Ruin Activity Confirmed

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2014, 2015, & 2018 TC Champ
I just wanted to give some proof behind all of the Ruin hype that is going around. My guild moved over here about 3 months ago and currently are loving it so far (pug wise).

Here is a SS of Ruin's queues:
Nice dude, whats up?

Sorry I didnt get back to you about xferring my shaman.

I just got very busy irl. Im thinking of possibly Xferring him very soon. so yeah, pm me and we can talk. :)
FrostShockIsOP said:
If anybody needed confirmation of this, I could have confirmed the activity over a month ago when I came to ruin. :p

naw dawg, you might have said something, but now that motherfucking pizza said ruin iz kewl that means now it really is.

Fo realsies yo!
pizza has been telling people to come to ruin for a while now, but lately 3 wsg at a time seems regular during peak hours.
Is Ruin good at all hours? Because I'm down in Australia, with erratic play times at best, so I don't want to get stuck with 0 WSGs because there's nothing happening at those times.
which servers are best for 19/29 in ruin? im thinking of rolling a dk for money and playing 19/29 on there.
29's are not good on ruin you'd have to go to reckoning for 29 action

In addition to what pizza said every day more and more arena's seem to be popping in the morning
roguedubb said:
Is Ruin good at all hours? Because I'm down in Australia, with erratic play times at best, so I don't want to get stuck with 0 WSGs because there's nothing happening at those times.

Nah, I don't get WSG games until 4:00pm or so EST, and I'm home by noon every day...
Hamcake said:
Nice binds olololo- oh wait, those are actually good binds.

Lol ham, your so funny.

600th post.

Pizza said:
I just wanted to give some proof behind all of the Ruin hype that is going around. My guild moved over here about 3 months ago and currently are loving it so far (pug wise).

Here is a SS of Ruin's queues:

Wierd binds. Just noticed them because of Hamcakes comment. Do you happen to use a gamepad or something because I'm used to twisting around my fingers around wasd whilst reaching for qezxcfrvt1234 with Shift modifiers.
iaccidentallytwink said:
Wierd binds. Just noticed them because of Hamcakes comment. Do you happen to use a gamepad or something because I'm used to twisting around my fingers around wasd whilst reaching for qezxcfrvt1234 with Shift modifiers.

dont forget ctrl modifiers and mouse buttons!
roguedubb said:
Is Ruin good at all hours? Because I'm down in Australia, with erratic play times at best, so I don't want to get stuck with 0 WSGs because there's nothing happening at those times.

night owls like me are always on at 3am doing arenas, but if more people like u transfered, we could do bgs at 3 like back in Vindi, come fast. bring friends
ninedash said:
dont forget ctrl modifiers and mouse buttons!

Myself I only use 1 or 2 ctrl modifiers but it depends, if I use a normal mouse I don't use Mouse Buttons, but if I am using a Mamba I bind my most used conditional abilities (stealth, Switch weapons) to it. If I'm using a Naga it's a whole different story.
i myself just rolled a priest on skullcrusher, and i hear that their twink guild <Paragon> is growing strong. i have a friend on there with tons of gold, so contact me if you would like to roll ANOTHER twink (opposed to a twink on a DIFFERENT battlegroup, say, Rampage) and you REALLY cant pay for another twink but we must talk a lot you must be legit :)
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