Seeya later guys


Well everyone it's been a long and fun run but sadly I must take my leave from wow and twink info for a short while. :(

Some of you know that me and my roommate have a small business we operate almost entirely out of our apartment, well recently we've been very fortunate and we are going to be opening up our first office and hiring our first two employees :)

Some of you may have noticed that I've been on less and less recently and this is the reason, chances are over the next few months (or however long it takes) while we work on getting everything squared away and set up properly you will see little to nothing of me either in game or on the forums :(

This isn't a permanent goodbye but since I've no idea how long I'll be gone I just want to say thank you to this entire community you all have made playing this game much more enjoyable then it could ever have been solo! A big shout out to the AP community :eek:. Also thank you to everyone who supported me in becoming community leader and I hope that I did right by all of you even though I only held the position for a short time :)

Honorable mentions!
Just kidding there are no honorable mentions for two main reasons.
1. Those of you that would have been in this section know who you are and know why I would have put you here and I love you all <3
2. I don't want to risk leaving anyone out and in turn hurting feelings :p

Mods, please feel free to demote me and promote someone else in my stead because as I said for the next few months I really wont be able to fulfill my duties to the site.

Again thank you so much to everyone you have truly made the F2P experience some of the best game-play I've ever had. That's saying a lot because when it comes to wow I've done it all >.<

Thank you so much and keep this community alive!

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Thanks for everything you've done! I will anxiously await your return.
Wow. Well I certainly wish you good luck in your future endeavors ark and thank you for being such a good leader and helping to make this community what it is today.

Thank you ark, and gl with your growing business.

good luck!

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