Rogue vs rogue dueling tournament #2


fastest shadowstep in the west
I'm hosting another one of these this thursday - November 5th at 20:00 european realm time (CEST). It will be streamed on the 70 league twitch channel.

It's a completely open tournament, meaning any 70 rogue can sign up. This time I'm inviting all horde rogues as well, as long as you have someone who can invite you to argent dawn.
The duel area is going to be at the top of icecrown citadel - on the round ice platform.

Prizes are 20k gold for 1st place, 10k gold for 2nd place and 5k gold for 3rd place. The gold will be given on Argent Dawn alliance. If you don't have a character there you can buy a battlepet and auction it on your own realm/faction.

To enter the tournament post below or just let me know in-game. Sall#2989 in case you don't have me added.
Confirmed player list:

The rules are pretty much the same as last time. Please make sure you read through them.
  • Standardized gear - you have to use a specific gear set that I will post below
  • Burst of speed is banned because it makes for some really boring duels
  • Besides that you are free to choose talents and glyphs
  • Combat spec is banned because we're using a high haste, low ap set, which would benefit combat more than the other specs (nobody plays combat anyway)
  • Format will be decided once I see how many people turn up
  • All non-humans will be using a pvp trinket with no stats and will not be permitted to use their on-use racials. This way nobody has a significant racial advantage.
  • You cannot enchant your gear or gem it in any other way than specified below.
  • First aid and food is not permitted.
  • Flying mounts are not permitted. Ground mounts are fine.
  • You are free to transmog your gear, but there will be people keeping an eye on your gear at all times so you can't for example swap weapons mid-duel
  • Duels will start with both rogues out of stealth, running towards each other spamming gouge. Once the first gouge lands you are free to do whatever you want.
  • It is not permitted to enable PvP status at any time during the tournament.
  • In case a player breaks any rule during a duel, the opposing player can choose to restart the duel or simply take a win.

Here is the gear that will be used:

Note that there are no enchants and that all the gems are +20 haste gems. Non-humans should also get a pvp trinket with no stats. They can be bought for 40 honor in Stormwind and Orgrimmar.

The rest of the gear can be bought from vendors in shattrath. It's unfortunately quite expensive, but if you are on argent dawn I can provide you with 500g for the gear and the 17 haste gems required, free of charge. The vendors can be found here:

Here are the results and conclusions from the first tournament, in case you missed it:
Top 3 finishes were:
1. Fameboyx
2. Complex
3. Roguetrainer

Overall scores were:
Roguetrainer 2 - 1 Fameboyx
Fameboyx 2 - 2 Complex
Complex 2 - 1 Roguetrainer
Note that me and fameboy played an extra game (the finals).

The format of the tournament was bo1 round robin. After each round the lowest scoring player got eliminated from the tournament and we played round robin again. This continued until 2 people were left and then we played a final game. In the future if we get some more players we'll probably do a more traditional tournament style with brackets. The gear seemed fine, the pace of the duels was pretty slow which allowed for some fairly interesting duels.

This time around we held the tournament on some ice platforms in howling fjord:

We've decided to change the location for the next tournament as the water got a little annoying, for example if someone fell down while trying to jump between platforms or simply used the water as an escape route. If anyone has some cool suggestions please post below. Keep in mind that the dueling space can't be too big.

Unfortunately we had 3 people back off at the last minute, significantly reducing the size of the tournament. But overall it was a successful event and I'll definitely host more of these in the near future.
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Sure, every kind of competition which is at 70 will be streamed by Europe70League. If you (@all 70) start a duel competition, race competition , fight competition, fun competition or arena tournaments/bg tournaments which has minimum 5 people will be streamed :) And if many people like your idea you would have the chance to get every week a stream day of your own programme :)
Sure, every kind of competition which is at 70 will be streamed by Europe70League. If you (@all 70) start a duel competition, race competition , fight competition, fun competition or arena tournaments/bg tournaments which has minimum 5 people will be streamed :) And if many people like your idea you would have the chance to get every week a stream day of your own programme :)
Good to hear. Although I doubt I'll do this rvr thing every single week.
Will try to check it out, only thing is that the Blizzcon Opening Ceremony starts at 20:00 aswell :/

Friday Schedule - Event Info - BlizzCon

Warcraft Movie trailer etc.

edit: the opening ceremony doesn't require a VT, so anyone can watch it on their stream
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70 Rogue Dueling
Thursday, 5.Novemeber 8:00 PM (CEST) on the Europe 70 League Channel (
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Tournament is over. The format was round robin bo1, lowest scoring player gets eliminated, repeat.
Here are the results (1 W = 1 win):

Round of 5:
Dmgking WWWW
Skewt WW
Complex WWW
Sycotiz W

Round of 4:
Dmgking WW
Complex WWW
Sycotiz W

Round of 3:
Dmgking W
Complex WW

Dmgking W

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