Selling dungeon boost for gold as level 10


New Member
How much gold do you guys charge when dungeon boosting as a level 10? Also do u get payed each level etc?
Honestly, these days I rarely if ever find myself even needing gold enough to jutify the hassle of charging people for convoluted boosting methods through LFD.

Asside from the occasional dirt cheap enchant scroll or cut gem (most of which I can just make myself), I rarely even have to use the AH. Sometimes if I am being super lazy, I will buy crafting materials to power level engineering on a new twink, but that is rarely more than a few thousand gold, and not all that often.

I probably spend more gold on transmoging than I do anything else, I just dont need gold for that much.

With that said, I do three main types of boosting on my 11 druid:
- Boosting randoms in LFD when I am bored or need a break from WF grinding, the reactions I get from people are payment enough for the entertainment value.
- Boosting RL friends through dungeons either for specific gear or XP for a few quick levels or quests.
- Boosting my alts on my second account, mostly for starting other twinks that have trouble soloing early on, or sometimes just having my level 55+ characters tag along in Chromie time dungeons for higher gold drops and vendor sales. My level 55 gets about 30g per boss kill, which ads up and more than pays for any enchants and gems I need.

At the end of the day, whatever you feel your time is worth is what you should charge.

One tip I can offer is alternate compensation like caged battle pets, or simply trading boosts or other services like crafting agreements and summons.
It depends on your server. Look around in the services channel until you notice a few twinks selling and the prices they offer.
Only promote your services in the services channel. Karen likes to report people for using trade to sell services. Despite historically being an okay place to do so and 90% of chat in trade isnt even about trade.

Given that a leveler has roughly a 20% chance at getting a twink organically just by queing WoD I calculate the retail value of a boost at 500g a level. This of course is to low for a booster to care about so you'll be drawn to a higher rate. Around 1-5k a run/level.

Keep in mind that there are multiple competing power leveling methods. Though a customer either wont care or wont know about such methods. Be fair at your own conscience sake.

Protip: it sells better to say a bulk price rather than specific. "10 level / X gold"

Oh and keep in mind that a customer wont like hitting instance cap despite it actually being the most efficient way to do dungeon. With that said a BiS toon using an ooze may end up making you less money in the long run.
Oh and keep in mind that a customer wont like hitting instance cap despite it actually being the most efficient way to do dungeon. With that said a BiS toon using an ooze may end up making you less money in the long run.
As long as you keep your dungeon runs to 6 minutes or longer, using ooze won't matter. I'll run ooze with no speed boost items or speed boost items with no ooze to generally keep my dungeon runs to 6 minutes. Also this doesn't account for queue times. I RARELY ever get instant queues even with a full group and often those queues will be around 60-120 seconds (1-2 minutes) which can be applied to your 6 minute timeout. So a 4 minute run with a 2 minute queue after keeps you at the 6 minute cap for dungeon timeouts. But again, those queues will likely be unpredictable so I've found a dungeon time around 5 minutes + queue times to have very little chance of getting under 6 minutes for the dungeon timeout. Like if I get a fast queue one run, I often will make up for it after a following run with a longer queue. A good addon to keep track of your dungeon times is Nova Instance Tracker. Also I find it's probably a good idea in general to get used to not using ooze because eventually that shit is gonna get nerfed.
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With how easy it is to level now I cannot believe anyone would pay for this service. And this is coming from someone who sold thousands of dungeon runs back in Legion/BFA.
You could try to boost via Island expedition. Island expedition doesnt trigger the twink debuff (logout in a rested area for atleast 8 hours. This removes the twink debuff but doesnt get rid of the exp lock) and also doesnt have queue bugs. The person getting boosted does have to attack the mobs to get the exp though. Just did a run in 5 min and 45 sec on my level 10 arcane mage by killing mobs only. That run would have taken about 7 min if I had to boost someone. Each run should give about 0,5 - 1,5 level depending on their level. I think 2k gold per level sounds about right. Would have been higher if they didnt have to help you. Keep in mind that you also receive transmog/pets from islands. Some of these items sell pretty good. Sold some of these items between 66k - 120k gold. Some nice mounts here and there.
Recent Booster Here.
I quit playing last month.
However, During the time I was boosting, I was charging 150k - 250k (Depending on the day) for a full 10-60 powerlevel.
I am playing on Stormage US, Often time I would run into other boosters
But their runs were much slower due to them not clearing rooms properly, allowing for the group to possibly get wiped well the carry runs ahead.
I could do a 10-60 in roughly 4 hours, sometimes 3 hours and 30 minutes. It all depends on the que times.
I was also running TBC Dungeons as a Mistweaver Monk so I could 1-shot bosses with touch of death

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