Separate premade-section? - tired of all the premade-spamming


WHY BOTHER MAKING A NEW FKN THREAD FOR EVERY FKN PREMADE? Why can't you guys just make ONE thread per guild, in which you update/bump for each new premade - I can't honestly see the problem in that.

The way it is now the five newest forum threads is always something along with "blahblahblahready to face blahblahblah", constantly followed by a few "oh my god can't wait", "fix stream/fraps pl0x", and of course, alot of flaming. If you're ready to face another guild, simply /w the other guildleader, imho a premade only concerns 20 ppl.

And don't get me wrong, of course I love watching streams of premades, premades is a big part of this community. Though I believe you don't have to make war headlines for every tiny premade. Also, the premade-talk in the 19's section is often just a disguise for reqruiting guildmembers, for instance; "Blahblahblah is premade-ready and looking for new members!", just sayin'.

So what I suggest is that either all premade-talk should be shrinked down in one thread per guild, or that the guild-reqruiting section should include premade-talk and maybe that premade-talk should even have its own section.

inb4: OP can't inb4, yes I mad

TL;DR: too much premade taking space in the 19's section.
15-19 is most populated

when people hear about premades they get excited= more activity

more people=more hype

premades don't happen frequently enough to make a section

i'm guessing you're in eu so by default you're jealous of all of our recent premades and unable to understand why we need multiple 30 page threads about 1 premade

your avatar is disgusting

premades are HUGE topics how can you expect anyone to keep it in 1 thread

the bracket thrives on forum drama
15-19 is most populated

when people hear about premades they get excited= more activity

more people=more hype

I've never experienced this, the reason, as you politely explained below, could be that I am EU.

premades don't happen frequently enough to make a section

Well, then, maybe you missed that I had three options, and not only one. Why not take the two other in consideration?

i'm guessing you're in eu so by default you're jealous of all of our recent premades and unable to understand why we need multiple 30 page threads about 1 premade

Well, if I had the time to premade and if I was on a server where I'm not the only twink and if I had time to login other than a few hours on the weekend I'd be jealous fo' shoe.

your avatar is disgusting


premades are HUGE topics how can you expect anyone to keep it in 1 thread

I disagree.

the bracket thrives on forum drama

And how sad isn't that?
Well, if I had the time to premade and if I was on a server where I'm not the only twink and if I had time to login other than a few hours on the weekend I'd be jealous fo' shoe.

so you've never premaded but you're trying to impose rules relating to premades

ur trash
never seeing a premade


Queueing Is The Best Bit is premade ready. somebody just needs to step up.
pizza woul kill ur ugild in 7minutes




i protest this statement simply because i can afford to do so, seeing as a premade between us will never happen. therefore, i can safely say


c wut i did? i hide behind le forums<3 feels good to troll<3
igj fuiclomg european trash pizza would kill you all in 1 arrow

damn bro u ain't seen none of my fc'ing skillz, im #1 EU asia and Korea.
igj fuiclomg european trash pizza would kill you all in 1 arrow

he has a gun so ita be a bullzit.

makes me lol how you guys hero worship a hunter and a guy who get he's mother to buy he's team mates sad sad sad.

he would be flamed out of EU bg's.

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