Selling lots of gear @ Ragnaros EU


Selling gear in 19/29/39/49 bracket. This if what I want to sell atm;

[item]Pendulum of Doom[/item]

[item]Basilisk Hide Pants[/item] (3)

[item]Adventurer's Pith Helmet[/item]

[item]Enduring Cap[/item]

[item]Troll's Bane Leggings[/item] (2)

[item]Skeletal Shoulders[/item] (2)

[item]Tigerstrike Mantle[/item] (3)

[item]Frostreaver Crown[/item]

[item]Shadowblade[/item] (3)

[item]Underworld Band[/item] (2)

[item]Eye of Flame[/item]


[item]The Green Tower[/item] (2)

[item]Freezing Band[/item] (3)

[item]Jaina's Firestarter[/item]

[item]Executioner's Cleaver[/item] (2)

[item]Sparkleshell Mantle[/item]

[item]Green Lens[/item] (of healing, 10 stam / 29 spell power)

[item]Necromancer Leggings[/item]

[item]Edgemaster's Handguards[/item]

[item]Speedsteel Rapier[/item]

[item]Ogron's Sash[/item]

[item]The Pacifier[/item]

[item]Ginn-su Sword[/item]

[item]Ribsplitter[/item] (of the bear)

[item]Girdle of Golem Strength[/item]

[item]Claw of the Shadowmancer[/item]

[item]Darkweave Breeches[/item]

Plus alot of "of the eagle"-gear in 19/29/39/49 bracket. All this is up on AH atm, so if you want something u better /w me asap :> The more u buy the more discount u get!

The gear is at Ragnaros EU ally side. /w me ingame at Turbotanten.

And if you think most of the gear i listed suck, you're welcome to think that, just don't destroy the thread with that spamm :)
/cry... olny if my 29 rogue was more fun and had better que times >.< ild so buy that claw and stuff for gb's. but wow is geting boring.

Edit:Sorry if u feel like its a spam thread. just wow. Hope u sell em.:p
Hi! I really want to buy your pendulum of doom! I will send you an ingame mail with an offer. Just wait for a mail in your inbox. I have the money for it, believe me.
Do so.

If anyone want to buy it all it's OK too. Then you'll get a very good discount :p

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