Satchel bug again?

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After some attempts I still have no answer, but read on as you wish for a list of all my unsuccessful attempts -

1) I've been in que with people ranging from levels 24-34 and have not gotten Gnomer to pop.
2) I've tried dying before the last boss in a random dungeon and releasing spirit and not re-entering the dungeon... thus hoping to not get a satchel so I can open a ticket... I still got a satchel.
3) I've tried dying before the last boss and releasing spirit with full bags... the satchel got mailed to me.
4) Even if you delete a satchel there is still "Item restoration"
My Conclusion: There is no chance whatsoever to getting the gloves/neck.
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look at his hks total and his gear. Would you really want the desired items you all speak of then gear your toon like he has? Sure the gloves are equipped, but think WAAAAY back to when our boots got nerfed and taken away(19s). I left my boots on Healbot for like a month. Even tho the stats and enchant (Boar's Speed) were not registering. Even tho the font was in red writing, the stats were null and void and I was the ONLY person who could see that. From the other perspective when inspecting me, it appeared to be legit. I had them on still but no precious stats. Others would whisper me non stop in WSGs and in the 2s or 3s I would que in asking me what I did to keep my boots. In vent nonstop I was asked how I managed to keep my boots. I even had Lucskyalker think that I was the only one allowed to keep them because I won the tourney on Healbot.. Then I made the fatal mistake of removing them and trying to re-equip because Mastur and Lannee said try it. I did and could never put them back on.

My guess is, the stats on his gloves are not registered. I am too lazy to add up his strength, stam and crit to verify this. just thught i wud share my wall of text
This is what I think needs to happen in order to get into a Gnomer random dungeon que. Get into a party of 5 with the rest of the group being level 29. Que random dungeon and that is best chance to get into Gnomer for a satchel reward. Have to find out which level Gnomer is green on for that max level in group and orange for the level 24. If that works then it can be sorted out how many 24s can be in the group and still get Gnomer to pop.
I just talked with a level 24 while on my 29. As a 24 Gnomer is the only orange. As a level 29 Gnomer is yellow 24-34 levels. As a 29, Stockades and BFD were green. I understand random dungeon ques like to give you green selections from the list, but can be forced into other instance ques if you meet the requirements. A secondary requirement might be item level met before getting into a yellow or orange selection. For example on my level 15 to run for quick satchels if there are multiple toons with fishing hats or AGM I ask them to remove them from being equipped to being in there bags. This has helped to get RFC. So item level does make a difference at low level just like end game instances min requirements.
For example on my level 15 to run for quick satchels if there are multiple toons with fishing hats or AGM I ask them to remove them from being equipped to being in there bags. This has helped to get RFC. So item level does make a difference at low level just like end game instances min requirements.

I don't know if you're talking about getting into RFC instead of DM here, but if you're talking about getting into RFC instead of SFK/WC, all you have to be is level 15-16. Any more and you will be qued into wc/sfk. Also, getting a RFC or DM has been completely random, even when we que with of 3-4 19s team with one 16, it's pretty much 50/50 I guess.

This is not that much related to 24 but just thought I'd share in case you didn't know, maybe it'll help someone out ;)
I just gave that example about the item level because we would continuously get DM when we had a level 15 in group to get RFC for the fast boss kill and satchel reward even though we just completed a DM on previous run.
Will suck if the 4 29s and 1 24 queuing works to get gnomer to pop.... I don't have 4 29 friends that would constantly que with me in hopes of getting gnomer to pop.... :(
I've a 24 hunter (on EU) and gnomer popped occasionally but never got ilvl35 gloves/neck though. Got another 24 (pala) but haven't got in yet.
This is what I found out : View attachment 966

So it was a mistake by a GM? He also said that he was going to try for the necklace by queing with a 30... but he hasn't tried to yet..

No offense to Wolfneno, as I don't know him, but if you just found an amazing bug that gets you gear not available to anyone else... You might not go around telling anyone who asks, and instead say it was a mistake so people would stop asking ;)
Hey I think i speak for all the trials.. when i say. "Really??!?!?" nuff said. I mean i honestly dont think a 10 stamina. Sheesh man. Tell the world why dontcha!!
Didnt read the thread at all, but if u que random as a 24 with a level 34, u should get gnomeregan only => gnomer satchel
I've a 24 hunter (on EU) and gnomer popped occasionally but never got ilvl35 gloves/neck though. Got another 24 (pala) but haven't got in yet.

Are you sure your hunter got into Gnomer? As I understand it, satchel loot depends on instance, not level. Therefore, you should always get necks or gloves as your satchel loot if gnomer comes up as your random instance.
Are you sure your hunter got into Gnomer? As I understand it, satchel loot depends on instance, not level. Therefore, you should always get necks or gloves as your satchel loot if gnomer comes up as your random instance.

Wouldn't it then be a bug with the queue system? I was under the impression that it preferred picking dungeons that were ideal for the lowest level person in a group. So like 4 29s and a 24 would always queue into Stockades or BFD.

It could be a bug with the person who gets chosen to be group leader being the one who decides what level range the random dungeon is chosen. We should test it.
Wouldn't it then be a bug with the queue system? I was under the impression that it preferred picking dungeons that were ideal for the lowest level person in a group. So like 4 29s and a 24 would always queue into Stockades or BFD.

It could be a bug with the person who gets chosen to be group leader being the one who decides what level range the random dungeon is chosen. We should test it.

A few months ago (4.3), we tested it with a 29 and 39, then with a 39 and 49. Both pairs share only one dungeon on their lists (i.e. orange to the lower level toon, and green to the higher level toon) when you go to manually queue for specific dungeons. But if you then try to queue for a random, regardless of who has lead, the game returns an error to the effect that there are no common dungeons available.
A few months ago (4.3), we tested it with a 29 and 39, then with a 39 and 49. Both pairs share only one dungeon on their lists (i.e. orange to the lower level toon, and green to the higher level toon) when you go to manually queue for specific dungeons. But if you then try to queue for a random, regardless of who has lead, the game returns an error to the effect that there are no common dungeons available.

I think that the color coding just indicates difficulty to the player and has nothing to do with how randoms are queued. Queuing for specific dungeons allows for stepping outside the recommended difficulty for a player's level, but random queuing would likely have a safety mechanism to prevent that. It would be nice to be able to get level 25 satchel rewards for level 24 players, but I don't think there's a way to do it unless there's a bug with the new design of the grouping system.

On a side note, we were doing some randoms a few weeks ago @ 29, and we were experiencing some nasty bugs with them. We'd form a 3 man group, queue up for the instances, and then get ported instantly to the dungeon before a group was found. Once inside, we'd be able to do a full clear with 3 people, and the system would report that a group had been found, like the queue had just popped, even though we were already inside. If we accepted the queue it would add us to another group in a new instance, one of the side effects being a 6 man dungeon group with the 6th person being unable to get into the dungeon. If we ignored the queue pop, it would just spam the screen every few seconds.

We'd still be able to do a full clear, but completing the dungeon and queuing again would put us right back into the same dungeon with everything cleared. The only fix was to reform the group from scratch and queue up again.

These bugs were likely due to Blizzard changing the way groups form in 5.1, now the system distinguishes between a regular group and an instance group. I'd be willing to bet that the guy who got the lvl 25 satchel rewards experienced some other bug post 5.1 having to do with the new grouping system.

/shrug. We can always test it out again, play around to see what happens.
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