saxxon 19 twink rogue video

useing the wargame system!
correct however it is NOT faction specific so you can verse alliance as horde and vice versa
Sàxxon said:
thanks cich, and i dont expect everyone to have the same taste in music as me :p

If we did then the world would be a pretty boring place when it came to music :3

Make another video, I'm quite interested to see what you can do with a program like Vegas.
i am currently collecting footage for my 2nd one which will indeed be done in sony vegas :). everything featured will be recorded on retail and hamcake land.
Sàxxon said:
i am currently collecting footage for my 2nd one which will indeed be done in sony vegas :). everything featured will be recorded on retail and hamcake land.

Perhaps I should log on for a bit and run around :p
lol@calling any instrumental produced by dre shitty music. Then from a rapping aspect, grade A. Fucking kids these days, man. It's like they can't appreciate an artform without thinking it sounds cool.

Sax, can I be featured in your next video :3
Reflexes said:
lol@calling any instrumental produced by dre shitty music.

Meh, again everyone can have their own opinion on music. I don't think this is instrumental but I'm not willing to start a whole flame discussion over it mister Flexes.
Awesome :3

Kinda wish I didn't level Demetori from Frostmourne... God I had some fun times on him... Level 10s ftw :3
Dinkorastamán said:
Great video, I deffo liked it. Clearly what you wanted the viewer to focus on Game skills > Editing skills xD

Nice one.

very true :p.

my next video will feature a lot better editing (mainly because I wont be the person editing it :D )

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