Sad state

I am more than happy to step down and let someone else take the reins. I never volunteered for this position, and I said both before and after Anatomyz stepped down that he was the better fit. He just wasn't able to continue and I didn't want to dump it on another player.

That being said....

Your attitude is so fucking pathetic. You do and moan and complain about things that ONLY benefit you. You don't realize that my 1 job is to keep the games going. This bracket has to organize times for a large number of people to queue at the same time to even get pops, and that is the ONLY concern. But you don't give a fuck. You're just some EU transfer that wants to play games and gives zero consideration for fairness or the long term of the bracket here on US.

I wondered why EU didn't have bg pops of any sort given its population. Now I do not. Bunch of individuals who just want to look good for their own sake.

It's nice getting offhand insults in threads and over ts while I had to stop playing 39s about 4 hours early and deal with all this behind the scenes and try and console a huge amount of players because some idiotic buffoon wasn't even a tiny bit considerate of fair gameplay.

Just leave, honestly. You will not be missed.

Edit: The irony of your post is that in TC rules that jump would have never been allowed, as is your gy jumps weren't allowed. The only difference is at the moment it's Living's project so it will be his decision regarding those things. 'Current' TC rules means the removal of the jumps I have banned.

Livin supported the TP rejuv hut jump actually.

I'm just expressing my opinion, you're taking this to a very personal level. :^)
few more games night nights of your consumable spamming and games will die...Act like you're not part of the Issue causing games to end early.

I was simply leveling the playing field and giving Alliance a chance to compete without having an exploiting FC of our own. Stop the broken naga razor jumps and the bombs will be put away. Otherwise, it's the only tool we have against your bullshit jumps when we have no FC.
Pug rules should be equalivant to the TC 39 rules. Simple as that. However, since we don't have a rule set created for the TC 39 yet, the whole bracket is just one big chaos / drama cluster fuck, poorly managed by Boostz.

Why are you attacking Boostz when you are one of the core problems? What a sociopath you are.
Why are you attacking Boostz when you are one of the core problems? What a sociopath you are.

Rofl, I'm a problem because I do a jump that can be performed by a blind cat in a wheelchair? Elaborate please.
I was simply leveling the playing field and giving Alliance a chance to compete without having an exploiting FC of our own. Stop the broken naga razor jumps and the bombs will be put away. Otherwise, it's the only tool we have against your bullshit jumps when we have no FC.

lol, everything you say makes you look stupid, or just sounds so trolley. I don't know why some people are sticking up for you, or why you act like it's ok to ruin the bracket with your bombs and invis pots and speed pots. there were plenty of games in WSG with no resto hut jump and no MVP where you were flash bombing like a fiend! Quite simple, you're one of the biggest flamers in these forums, and one of the first to throw bans out... Yet you run around using consumables like a person with no disregard for the longevity of the bracket. So Get down off your high-horse, it's not deserved.
it is a good thing living wont be the end-all decision like the fucktard myrm was who gave free pole rides to whoever serviced him the best/most(SR lol).

Why you shitty players need jumps or pots or any of that shit in the first place is sad. Can you not use your FOTM well enough to win without those things? The game is built around team fighting. just dont use jumps at all and use teamwork. I refuse to use jumps not because I can't do them but because they are pathetic. You chose a horrible route or got outplayed by the other team so you use a jump to get away which IS EXPLOITING TERRAIN. the words "EXPLOITING terrain" should be more than enough to let you know you should not be doing it. When you are standing on something that isnt ground but an imaginary ledge it is terrain exploiting. It was not intentionally put there by blizzard so downies like mvp can use it because they suck without it.
it is a good thing living wont be the end-all decision like the fucktard myrm was who gave free pole rides to whoever serviced him the best/most(SR lol).

Why you shitty players need jumps or pots or any of that shit in the first place is sad. Can you not use your FOTM well enough to win without those things? The game is built around team fighting. just dont use jumps at all and use teamwork. I refuse to use jumps not because I can't do them but because they are pathetic. You chose a horrible route or got outplayed by the other team so you use a jump to get away which IS EXPLOITING TERRAIN. the words "EXPLOITING terrain" should be more than enough to let you know you should not be doing it. When you are standing on something that isnt ground but an imaginary ledge it is terrain exploiting. It was not intentionally put there by blizzard so downies like mvp can use it because they suck without it.

Well put.
lol, everything you say makes you look stupid, or just sounds so trolley. I don't know why some people are sticking up for you, or why you act like it's ok to ruin the bracket with your bombs and invis pots and speed pots. there were plenty of games in WSG with no resto hut jump and no MVP where you were flash bombing like a fiend! Quite simple, you're one of the biggest flamers in these forums, and one of the first to throw bans out... Yet you run around using consumables like a person with no disregard for the longevity of the bracket. So Get down off your high-horse, it's not deserved.

Don't take him so seriously, he's just trolling 90% of the time, really frustrating I completely agree

No ones really sticking up for him, I personally don't support what he was doing at all, I gave him shit every day when he was spam queueing games on his feral too. I was bitching at him for a long time on Skype last night when I read the posts about him spamming flash bombs and pots even though I didn't even play last night, so hopefully that behavior will change. If someone is being a piece of shit in games I'll call them out on it regardless of if they're one of my friends or not.

So with that issue hopefully solved the other issue killing games is jumps, however from reading the posts I missed last night a lot of people still think they're special snowflakes and have already said that they straight up will not be following the rules. If we have a group of players (I think from what I read every single one of them is an EU player?) not willing to follow rules put in place it's going to literally ruin the bracket.

That is a WAY bigger problem than anything else that's been talked about in the past 24 hours. Regardless of what the rules are, they have to be followed or games will continue to be a disaster every night until the bracket stops getting pops because a lot of players are fed up.

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