Rollin' Old School


So I read this post earlier about a twink guild doing tournaments with no BoA. We all know classes are op, but in SOME cases, BoA is too. I just have this crazy idea, for people who are against BoA, or people like me who miss old school. Well it wouldnt really be like old school because of the class changes, but close enough right?: What if we all find a server, (this could work for F2P twinks too) and just level to 19, cap xp, and instead of bgs, have dueling tourneys, go to gurabashi and have insane matches (it would be like another bg if everyone, horde and alliance, gets in) do arenas, wargames, all of that good stuff. I know it sounds crazy and would take a while for it to get populated, but its just an idea for those who dislike Cata twinking.

Edit: It would also test our skills more, and rogues wouldn't be as cheap. Hunters still would, which we might have to ban.

Please leave comments and ideas!

Thanks in advance!:Horde::US:
Indeed, Really good idea. I would like to relive my burning crusade roots once more. a simpler time without boa's.

I'm game. Now we just need a server. Uldum for old time sake?
Mochabad said:
Same, but what the hell am I going to do without at least one jaderfang =(

Idea just bitch slapped me. What if this was done on the PTR so that you can copy your twink, then just downgrade from heirlooms. I for one would be sporting my old serpent's shoulders, I really miss them :(
I personally like my old school vengeance servers haha, but I have a toon on Earthen Ring ally and that place is very populated... I'm going to do some researchhh

edit: these are all high pop pvp us realms Realm Status - Game - World of Warcraft

I think we should stay away from ones we've been on, Gurubashi sounds sort of nice imo, or Korgath, or Warsong. Just my opinions here
Mal'Ganis has alot and i mean alot of gear on the AH. some stuff comes and goes but there is always a bunch of good stuff there.

What sounds good about Gurubashi? or Korgath, or Warsong?
Well as a player that has 10 toons on Gurubashi, im gonna say no. lol that server sucks. nothing ever good is on the AH and /2 is mostly in portuguese, over the past few years it's become the unoffical BR server. So alot of the english speakers have left. Comunication is hard now lol. From the servers ive played on, my vote is either Ner'Zhul or Mal'Ganis, though Korgath could be good too. Should we make a poll?
It's the class abilities, not the gear. Playing uniformly BoA-less will change nothing.
Im game for this since no boas make it easier a bit for the f2ps. So just to get this down server/allowed classes XD

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