TradeChat [2] [SomeGuy]: <Some Guild> is selling a Mythic HFC Run 13/13 today at 4AM ST(In 10minutes) for a price of 650k. All loot that drops is yours including the Fel Steel Mount. There are no iLV requirements and payment is 50k per kill. Price may be negotiable. Ty!
We've all seen the spam, it's all over trade as the xpac comes to a close and I'm sure 50% of TI wouldn't care less about a clear through endgame. BUT! I'm here to bring awareness to what can happen (If you're an idiot or intoxicated while playing) if you fall into this trap!
Most of us know what a script is and what its capable of doing, but some may not so here you go!
GL and may the odds be ever in your favor.
We've all seen the spam, it's all over trade as the xpac comes to a close and I'm sure 50% of TI wouldn't care less about a clear through endgame. BUT! I'm here to bring awareness to what can happen (If you're an idiot or intoxicated while playing) if you fall into this trap!
Most of us know what a script is and what its capable of doing, but some may not so here you go!
GL and may the odds be ever in your favor.