Rspca uk


Heys guys,

A few days back my dog (darwin 3year jack russell) was tragically hit by a car after slipping loose from his collar. This devastated my family and was little hope our little darwin would make it after being run over by a car.

Long story.

So 3 days back, my sister takes our dog for a walk (nothing unusual there), took him to his local park where he runs riot with out other dogs alike for atleast 2hours while my sister walks around the park keeping an eye on him. After leaving the parking/heading home, my dog somehow (not even sure if this happens) slips loose from his collar, runs head first in to a main road and was tragically hit my an on coming car.

The car didnt stop to make sure he was ok, in fact accelerated and kept going, leaving my sister to cradle our dog, a member of our family on the side of the road, both shaken and frighten not sure what do....

Darwin was rushed to our local private Vet, to access the damage and see what could be done. which infact didnt happen as our dog was "too aggressive to be mussalt", he sat there for an hour without pain meds for a member of my family to walk him and instantly calm him down and allow the vets to apply pain meds.

As you can tell, this isnt really an issue right? well.... they where charging £500 for giving our dog pain meds/food/place to sleep over night and ANOTHER £600 for an xray and treatment. If you ask me this is down right wrong and clearly exploiting peoples emotion for the love they give to there pets.

To my point: seeing as my parents couldnt afford £500 for next to no treatment at all, darwin was rushed to Putney RSPCA center via my sisters boy friend. Which they loving took care of darwin, gave him pain meds/food/place to stay/X-rays (which would of totaled to £1100 atleast) for 2days and cost us £140.

From a Active TI members point of view and a pet lovers point of view, i want to make you aware of the HARD Work the RSPCA in the UK do for pets/animals alike without exploiting peoples emotions an so on!

Im sorry to bore you with my story but this sort thing touches your heart and puts you in to perspective how much charities really do help those in a need!!

If you could spare a dollar/euro/pound please donate to the wonderful people at the RSCPA - Donate money to charity - Charity donation - Leave a RSPCA legacy

They've brought back a family member to me and i cant thank those guys enough!

Our Darwin below.

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Really glad to hear he's okay! I was initially expecting this to be a super sad post. I have two dogs myself and can't even imagine being in that situation. Sounds like this organization does some pretty great work.

I know it's bad, but I definitely wished some kind of misfortune on the heartless piece of shit (pardon my French) who didn't even stop after hitting your dog. Obviously, the more noble response here would be to donate and hope other families and their pets can get the same help you did.

Here's hoping for a quick recovery for Darwin =)
When I produce gigs in Lisbon (TheCore Underground) we try to gather stuff for animal associations (blankets, food, etc).

It really works out, and the aftermatch itself is very gratificant to see.
honest opinion: its a dog not a family member, ffs get a grip!!! donated a few bob tho soft cunt xD

ps I hate dogs

pps animals are not a human being much better charity's out there (helping real ppl) anyone who falls in love with pets needs to get a life imo
honest opinion: its a dog not a family member, ffs get a grip!!! donated a few bob tho soft cunt xD

ps I hate dogs

pps animals are not a human being much better charity's out there (helping real ppl) anyone who falls in love with pets needs to get a life imo

Maybe you need to have an animal to understand, but yeah.. People who treat animals like human beings tick me off too.

Also, Darwin? Thafuq? An homage to Charles? That stopped being cool the moment I became an adult.
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was maybe a tad harsh, I stand by any 1 who gets overly attached to animals is a mong tho tbh.... ps I once had a goldfish it died

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