Rogue weapon sets

What are your guys weapon sets when fighting different classes?

I used to run Dual Shadowfang with fiery but I thought I would get a greater benefit by putting 15 agi on one.

MY setups are:

Stealh: Dual CB, both with 15 agi. Max garrote damage.

Rogue vs. Rogue: SF/WB, both with dual agi. I am considering dropping wingblade for cruel barb with 15 agi but I don't know. I am considering putting lifestealing on my Shadowfang for rogue vs. rogue. I heard LS/Agi is great for rogue duels.

Hunters/Warriors: SF/WB, Fiery main, agi off. Once again, I am thinking about swapping my offhand to CB with 15 agi instead of wingblade.

Shamans: I am still wondering what the best setup would be, any input? Maybe dual fiery?

Everything else: SF/CB, Dual fiery of course. I used to run dual shadowfang but compared to cruel barb, there isn't that big of a damage increase, its Hardly noticeable.

When I go for an ambush I have AB with +5 weapon damage. I have been testing 15 agi on thiefs blade in my OH for the extra crit over cruel barb with 15 agi. any input on that?

Sorry for a wall of text but I was interested in seeing other people's weapon setups.
Exitwounds said:
What are your guys weapon sets when fighting different classes?

I used to run Dual Shadowfang with fiery but I thought I would get a greater benefit by putting 15 agi on one.

MY setups are:

Stealh: Dual CB, both with 15 agi. Max garrote damage.

Rogue vs. Rogue: SF/WB, both with dual agi. I am considering dropping wingblade for cruel barb with 15 agi but I don't know. I am considering putting lifestealing on my Shadowfang for rogue vs. rogue. I heard LS/Agi is great for rogue duels.

Hunters/Warriors: SF/WB, Fiery main, agi off. Once again, I am thinking about swapping my offhand to CB with 15 agi instead of wingblade.

Shamans: I am still wondering what the best setup would be, any input? Maybe dual fiery?

Everything else: SF/CB, Dual fiery of course. I used to run dual shadowfang but compared to cruel barb, there isn't that big of a damage increase, its Hardly noticeable.

When I go for an ambush I have AB with +5 weapon damage. I have been testing 15 agi on thiefs blade in my OH for the extra crit over cruel barb with 15 agi. any input on that?

Sorry for a wall of text but I was interested in seeing other people's weapon setups.

I run dual LS against anything but a rogue and hunter, (no SF yet...) CB WB.

Rogues: i do WB Scouts Blade (LS/agi) for the agi from WB, and the LS MH (they are both kinda fast though 2.2/1.7)

Hunters: CB/CB (LS/agi), for the dodge it provides against clips/pets.

Shaman, dual LS for me (dual fiery for you imo).

Ambushes, depends whether you want more crit or higher top damage. I do CB OH (agi) tail-spike MH (+4 damage, no AB :( )
Most is just SF(fiery) AB (agi)

vs Warriors/Palidins I use SF(fiery) SF(15agi).

R v R (Ideal 1v1 situation)

Starts with Cb(15agi)x2 sap garrote restelath

Opens with SF(fiery) CB (fiery) garrote, Snd, SS spam. after the initial openign or energy gets down to 0. Switch to SF(agi)/ab(agi).
toxic said:
Most is just SF(fiery) AB (agi)

vs Warriors/Palidins I use SF(fiery) SF(15agi).

R v R (Ideal 1v1 situation)

Starts with Cb(15agi)x2 sap garrote restelath

Opens with SF(fiery) CB (fiery) garrote, Snd, SS spam. after the initial openign or energy gets down to 0. Switch to SF(agi)/ab(agi).

The whole sap garrote restealth is pointless with the barbs equipped. If you want the garrote to be useful you would sap garrote without breaking sap with the barbs equipped. Then switch to sf, cb dual fiery and then SS. At this point in roguevrogue I don't switch from shadowfang,cruel barb dual fierys. If you get the garrote + SS before sap even wears off you need to be on the offensive considering the mass damage garrote does.
Twinkywoo said:
*noobiness* from what u said it implies that garotte doesnt break a sap? is this true?

Not until it ticks. You have 3 seconds.
Twinkywoo said:
*noobiness* from what u said it implies that garotte doesnt break a sap? is this true?

garrote doesn't tick right when you apply it. It breaks your stealth, but the enemy's sap doesnt break till the 1st tick, which is 3 seconds after you hit em with it.
ty for info.

RvR - SF CB dual Agi. If ur both skilled its down to luck. Id prefer the extra crit/dodge.

RvHealer - SF (fiery) AB (agi) or SF CB dual fiery.

RvDPS (leather+) - SF (LS) CB (agi)

RvDPS (cloth) - SF (fiery) CB (agi)

my 2c.
SF/SF dual LS for every fight, CB/CB dual agility for garrotes.

Call me a noob, but you shouldn't underestimate what it does to your game-play to switch weapons all the time.
Dual fiery agains't most classes, fiery mainhand and 15 agi offhand agains't rogues and hunters.

That's what I use atleast.
SF (Fiery) CB (agi) for RvR, or go Agi / Agi?

SF (Fiery) SF (Fiery) for casters

SF (LS) CB (agi) if against hunters/shamans/druid

*Reason you don't win that many fights Rayu*
Touye said:
*Reason you don't win that many fights Rayu*

whats with all the hate? Even though i dont have SF, I pretty much do LS/LS / agi/agi for rogues/garrotes

I agree with Rayu long story short
Exitwounds said:
idk if i should offhand cb with 15 agi for rogue v rogue

i like to agi OH for rogue v rogue. I kinda like WB/scouts blade LS/agi. Not alot of burst (2.2/1.7), but its plenty of agility without agi MH

i think i posted this before, but my 2c again :D

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