SCC lf premade june 6


as title says, accepting all challengers.

1hunter 1 rogue 1 spriest
max 4 heals
no more then 2x each class.


WE will have full SCC 10man.

also accepting real ID premades if any horde or alliance guild can get 10people together we will also challenge anyone.
as title says, accepting all challengers.

1hunter 1 rogue 1 spriest
max 4 heals
no more then 2x each class.


WE will have full SCC 10man.

also accepting real ID premades if any horde or alliance guild can get 10people together we will also challenge anyone.

Hey, most my boys well be playing 19's but i will try too get a HC premade for then, i most likely wont be able to make it but i will get another to fill my place. I will let know know when i get closer to the date! :D

Unless your willing to Pm on the 13th (Next Fri)
We offered to premade you, but we get this in response...
We offered to premade you, but we get this in response...

Lol that's cute. You guys were spamming me with calls on skype. brandon calling my mom names ofcourse, and spamming my guild chat with dimple sucks dick, don't worry I have since reported all of you for ongoing harrasement to a GM this is a 3rd time you guys have done something like this, so hopefully the GM's will take action this time. Have fun.

p.s i told you to provide a date and we can set something up but you guys wanted me to join a skype call with the 5 of you and just me. ofcourse im not going to set up a premade with someone who sits there and spams guild chat with hateful things and then spams me in skype calling me a fag, a bitch boy a puss and multiple other things get a life.

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