Second Twink.

So, I've almost completed my 19 fire mage twink- and he came out exactly as planned. I fully twinked this toon within a week, so that got me thinking- Why not another!?

I'm think I've got the damage thing done, so how about a healer that can FC if needed?

In answer to your question- Yes, druid sprang to mind too, but it's so unoriginal... lol, instead I'm looking for a healer that, say the FC isn't online or is miles away from the flag- can run successfully.

Paladins, viable healers? They don't have FoL until level 20, so the concept of PvP healing seems to me to go out the window there...

That leaves shamans- I know they can make pretty amazing healers, but how about as a back-up fc?

Remarks, comments, questions, criticism, whatever vv.
note that this is my personal oppinion not a fact or something to flame about :p

for me druids are nice kiters with ok healing , root heal and repeate if needed

paladins, bad kiters with bad healing 1 healing ability.... make the pala a dps or fc instead

shamans nice kiters, ok healing, (not as good kiteing as druid tho imo) but a more exiteing class to play, as got the choice of purge/interupt the other healers or just geting the healbot job urself, ofc a combo is recomanded purge/interupt at nuke and rather let him waste a AGM in the try

Priests are my favorite healer, best pure haeler there is, ok kiteing cause of the instantfear and overall a good healer
If you want a good healer/back up fc. Shaman is the way to go followed bye a Stam/Intel Priest. between there Stoneclaw Totems and Earthbind Totems shamans are one of the best classes to take a flag across midfield. As the totems dont just affect you they affect everything friendly/hostile within a 10 yard radius. Druids will always be the first choice because of the ability to get out of snares so quickly and the beastness known as Bear form inside of the base.

Pallies before travel/ghost was the go to FC. Amazing Armor, can heal in a crutch situation, LoH. And a over hassle to kill. Yes you dont have to worry about a Pally shifting in and out of forms but they do have a ability to keep the snares away and heal those poisions that would do so much damage to them as they are trying to run away. Not to mention a Stun for that pesky dps that is still on you.

Priest I can see being a good fc just for the instant fear, great heals and the infamous bubble. With the new 10 stam belt and 8 stam cloak they can get there hands on with the other gear they can obtain they can really get there hp upthere aswell.

I know your considering healers/fcs but dont count out a fc warrior with there armor, defensive stance, hamstring. they have to be one of the more annoying fcs inside the base. With charge and hamstrings they can get across midfeild pretty quickly/without much trouble.

Well theres my wall of text and all the info I have to provide I hope it helps you make your choice.
If you really want to make something make a warrior that can hold the flag on the cap while being healed. Warriors can have like 70% physical damage mitigation which is crazy. make it a dwarf so when you get a bunch of bleeds/poisons on you you can remove them, or make it draenei for the heal but i think a dwarf would be best and you also get an extra 10% armor which is like 200 something.
I wish there were more tanky flag holders. Druids are great at getting the flag back, but suck at capping since they're usually outside running around.
Don't forget Ghost Wolf can be dispelled/purged + transforming from "human" to GW doesn't remove snares like a Druid.
Travel form > Ghostwolf by far. Shamans are also just as popular as druids tbh so the unoriginality factor remains for both.

All healers other than priests can FC effectively in pugs tho, but only druids and sometimes pallys will be chosen for premades.

Druids make pretty good tanky FCs in all honesty, its just their mobility means some people abuse speedkitty and dont necessarily FC to the best of their ability. A perfect druid FC will have in excess of 1700 armour and bucket loads of health, not to mention a fair amount of dodge.
Grabco said:
If you really want to make something make a warrior that can hold the flag on the cap while being healed. Warriors can have like 70% physical damage mitigation which is crazy. make it a dwarf so when you get a bunch of bleeds/poisons on you you can remove them, or make it draenei for the heal but i think a dwarf would be best and you also get an extra 10% armor which is like 200 something.

<WTWS> Used a Warrior FC for this purpose in several premades and it works out quite well until you've premmied a guild several times. It can be quite hard on healers but if you have ones that know what they are doing, it frustrates the crap out of enemy offense. I wouldn't recommend this strat to be used everytime though. Switch things up and do Kiting D and then whack them with this strat out of the blue.

Moardotz said:
<WTWS> Used a Warrior FC for this purpose in several premades and it works out quite well until you've premmied a guild several times. It can be quite hard on healers but if you have ones that know what they are doing, it frustrates the crap out of enemy offense. I wouldn't recommend this strat to be used everytime though. Switch things up and do Kiting D and then whack them with this strat out of the blue.


Thanks Moardotz!

Druid FC runs flag, and if our flag is out and about- the druid hands it over to a stam warrior?

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