US Scariest solo qer.

ok now neon say something about premading being a bubble go!

“I put myself on my own list because I deserve recognition and have been consistently solo qing and 3 capping wsg on holy paladin.”

maybe you should get 1/3 of the recognition for only playing in 1/3 of the bgs how about that

Can't get into WSG anymore after the changes they made. It's just so ugly now aesthetically. Plus I have no mid stumps to crutch on.
It's uglier than the original? Really? Interesting, I thought the only upgrade when they remastered it was the aesthetics.

I prefer the newer versions. Was hoping for an EoTS revamp in SL but if we dont get it at 10 it wont matter either way.
It's uglier than the original? Really? Interesting, I thought the only upgrade when they remastered it was the aesthetics.

I prefer the newer versions. Was hoping for an EoTS revamp in SL but if we dont get it at 10 it wont matter either way.

You can't polish a turd unfortunately.
I also don't have an answer yet to the original question. I'd like to add that I somewhat disagree with the idea that you can have a good sense of who is a great solo que if you only premade. A premade generally means you're insulated from some of the trouble that a good solo Q can cause because of the coordination/comp/#s of twinks you're already entering the BG with. It mitigates alot of what a good solo Q can do if they're outnumbered heavily whereas if you were solo queing and you're 1v1 them as the teams 'twink' you're definitely going to get a better sense of who is good or not.

Also, fighting them on the opposite faction, while perhaps not essential, definitely can help give you insight as to how good they are as opposed to just impressions based on broad conclusions of the results they seem to be involved in. Playing both factions definitely has helped me form opinions and made me realize that some people who i usually have on my team while solo queing aren't as good as i thought they were. Some of those people i also think aren't good after fighting them.

WSG is like a safety bubble. Step out of the bubble and then maybe you can talk about solo qs

I'd also agree with this. WSG is treated like its everything in terms of skill. It definitely has a lot to especially mechanically it but i don't think its everything. There maybe more 'strategy' to other bgs but that doesn't mean that somehow isn't relevant to a good solo Q if someone is really paying attention.
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More projecting. I farmed the bracket so hard for 2 days that all of a sudden I’m some multibox overlord lol
Well you're the only person that's been doing it so it makes you the "multibox overlord" compared to everyone else.

I still got my crates, watching you arcane blast like tool once your head mage was killed was funny.

Again, not sure how you can ever complain about consumables, premades, etc, then go on and press vulp racial on 3 accs and do 2k damage in a global.
I still got my crates

And I still got my honor. 11 honor levels in 3 days. Not all of us have the same goals here. Some people like to have fun playing the game however it goes. I didn’t afk a single bg when i got beat by premades.

I’d like to see anyone control multiple characters as well as I did though. Bad player right
I also don't see such a big deal if someone boxes in an environment when too many people pop consumes but that might just be me. It was at least entertaining and somewhat novel. I didn't think to take it too seriously.

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