Satchel Farmer Class


So I bought a US BC account today and im gonna make a level 15 xp lock Satchel farmer seen one requested a few times in the chat so im wondering what class to roll for it?

on a side note i bought this account to try some other twink brackets aswell any suggestions?
Paladin imo, because you can queue as both tank and healer.
Pally or druid is basically required, so you can queue it as all three roles. F2Ps can easily blow through the lowest tier of dungeons without a tank, and can often manage without a dedicated healer as well.

Can't think of any especially compelling reason to pick pallies over druids, or vice versa.
mainly making it as a tank for other f2p and i may make a virtal machine for a client so i can have my toon follow aswell level 15 gives mega fast runs for f2p's really only RFC and Deadmines :) so helping out where i can
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Best level 15 tank is a warrior. But druid/pally will allow you to run any group.
Gone pally so look out for 'Paidsatchel' in f2ptwink... original i know, thanks for the replies people :)

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