Not only do you not have the best players but you haven't even built any solid teamwork yet. I would say MAYBE your guild would crack the top 3. There is nothing wrong with learning and getting better, just don't put your foot in your mouth beforehand.
Just my observations the last few days from seeing your 5 mans get beat by pugs that decided not to afk.
arcane shots fired
rare pic of gokku running flag
Rare picture of when riptides runs from the cops after hitting the pooki
Lil nigga your right on the first part some of that roster was thrown together by good players but since they didn't know rest of team we could not cordinate as good as we would with something like the same 10 people for 3 months, and also it's really insulting you say my guild is maybe top 3 because there is really only 3 vet guilds still active so I guess that's some what of a insult. When we are really probably the most active tying with AP Twinks with around 10-12+ a day(more on weekends). Your observations are correct btw I remember barley losing to some fotm 2 bm 1 spriest and 1 feral that happened to pug into each other. But we did smash the pugs more often than they barley won against us. It's not hard to bring down a guild premade bc most times we are just chilling in bgs grinding honor the thing we take most serious is war games of course. I hope I can run into you when my premade is there so then I can show you what we really do.
about as lazy as gokkus flag running
i got wheels tho
Saying your team couldn't co-ordinate because they didnt know each other is a crappy excuse, no one from the AP twinks team had played together before except for Lenny, Misty and I. These wargames are meant to be practice for improving as a team, that's what we are going to be doing when we play against fortwenty next weekend. It will be practice for our team to get better at playing together.
Agreed your signature is hawwttttt
Plsss..... I have part black in my blood that means I dominate the court yard and relationship bby I call top bunk and sleep against the wallgokku if we were locked up together you would be my girlfriend
You say it's practice but comment on little stuff like excuses? I am not stating excuses I am stating reasons why we need improvement. Your not the only team with players geared at last minute 7/10 people in my 10 man never played together this is why I would love to do to more war games so I can build within my team to fix our mistakes. Telling a fat kid he can't eat isn't going to stop him from eating.
the practice game I'm referring to is against fortwenty next weekend. But yes saying your team hasn't played much together before is an excuse. I do agree that both teams have things they can improve on and I hope we can do more wargames together in the future. I don't understand your random comparison of the fat kid to this situation.
part black won't save your booty in prison, have you ever been there?
Not only do you not have the best players but you haven't even built any solid teamwork yet. I would say MAYBE your guild would crack the top 3. There is nothing wrong with learning and getting better, just don't put your foot in your mouth beforehand.
Just my observations the last few days from seeing your 5 mans get beat by pugs that decided not to afk.
the reason you haven't been to prison isn't because your a "real gangsta" its because you're 14 and can't go to prison
you would get raw and turnt out so fast
I sling pure shit not that stepped on shit we all know your fuckin the plug so he let you take a pic mr "I'm on probation"lmao what you know bout trappin
by the way, if you vape you gape
p.s. these are shards of caffeine, not drugs