Shadowfang farming


What is the best way to get shadowfang, by farming it in SFK? should i use an 85 pally, DK or mage?
Doesn't rly matter what class u farm it with, since u can only run it 5 times / hour. Gl farming it, it only drops from bosses and the average drop chance is 1 shadowfang per 10 000 runs. =)
Im gonna run my 2 friends accounts at the same time with a multibox program for farming it, so itll be 15 runs an hour
this week shadowfang topic was reserved allready
Due trust me. I've been runing SFK (569 runs to date on my 85) and multiple runs on my twink. It is a lot easier to gather the money and buy it than farm it.

You could purchase it from farms, but apart from being will be waiting a while. Anyways GL, I gave up running SFK ages ago (But I did get a lot of other gear (Mind-thrust bracers x4 and Face Smasher x 7)
Well, if you get one, I'll be happy to buy it for the right price =D, but goodluck with it, it's a drop rate of 1/12500 Shadowfang keep runs, Gonna take a while
Always wondered how they came up with those statistics...

I believe this is your anwser:

The chance that Shadowfang drops AT ALL is the following:

(.05%) * (20%) = .01% (Roughly 1 Shadowfang every 10000 runs!!!)

Whitout rare spawns :

(.04%) * (20%) = .008% (Rougly 1 Shadowfang every 12500 runs!!!)


NOT worth farming for!

Not sure if it's correct but looks legit to me.
Understand the math is right, but to find the base numbers you would have to put a lot of hard work into it. This is unless blizzard stated the droprate somewhere, because whenever I ask the droprate, they say it's gf'd
12500 runs is the worst case you could get it 1st run. rng is rng
12500 isn't the worst case.. ur probably more likely to get it in 25000 runs than 1 run

yeah totaly agree but math won't help, you could get it 1 or 50000 runs or never. i once did 15 runs for smelting pants

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