Secret Project X!



Hello Everyone

The officer core of Wreckin Balls at Draenor (Blackout EU) has, in order to promote activity in the bracket decided to go ahead and fund players that are able to commit to play their character actively with a project (and a sister-guild to serve as a home to the players) named Secret Project X.

At the moment, we're funding everyone that is deemed decent, and we'll of course aim to have you geared from top to toe in the best gear we can get you, in the 39 bracket.

This means that we, as in the guild Wreckin Balls, will pay for and boost your level 39 character to the best gear we can possibly provide. In return, all we ask for, is commitment and social activity.

Should you be interested, talk to either one of the people mentioned below in-game or pm any of the twinkinfo accounts listed below.


Twinkinfo Account: blazed ------------------------------------- In-Game Characters: Enjôy, Yôu, Feelsmad @ Draenor Horde

Twinkinfo Account: Tumblz -------------------------------------In-Game Characters: Tumbleweedz, Mumbleweedz @ Draenor Horde

Twinkinfo Account: emetophilia --------------------------------In-Game Characters: Emetophilia, Urolagnia @ Draenor Horde
nice initiative =)

unfortunately, i'm quite busy on Aszune, we are more than willing to boost you in fourteen inches unbuffed, too, if anybody is interested.

we are in the same battlegroups, and i'm looking forward to seeing you in the battlegrounds :b

also, isn't "we rise you fall" from dreanor? its late and my brain isn't fuctioning correctly.. =)
chíll said:
nice initiative =)

unfortunately, i'm quite busy on Aszune, we are more than willing to boost you in fourteen inches unbuffed, too, if anybody is interested.

we are in the same battlegroups, and i'm looking forward to seeing you in the battlegrounds :b

also, isn't "we rise you fall" from dreanor? its late and my brain isn't fuctioning correctly.. =)

It seems we won't meet eachother in a battleground, ever Chíll :)

You've encountered us at the 30-39 part of the forums, after what I know.. We Rise You Fall is a 19 alliance twink guild, and so is the guild fourteen inches unbuffed too. We are a 39 horde twink guild :)

If you would want to promote the same thing I suggest you make a thread in the 15-19 forum section.

darn, if only US players could play on EU as well, without lag.
I played US for a few months with 150-220 ms, on a west-coast realmpool... Can't remember the name, but GMT +8.
blazed said:
Hello everyone

At the moment, we're funding everyone that is deemed decent.


blazed (Enjôy, Yôu @ Draenor Horde)

Tumblz (Tumbleweedz, Mumbleweedz @ Draenor Horde)

emetophilia (Emetophilia, Urolagnia @ Draenor Horde)

AMg duud dat was superfunny:) made My life bettere.
Antísocial said:
AMg duud dat was superfunny:) made My life bettere.

What in the gods name do you find funny about it ?

If you're here to provide unintelligent and non-meaningfull posts, then go back to the 19 forums. We're actually trying to get the bracket going here.
blazed said:
What in the gods name do you find funny about it ?

If you're here to provide unintelligent and non-meaningfull posts, then go back to the 19 forums. We're actually trying to get the bracket going here.

he trolls at all times. ignore him.
I have a few 39 twinks on Arathor. Also a few from my current guild are making some new 39 twinks too. So when it comes to trying to get some activity going again, there should be a few able to queue from our server too.

More details to follow as they happen.
That's cool to hear, mrdoobry. Sadly enough we're both Horde, and unless we get arenas, magically get some Alliance-activity or x-realm War Games, we won't see each other all that much.
Sounds kinda interesting, ive twinked 19 29 60 69 and 70, never 39. How does one go about signing up for this? Will it be on the alliance to sort of 'boost' alliance population and hopefully get the queue's poppin? my appologies if that was already said.

Antísocial said:
Hai i paladine wat is heel?? I needing goodly players;pPppP

you better start learning english, I didn't understand a word out of that sentence.
BoxxyIsQueen said:
Sounds kinda interesting, ive twinked 19 29 60 69 and 70, never 39. How does one go about signing up for this? Will it be on the alliance to sort of 'boost' alliance population and hopefully get the queue's poppin? my appologies if that was already said.


I'll PM you my Real ID and we'll have a chat :)
I would be very interested in this, I've done a bit of twinking at 19 but mainly been doing 60 and 70, and would love to try out 39 aswell.

I already play on Draenor, as alliance though, so will be able to get heirlooms and such.

The few times I've looked none of the above mentioned names were online so thought I'd post here instead.

Best regards,

I'd love to get 39 active again ^^ 19's are fun too, but 39 is a lot different and you can't really compare them :)

Deffinately considering moving over to Draenor with my pala, but what faction is in need of players atm, horde or alliance?


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