 19 weapon than SF. Generally compare BoAs to other twink items to see what Blizzard thinks is 'fair' for BiS at that level, and SF blows out BoA 19s
1k is cheap, 3k is average, 5-6k is when there arent alot around at the moment.

not to say that 9k is a bad price, if you can get someone to spend that much on you thats great. its just that most people will wait until theres a cheaper one available.
Yeah, if theyre not selling for 9k now just wait, they definitely will. Its one of the rarest items in the entire game and its BiS by a LOOOOOOOOOOONG shot.

Not really.....there are MANY items which can easily replace the shadowfang, Cruel barb, Mcgowan mace, thrash blade.

Shadowfang is more of a vanity item.
Destroy said:
Not really.....there are MANY items which can easily replace the shadowfang, Cruel barb, Mcgowan mace, thrash blade.

Shadowfang is more of a vanity item.

SF is not more of a vanity item...but AB is (maybe that's what you meant). Are there alternatives? Yes. Is SF BiS by a LOOOOOOOOOOONG shot? No. But all in all, SF is clearly BiS. And since it's clearly BiS, nearly all twinks will prefer it to anything else.

So coming back to the OP, I really hope you can sell it. I'm just trying to warn you (as others are) that the chances of getting 9k is pretty slim right now. Regardless, I hope you can prove us wrong. But just don't get all upset if it doesn't pan out the way you'd like.

Theres pretty much only one item (set of items) thats above SF as far as how much better they are compared to the alternatives, and thats Stat Lenses. Comparitively speaking, SF vs CB is about on the same level as PoD compared to the BoA axe, and PoDs have routinely been selling for 30k recently in the US (and significantly more in cases). In addition, SF is BiS for numerous classes in the 19 bracket, which at least in the US is far and away the most popular bracket.

Give it 6 months to a year, and someone is going to bump this thread and say 'man I remember when SF was only 10k, now that its 25k its just absurd'.
Falaris said:
Theres pretty much only one item (set of items) thats above SF as far as how much better they are compared to the alternatives, and thats Stat Lenses. Comparitively speaking, SF vs CB is about on the same level as PoD compared to the BoA axe, and PoDs have routinely been selling for 30k recently in the US (and significantly more in cases). In addition, SF is BiS for numerous classes in the 19 bracket, which at least in the US is far and away the most popular bracket.

Give it 6 months to a year, and someone is going to bump this thread and say 'man I remember when SF was only 10k, now that its 25k its just absurd'.

Your point is right that it will increase in price (at least it should). But comparing a SF to a PoD in rarity and value (at least it seems you are doing that) is just ridiculous. The similarities pretty much stop at: being BiS for a few classes in a given bracket. PoD's are ridiculously more rare and therefore worth quite a bit more than a SF.


Considering youre the 'master auctioner' (a fact Im not really disputing), you should recognize that rarity is not the only determining factor for how expensive an item is in a given economy. PoD may be rarer than SF perhaps in number of them currently available, but realistically thats only because people left alot of their Shadowfangs unbound expecting this exact scenario to occur, aka the (relatively recent) price increase. Its not like you actually hear of Shadowfangs dropping anymore from Arugal any more than you hear about PoDs dropping from the end mobs in Ulda.

Regardless, the real point of course is supply and demand. Yes, I will concede that there are many more Shadowfangs available than PoDs. However, the problem with your analysis is thats the only part youre factoring in, youre not really taking the demand into the picture. There may be 10 times more Shadowfangs than PoDs in circulation, but demand is probably much more than 10 times in favor of a Shadowfang in comparison to a PoD for a variety of reasons.

First, there are just more classes/viable specs that a Shadowfang is BiS for than a PoD is. Rogue, Paladin, and Warrior uses Shadowfang extensively in the 19 bracket. For almost all of their 'ideal specs' those classes will have a Shadowfang. In addition, although there could be some debate about it, math has proven that 2x Shadowfang is BiS for rogues at 19.

In talking about PoD, while there may technically be the same number of classes that have a BiS setup involving a PoD (shaman, warrior, paladin), there are much more prominent specs for at least 2 of those classes in competitive 39 play. Shaman and Paladin have a variety of competitive setups that dont even want a PoD, and Warrior is a very viable choice for 39 FC (which obviously wouldnt be using a PoD)

Secondly, there is without a doubt a _much_ larger pool of players/SFs needed in the 19 bracket compared to 39s. I only speak for US play here, but from experience I can say that 39s on Nightfall are happy to get more than 1 game at a time. The days of having consistently more than 1 game going at a time could be over for 39 twinking in the US. However, for 19s when I log on I would typically queue up to get a message saying 'now entering warsong gulch 4' or something along those lines. Four games going at once hasnt been terribly uncommon in 19s, its just a much more active bracket overall.

Finally, theres the 'rogue' factor. Everyone knows that hunters and rogues are the most popular classes in practically every twink bracket for their ability to lolfaceroll people. This is true even in 19s where rogues generally are considered pretty weak in competitive situations. Rogues cant use a PoD, and not only can they of course use a SF, they need _two_ of them to truly be BiS. The importance of this point cant be ignored.

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