Things are still going well for Screams. Recruitment is still open, could use some healers, more Dps and tanks that aren't warriors. Our rules and restrictions are still the same, see the website for details. If you have questions you can contact myself (Dustfingur), Caspus or Ragestarved via private message on the guild website.
Me and a friends are currently looking to start playing 60's just wondering what's your server like outside of raids? Populated, active? Do people main their 60's or just twink them?
Is the current need list on the web site still accurate? I'm deciding on which of my vanilla toons to reroll. either Lock, Hunter or Mage.
I've always wanted to find a vanilla 60 guild and you seem like the best one =).
Hello!! So, I'm looking to join a guild and more than willing to Xfer over in order to raid. lord knows I've exfered my 60 upwards of 5+ times now >_<.... anyways here I be let me know if your sitll raiding/recruting! Also pvp????? Doonie @ Kil'jaeden - Community - World of Warcraft