sahdowbolt on my rouge

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i was in wsg today and i was owning a guy and then this purple skull that looks like a shadowbolt FLIES out of my sword. i was like WTF? has anyone else every experienced this?
Orcgasm said:
your retarded

no.... u r so dumb because i bet u dont even know wat it is either

edit: sry i got carried away an got angry. im sry i was yelling
Quelfep said:
no.... u r so dumb because i bet u dont even know wat it is either

It's the proc from the sword called Shadowfang, generally considered one of the most highly prized items by those twinking a rogue or warrior at level 19. It is a chance on hit to shoot a shadowbolt-like projectile towards your current target, hitting them for 30 shadow damage. It can be resisted, but can also offer much increased burst when combined with the fiery or lifestealing enchant.
Orcgasm said:
It's the proc from the sword called Shadowfang, generally considered one of the most highly prized items by those twinking a rogue or warrior at level 19. It is a chance on hit to shoot a shadowbolt-like projectile towards your current target, hitting them for 30 shadow damage. It can be resisted, but can also offer much increased burst when combined with the fiery or lifestealing enchant.

oh. but the one i am talking about is a purple skull that goes from my sword to the guy im killing. also the skull does about 30 damamge to them so i don think that is the same thing
Quelfep said:
oh. but the one i am talking about is a purple skull that goes from my sword to the guy im killing. also the skull does about 30 damamge to them so i don think that is the same thing

yeah thats it you got it
Quelfep said:
dude they are different.. im tellin you. mine is PURPLE and it actually appears to DAMAGE them. gtfo my trhead

yeah i know you are right but its just that
Orcgasm said:
yeah i know you are right but its just that

u r so dumb... stop trying to troll. how can u have the audacity to come into my thread when im trying to get resulsts about my skull shooter
Quelfep said:
u r so dumb... stop trying to troll. how can u have the audacity to come into my thread when im trying to get resulsts about my skull shooter

Orcgasm said:
your retarded

Stabbedurazz said:
this entire thread was planned on ventrilo because they are bored.

quel was bored so i tried to ruin it
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