Running backwards.. or Backstrafe If you will.

I have many players on my server, in raids, wsg, arenas, and duels ask me what I am doing as I am running away. It's called Backstrafing. Backstrafing is a technique I use to get away from other players, gather instance mobs as a tank, or fight while running away, while still moving at the exact same speed as moving forward. This might sound crazy but this guide will teach you how to do so, and believe me, this technique is very important.

Why is it important you ask? Well, you cannot Dodge, Block, or Parry if your running with your back to someone can you? No, you cant.

Situation One:

Your carrying the flag in WSG, You have two rogues on you and your running to Warrior that is going to hammy them both and the priest that has full mana who is praying you will get to her in time. Your taking heavy damage from behind, you 180 turn around and gouge one, 180 turn, and the other rogue kills you right before you reach your help, sound familiar?

Situation Two:

You gathering a large group of mobs in BRD on your 80 druid. Since you cannot Block or Parry and you overpulled your going to look very bad and die in prebc instance. Ouch, that really sucks. If you knew how to backstrafe you would have been able to dodge nearly everything because of the level difference between yourself and the mobs?

How to do it:

Lets get started.

1 - Hold down your strafe left button and right click on your mouse

2 - Jump

3 - When you land, switch to your strafe right button

4 - Jump

5 - When you land, switch to your strafe left botton

While doing this, move your mouse from left to right back and forth

Ect Ect.

It does take a lot of practice but IMHO this HAS to be mastered and is worth every second of the time it takes to do so.

I will try to make a video of this as it is much easier to show you then to tell you how to do.


Lol. Thanks Rip, that sure as hell saved me a lot of time. Haha.
Diiesel said:
I will try to make a video of this as it is much easier to show you then to tell you how to do.

Yeah... I don't think many people will get it without a video.

[ame=]YouTube - How to Backstrafe[/ame]
the vid helps

i used to just jump/180 in the air then 180 back and repeat

this seems much more efficient :p

great post!
Omgimarogue said:
the vid helps

i used to just jump/180 in the air then 180 back and repeat

this seems much more efficient :p

great post!

Its something I picked up while playing Quake 3 Arena like umm, 10 years ago. Lol. Man those were the best of times. Shooting the ground with a Rocketlauncer to boost urself in the air and get in hiding spaces. I used the above technique to shoot people who were running at me trying to kill me with a gauntlet. I guess I have to give credit to Ryan Fayhe, the god of that game and of 1st person shooters imho. He taught me everything I know. He went by the name of "Lunatik"
[ame=]YouTube - Dazzlerazzle and Meep 19 twinks[/ame]

dazzlerazzle shows how to do this in pvp pretty well, 2 vids, i think this is the better one.
This doesn't help anything, it just looks cool. You're not actually faced forward (I tested it with a mage, can't cast spells, says I'm LoS'd.)
There's already been a video on this. It was very well done. Just try a search on youtube
iaccidentallytwink said:
This doesn't help anything, it just looks cool. You're not actually faced forward (I tested it with a mage, can't cast spells, says I'm LoS'd.)

Funny, Cause I can gouge doing it. Also You dodge, block and parry way more. Maybe your doing it just enough off to not get the effect? I dunno, weird.
lol yeah, i remember when somebody told me about "backstrafing" a while ago and how it was apparently some awesome maneuver. naturally, i asked some people about it to find out what this new technique was. it turns out that backstrafing is just jumping backwards while facing the front.....pretty much every pvper i know has been doing this for quite a while.

and like the post above me said: depending on how well you do it/your latency, a lot of the time when you're "backstrafing" you aren't actually facing forwards. you have to be pretty careful when doing it. i've seen a lot of noobs try to do this and they aren't even showing their front.
I just call it moonwalking, and maybe, I've never actually tried gouging with my rogue, but on my mage I kept getting LoS'd, I'll try it again on my rogue.
nah, "moonwalking" is different. it's using the strafe function in wow while holding down the right mouse button at a certain angle in order to make your character appear to be running backwards ("s-keying"), only you're running at full speed.

the thing is, "moonwalking" doesn't actually show up that way to other players. it's only a client-side deal. so it doesn't really give you any kind of advantage in pvp - it just looks cool :p
Lloydganks said:
nah, "moonwalking" is different. it's using the strafe function in wow while holding down the right mouse button at a certain angle in order to make your character appear to be running backwards ("s-keying"), only you're running at full speed.

the thing is, "moonwalking" doesn't actually show up that way to other players. it's only a client-side deal. so it doesn't really give you any kind of advantage in pvp - it just looks cool :p

Lol yeah I used to do that all the time; always wondered if people could see it. It would have been a lot more fun that way if they could have. I can imagine pissing people off while moonwalking away from them like michael jackson.
This really helps a lot on kiting classes. On my hunter when a rogue pops sprint I just go monkey and backstrafe, throw in a couple of jukes, total waste of sprint. They might hit me once, twice if they're lucky.

Yeah hunter vs rogue isn't a great example of how useful something is I know.

It's situationally useful when you are running a flag too. I say situationally because unless your landing angles are perfect, you won't be running a straight line path to your destination, slowing you down slightly. If your dodge is high enough and no more pursuers are likely to catch up due to the slight loss of speed, you should definitely be doing it.
anyone have a video to get good at the "moonwalking" style?
Anyone who wants to be considered a "pro" in twink pvp must know how to backstrafe.
Actually, moonwalking IS seen by the opponent, if you do it right. Every time I've done it in WSG I get whispers asking how.
iaccidentallytwink said:
Actually, moonwalking IS seen by the opponent, if you do it right. Every time I've done it in WSG I get whispers asking how.

He's right, ive seen a couple FCs do that
Backstrafing is the only way to survive in serious pvp.

As a kiting class, if you can manage to attack (as in 'beat them with your large stick') as you backstrafe your damage output will go through the roof (not to mention that you'll be able to Dodge attacks.)

If you're a priest who wants to see this technique in action, this summer I'll be posting some arena videos which will clearly show the importance of this.

As for moonwalking, it registers in game as you strafing on the side that you're 'facing' - NOT backwards. It's been tested.

EDIT: I don't know of any 'right' or 'wrong' way of moonwalking that does/does not show up to everyone else. It broke my heart when I found out that it doesn't always appear, though :'( I used to moonwalk literally everywhere.../sigh

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