Seven liters of cola a day...


What the hell?

How in the world does someone drink that much soda in a day?

That's 20 20oz..

I understand that when you're pregnant, diet/wants change but jesus that's a ton of soda.

Maybe I'm shocked because I drink only water (2L/day) but even at my most it's around a gallon/day...

Can anyone here suck down 7 liters of cola a day and manage to keep it up for a couple days, much less for 10 months?

I'd be so freakin' sick after the first day

I used to drink 4+ of those sobe no fear energy drinks a day; the big ass cans too. I wouldn't recommend it as I've quit recently due to the fact that I swear my heart has been freaking out.
4 litres of milk everyday and increasing;

human > cow transformation is possible, believe me!
ya milk is really addictive

it's like, /afk, /get milk, /come back, /drink milk in 20 sec, /afk, etc

btw cows eat grass >.>
lol we had a blopper at school - repeat "milk" fast for 20 times, then we ask him a question: "what does cow drink?" 95% of people say milk, without thinking ofc

gets old though, doesn't work twice on the same person :) .

milk makes your throat dry and you come back in 5 mins then back then back. vitamines woo!

soz for bad grammar, cba.
I use to drink around 10 cans of dr pepper/sunkist/coke a day.

I've cut it down to 2 cans per day and still trying to reduce it to 1....its really good/addictive but is super bad for your body.

If your like me and never liked the taste of water...try getting flavorings, spring, mineral, etc.
Juke said:
What the hell?

How in the world does someone drink that much soda in a day?

That's 20 20oz..

I understand that when you're pregnant, diet/wants change but jesus that's a ton of soda.

Maybe I'm shocked because I drink only water (2L/day) but even at my most it's around a gallon/day...

Can anyone here suck down 7 liters of cola a day and manage to keep it up for a couple days, much less for 10 months?

I'd be so freakin' sick after the first day


Muscle Problems. As it should be.
Water is blergh, completely untasty

Crystal Light

and makes your mood go down.

I feel great after drinking water all day..

Much better than I would if I sucked down liters of pepsi and tried to do anything more than watch tv/sleep on sofa
Where did I say I drink pepsi?

I didn't imply that you did..

.. or it wasn't my intention at any rate.

Milk is good.. but it's not a "any time of day/before-after exercise/on the run" type of beverage (not to me anyways).. the vitamins are great but the fat content is kinda crazy even in the 2%

The only time I drink milk is 1/2 cup with my morning cereal.. that's it.
Personal favorite of mine is green tea, I love that stuff. I've been drinking a lot more water recently over sugar and caffeinated beverages, but I'd have to agree ever since I started drinking water I feel like crap all the time. That's more than likely because I'm addicted to caffeine though. I wonder when I'll ever kick this withdrawal feeling.
Oh well. I drink about 4L cola per day. Isnt good for my teeth, theyre aching all teh day :confused:

Coca-cola has caffeine, maybe thats why I love to drink coffee also.
coke uses caffine because they used to use cocaine...when it became illegal they had to switch it to some other addicting thing...CAFFINE!!!

i read this clue where
I wonder when I'll ever kick this withdrawal feeling.

It doesn't take long, Maerduk, at least it didn't for me.

I used to drink a lot of soda daily (nowhere near 7L); when I started working out and streamlining my diet I eventually had to start weaning myself off with diet sodas and then to where I'm at now with the sugar substitutes etc.

coke uses caffine because they used to use cocaine

I used to think this was all internet BS changed my mind
Lol no, the cocaine in coke thing was not bs, I learned about that in my drug use and abuse course that I took a couple semesters ago. In actuality the American industries were putting cocaine in just about everything, even children's cough drops. We thought it was a wonder drug, without realizing its addictive properties and bad side effects.


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