RU - Flamegor (Twinkie Guild)


New Member
The Russian guild of twinkies 69 <The Gang of Father Thrall> gathers warriors ready to fight on the side of the horde against 23 servers of the united Europe.

If you are Russian at heart and somehow accidentally got stuck on a European server - welcome to us.

Contact me in pm, we will play together =)


Русская гильдия твинков 69 <Банда Батьки Тралла> собирает в свои ряды воинов, готовых сражаться на стороне орды против 23 серверов объединённой европы.

Если ты в душе русский и каким-то случайным образом затесался на европейском сервере - добро пожаловать к нам.

Связывайтесь со мной в пм, мы будем играть вместе =)
You must be getting in imbalanced games weather it’s level, spec, class. 69 is a super balanced bracket and doesn’t come down to racials. Infact certain 60s with gem gear can thrive in the bracket amungst 69s
I highly suggest this and 49 bracket for anyone looking for high level of enjoyment

I’m 69, healers are not too Healy where you can’t kill etc, tanks are not too tanky where you can’t kill etc, and dps aren’t too powerful where they can just 1 shot efcs. Whenever it’s a bunch of 69s vs 69s, the games are actually extremely fun and you can to allocate certain amount of people on D and O, just like 19 bracket

Shoutout to 49 bracket for having a very similar if not better fairness in a twink vs twink scenario.

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