Running backwards.. or Backstrafe If you will.

Quara said:
Backstrafing is the only way to survive in serious pvp.

As a kiting class, if you can manage to attack (as in 'beat them with your large stick') as you backstrafe your damage output will go through the roof (not to mention that you'll be able to Dodge attacks.)

If you're a priest who wants to see this technique in action, this summer I'll be posting some arena videos which will clearly show the importance of this.

As for moonwalking, it registers in game as you strafing on the side that you're 'facing' - NOT backwards. It's been tested.

EDIT: I don't know of any 'right' or 'wrong' way of moonwalking that does/does not show up to everyone else. It broke my heart when I found out that it doesn't always appear, though :'( I used to moonwalk literally everywhere.../sigh

yeah, i was under the impression that it had been tested and it does not always appear like that to other players. i haven't actually tested it myself, though. not like it really matters either way; it's just like regular strafing.
Quara said:
I see clicking going on

yeah i know. its just that she shows how its applied in actual 19 pvp, thats the only reason i posted it.
Diiesel nice post, and that video is excellent Rip!

I really love using this on my pala, takes some practise to do it right in tunnels and going up slopes (well in my case ;p). But when executed correctly it's pretty usefull doing auto attack (eg LS) and blocking (eg Spike) while running away.
Penicillin said:
Diiesel nice post, and that video is excellent Rip!

I really love using this on my pala, takes some practise to do it right in tunnels and going up slopes (well in my case ;p). But when executed correctly it's pretty usefull doing auto attack (eg LS) and blocking (eg Spike) while running away.

Tyty, its a lifesaver as well. The more u practice it the better you will get and the more you will realize how much it helps. I use it a lot on my friends 80 holy paladin
I don't know about the jumping part, I've always just strafed one direction left or right (Q/E) and then clicked the right mouse button. While doing this you turn with the mouse against the direction you are strafing and then changes strafe direction. Turning into the strafe and then swicthing button directions seems to be the key. I don't think you can moonwalk by keeping the mouse perfectly still.
the jumping isn't even necessary, i do it without jumping !

heres why...

the being "in front" of your target is simply the fact that your target is in a 180degree of you, thus strafing still makes you in front of them while you are running sideways in reality.

here it is in a kinda better explanation...


basically anything in the grey area is considered your back. anything white is your front !

so as long as you show even a part of your front to the opponent, then you can parry/dodge their attacks or even cast an instant spell on them.

jumping is not even important important, unless you are actually attacking and making sure to be in front of them. as you dont need to be switching sides as you jumps. you could simply strafe on one side showing just enough front to do it and since straffing do not slow you down, this technique is possible. i do it all the time and the only time i am jumping is when i want to actually face the opponent directly while being in a jump to not lose any speed while going backward. but then again facing the opponent is barely ever is needed to begin with.

thus i agree, your way of doing it seems more like a fashion show more then a necessity.

its like the eye of a real human, you can see your sides with your eyes even while they are looking directly in front of you. go ahead try it, WOW works the same. so as long as you see the opponent, even on your sides its fine, but if he goes higher then that 180 youre seeing, then its over, you are showing your back to them !

its quite simple.
Diiesel said:
Its something I picked up while playing Quake 3 Arena like umm, 10 years ago. Lol. Man those were the best of times. Shooting the ground with a Rocketlauncer to boost urself in the air and get in hiding spaces. I used the above technique to shoot people who were running at me trying to kill me with a gauntlet. I guess I have to give credit to Ryan Fayhe, the god of that game and of 1st person shooters imho. He taught me everything I know. He went by the name of "Lunatik"

OMG you played quake too? Used to play it when I was 5-6 years old, scariest shit at that time.
ArthurianKnight said:
the jumping isn't even necessary, i do it without jumping !

heres why...

the being "in front" of your target is simply the fact that your target is in a 180degree of you, thus strafing still makes you in front of them while you are running sideways in reality.

basically anything in the grey area is considered your back. anything white is your front !

so as long as you show even a part of your front to the opponent, then you can parry/dodge their attacks or even cast an instant spell on them.

jumping is not even important important, unless you are actually attacking and making sure to be in front of them. as you dont need to be switching sides as you jumps. you could simply strafe on one side showing just enough front to do it and since straffing do not slow you down, this technique is possible. i do it all the time and the only time i am jumping is when i want to actually face the opponent directly while being in a jump to not lose any speed while going backward. but then again facing the opponent is barely ever is needed to begin with.

thus i agree, your way of doing it seems more like a fashion show more then a necessity.

its like the eye of a real human, you can see your sides with your eyes even while they are looking directly in front of you. go ahead try it, WOW works the same. so as long as you see the opponent, even on your sides its fine, but if he goes higher then that 180 youre seeing, then its over, you are showing your back to them !

its quite simple.

If you simply strafe in one direction, though, your opponents can position themselves on the opposite side of you, just a little behind (so that you, from their perspective, are at a 45º angle from them. The only safe way to play it is to completely face them, or you're asking for trouble.

As a priest or other kiting class especially, it's very important to backstrafe so you'll be able to do damage on the run. While you juke your opponent, you can and SHOULD be smacking them around with your staff(/hammer...bastards.) I first was taught this by Kidneypopper and Deathstone long ago, and mastering it is really the only way to have a chance in duels. It also helps a ton in premades; when for example, you're running your flag back to your side but the other side has a full-fledged attack on you all. If you're just content with running with your FC and keeping him up, you're not doing it right - help your team pick off that annoying rogue. help kill that pet that's still in melee range of your fc so he can los-bandage. etc etc etc.
yeah, i should fraps a short video of FCing on my 29 warrior. i've made it from the horde tunnel to alliance tunnel by myself with NO HEALS with shield block + shield wall + agm + lifeblood while "backstrafing". (and i'm not even prot specced).

its hilarious to have like 8 people attacking me the whole time and they aren't even doing any damage. i can only imagine what the other team is thinking!
i do agree that facing the opponent makes it easier while still making it harder on the player movements... but the problem here is that while you are doing it like this the opponent can move in a counter pattern and get you behind all the times. while my straffing ways enables the fastest switch of stance while still be able to correct the way it works if the opponent tries to counter it.

an example, you are doing the jump thing and facing him while turning right... he goes to the other side and ends up in your back. then you jump on the other side to correct, he goes the other way too. still ending up in your back. because he countering by going the other side of you.

in the end with this strategie you are hoping that players are not using it, and are not knowing it. which is kinda true for most of the players. but if you are doing it without jumping, then it is way easier for you to crrect your trajectory as you are not locked in a jump until you hit the floor again.

its a matter of less then a second, but it still faster.

in all ways backstraffing enable to go backward while not losing speed.

it is something people all should be able to do anyway !

reguardless of the method use, if you dont know it, learn it fast !
ArthurianKnight said:
i do agree that facing the opponent makes it easier while still making it harder on the player movements... but the problem here is that while you are doing it like this the opponent can move in a counter pattern and get you behind all the times.

Uhh, no.

The point is that you're trying to run away from them. So you're going to run perpendicular to them - in a straight line away from them. If they follow you, the normal disadvantage is that you'll be turned away from them. That means no blocking, no dodging or parrying, and no 'fat deeps'. This method just allows you to minimize your disadvantage by facing towards them as you run away from them. If they move in any other direction than straight at you, you will out distance them by adjusting your course accordingly; that's what you originally wanted in the first place: to get out of range! I call it triangulation, because it's all based on triangles. I'll be talking more about this in my movement guide.

EDIT: (tldr) There's no 'counter' to someone running away from you. Your only option is to run in, the most direct route, at them. Any small movements to the left or right as you chase them will (gradually, if they don't capitalize on it, or immediately, if they do) cause you to fall behind.
yeah, except when you're snared while you're trying to "backstrafe" and they're just hitting you from behind even though they *appear* in front of you on your screen. (this happens to like 90% of the people i see trying to do this). that's why you have to be careful when you try to "backstrafe".
exactly what i was saying !

if you backstraff to get away its fine...

but backstraffing is a must even in a full fight !

tell me you're not trying it during a fight ?

in a fight the opponent reacts to you, the problem is the latency blizzard uses to manage lag. there is this 1 to 2 second delay, thus when you see the opponent move, actually because of the latency... you know the enemy moved 2 seconds maximum already and is probably already preparing its next action.

best way to see this is by playing with a friend on vent. do a race between you both. i can guarantee you that your opponent will see himself in front of you, while you'll be seeing yourself in front of him. this is not LAG, this is the latency. and if you tell me both are the same then i will ask you to go check the terms again as they are far from identical !
ArthurianKnight said:
in a fight the opponent reacts to you, the problem is the latency blizzard uses to manage lag. there is this 1 to 2 second delay, thus when you see the opponent move, actually because of the latency... you know the enemy moved 2 seconds maximum already and is probably already preparing its next action.

That is a gross overstatement.

I deal with lag/latency all the time, being on a Mac, but once you know your machine you'll 'see' the world clearly.

The fact is, the game always sees one person in front of the other. Orient yourself, as the 'kiter', as being in front. Now there are two scenarios: 1.) Your 'kitee' is behind you or 2.) he's in front of you (even though due to latency he appears to be behind you.) If he is, in fact, behind you then it will be beneficial to backstrafe. If on the other hand he's, to the System, in front of you then he's not even hitting you (unless he, too, is backstrafing ;))

Both scenarios point towards it being beneficial to backstrafe. Let it be noted that there are no 'on the sides' between two players, either. There is always only one straight line between two players, and if you know how to kite you will be able to orient yourself to run parallel to this line. Hope this makes sense.

*it's spelled backstrafe, not straff. straff is 'tight' in German
Thanks Diiesel for this amazing little guide. I can't watch youtube videos with my slow internet, so this really helps :D. Almost sounds like Trickjumping in Quake 3 and Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. Basically opposite jump direction minus adrenaline spam and sprint >:3.
Ego said:
Thanks Diiesel for this amazing little guide. I can't watch youtube videos with my slow internet, so this really helps :D. Almost sounds like Trickjumping in Quake 3 and Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. Basically opposite jump direction minus adrenaline spam and sprint >:3.

Np guys, Im always willing to share anything I know to make our twink community better and give us all more competition. With that being said, feel free to ask me anything.

I do have to say that this technique is awesome especially on a Warrior or Paladin with a Felsteel Sheild Spike. Back when we had 2000's health I grabbed the flag with a team full of turtles and carried it out ramp all the way down to the field without a healer doing this. God that was good times. I have to say I miss my health, Im currently sitting at 1600's right now.
iaccidentallytwink said:
This doesn't help anything, it just looks cool. You're not actually faced forward (I tested it with a mage, can't cast spells, says I'm LoS'd.)

It does work. Been using this method for about a year now :)
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