2016 TC Champion
I am more than happy to step down and let someone else take the reins. I never volunteered for this position, and I said both before and after Anatomyz stepped down that he was the better fit. He just wasn't able to continue and I didn't want to dump it on another player.
That being said....
Your attitude is so fucking pathetic. You do and moan and complain about things that ONLY benefit you. You don't realize that my 1 job is to keep the games going. This bracket has to organize times for a large number of people to queue at the same time to even get pops, and that is the ONLY concern. But you don't give a fuck. You're just some EU transfer that wants to play games and gives zero consideration for fairness or the long term of the bracket here on US.
I wondered why EU didn't have bg pops of any sort given its population. Now I do not. Bunch of individuals who just want to look good for their own sake.
It's nice getting offhand insults in threads and over ts while I had to stop playing 39s about 4 hours early and deal with all this behind the scenes and try and console a huge amount of players because some idiotic buffoon wasn't even a tiny bit considerate of fair gameplay.
Just leave, honestly. You will not be missed.
Edit: The irony of your post is that in TC rules that jump would have never been allowed, as is your gy jumps weren't allowed. The only difference is at the moment it's Living's project so it will be his decision regarding those things. 'Current' TC rules means the removal of the jumps I have banned.
Livin supported the TP rejuv hut jump actually.
I'm just expressing my opinion, you're taking this to a very personal level. :^)