Seeya later guys

good bye ark, you are one a founding father of this bracket and for that i /salute you. also i vote swagpurse to be the new Community leader, i guess you can say she's ark JR!
I know I didn't know you for long but you were a great player and a kind friendly person.
Goodluck with Real Life, and hopefully see you if and when you come back <3
baffeh num won fanboi of num won sheman univers

good luck in real life baffi, was great playing with you
it has been my utmost pleasure to be your friend. You will be missed, qtpies4lyfe.

Permanent vent comment: Waiting with bated breath for Baffi's return
to the dude that had the answer to any and every question, i take my hat off to you and wish you entire success in all your endeavours. Rest assured we will make people ask questions in that question thread, not on the front page, so when you return, you will have many fantastic posts to look at :D
/bye I just gave my account of 6 well geared toons away today to the worst geared f2p player I could find. I can deal with all the bad hunters and lack of skill 24s who don't even have an arena rating on their mains after years of playing max level, but it seems the f2p community is getting flooded with annoying kids more and more every day. I have always been one to help new players in a positive way but I refuse to deal with so many confrontational kids who type bro every three words bro if you bro know what bro I mean bro. My mistake for downloading the game and interacting with stupid kids which can only lower the quality of my life. /bye bro
I am happy to call you my friend =)

Good luck with your business. Who am I kidding? Yous gots dis.

Now get out there and kick some ass! >D

/target Baffi



I'm not gonna-

Cry. ;_________________________________;

WTB one last game alliance side.

Edit: I must test Stinker's S.T.I.N.K. (Severely Tactical Isidious Nostril Killer). I have high hopes for it! =]

A little silliness for the road ;D
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Quitter. ;o)

Good luck amigo and best wishes.

Good luck, work hard.

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