Has Been
Pretty sure I posted in here before that even happened and its not what I'm talking about.This topic didn't even come up today about invs to premades and I have always been polite and respectful in Channel and BG, the topic tonight was the group i was asking for a premade don't like hunters and had nothing to do with this topic.
What I'm saying is, people won't wanna play with someone who will do anything to get their AGMs. And if you re-rolled for the community it would be pointless to do something that would jeopardize you being apart of it, thus making this whole endeavor pointless. I personally farmed an AGM on another sever, most of which I ninja'd from 85s and others I fought other 20s for, only to lose it when I came here. It's a price I paid and I would pay it again, and I haven't looked back since.