Rogue Vs. Mage

Rogue vs. Mage

  • Rogue

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mage

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With the extreme drop in health pools, who do you think should win?
mage for sure, if he knows how to kite. I remember when I played my mage, those rogues had no chance :)
I have played mage (perfect gear except BtA items) before and after 3.10. In my point of view, the mage has no chance at all to win, given the rogue knows what to do. Of course a lucky frostbite proc may change the odds, but I have found it impossible to beat rogues in 3.10.

Before 3.10, I could basically outlast the trinket+sprint and then poly, but now I can't. But most of all, some rogues (the best ones in my guild) started using LOS to such amount that I just couldn't do anything to kill them anymore. Usually this happened in Darnassus or the Dalaran Arena but I imagine Nagrand would do too.

What happens is:

Rogue opens with sap. Garrote expose armor follows. I nova, run and load up Frostbolt rank 3. Then I do another frostbot rank 3, fire bast and run. What the rogue does is simply walk to LOS (This happened most confrontingly in the Dalaran Arena) while being shot at and slowed. When the rogue reaches the corner, he goes around it and simply waits for me to come around the corner. When this happens I either get sapped (if he is already restealthed) or gouged. If I don't follow him but stay away, he restealths and gets another opener. In both cases, I take a serious amount of damage. This process is then repeated until I am dead.

I have yet to find a way around this.
Tidal said:
I have played mage (perfect gear except BtA items) before and after 3.10. In my point of view, the mage has no chance at all to win, given the rogue knows what to do. Of course a lucky frostbite proc may change the odds, but I have found it impossible to beat rogues in 3.10.

Before 3.10, I could basically outlast the trinket+sprint and then poly, but now I can't. But most of all, some rogues (the best ones in my guild) started using LOS to such amount that I just couldn't do anything to kill them anymore. Usually this happened in Darnassus or the Dalaran Arena but I imagine Nagrand would do too.

What happens is:

Rogue opens with sap. Garrote expose armor follows. I nova, run and load up Frostbolt rank 3. Then I do another frostbot rank 3, fire bast and run. What the rogue does is simply walk to LOS (This happened most confrontingly in the Dalaran Arena) while being shot at and slowed. When the rogue reaches the corner, he goes around it and simply waits for me to come around the corner. When this happens I either get sapped (if he is already restealthed) or gouged. If I don't follow him but stay away, he restealths and gets another opener. In both cases, I take a serious amount of damage. This process is then repeated until I am dead.

I have yet to find a way around this.

if you walk around to corner, don't do it within melee range? lol
depends on the duelists really. i mean if a mage can kite really well, it can frustrate the rogue. but a rogue can burst the mage if it blows most of its cooldowns.

I would love to say rogue, but I think there are too many unaddressed variables, like where? In a WSG, I think the mage, because the rogue needs to be thinking about the big picture, and cannot play hide and seek all day. In a duel, it’s a toss-up, depending on how shrewdly each chose the dual location. In Arena combat, I’d have to go with the rogue.

Also, class comes into play- is the mage a human, with improved perception? Is the rogue a Nelf, with the shadowmeld+stealth wanna-be vanish? Is the rogue a gnome with multiple freedom abilities to close the gap? Do either use bombs as a stun? What spec of rogue? What professions do each have?

Too many variables IMHO…
Tidal said:
I have played mage (perfect gear except BtA items) before and after 3.10. In my point of view, the mage has no chance at all to win, given the rogue knows what to do. Of course a lucky frostbite proc may change the odds, but I have found it impossible to beat rogues in 3.10.

Before 3.10, I could basically outlast the trinket+sprint and then poly, but now I can't. But most of all, some rogues (the best ones in my guild) started using LOS to such amount that I just couldn't do anything to kill them anymore. Usually this happened in Darnassus or the Dalaran Arena but I imagine Nagrand would do too.

What happens is:

Rogue opens with sap. Garrote expose armor follows. I nova, run and load up Frostbolt rank 3. Then I do another frostbot rank 3, fire bast and run. What the rogue does is simply walk to LOS (This happened most confrontingly in the Dalaran Arena) while being shot at and slowed. When the rogue reaches the corner, he goes around it and simply waits for me to come around the corner. When this happens I either get sapped (if he is already restealthed) or gouged. If I don't follow him but stay away, he restealths and gets another opener. In both cases, I take a serious amount of damage. This process is then repeated until I am dead.

I have yet to find a way around this.

little macro I've always loved to use to break stealth on a rogue.

/cast [nocombat] Arcane Explosion(Rank 1); Arcane Explosion

A mage should never lose this fight. But it's rare I find a mage that has a clue.

p.s. on your run away, try a lvl 1 Frostbolt then switch to Arcane Missles as he turns to walk away. The missles go through walls and keep him hating you. He charges, drop a rank 1 fb, kite as needed till nova is off cd, then it should be over very soon.
celliott said:
if you walk around to corner, don't do it within melee range? lol

If you don't do it in melee range, you turn the corners slower than the rogue does and he will restealth after a while of goosechasing.

Mummified said:
little macro I've always loved to use to break stealth on a rogue.

/cast [nocombat] Arcane Explosion(Rank 1); Arcane Explosion

A mage should never lose this fight. But it's rare I find a mage that has a clue.

p.s. on your run away, try a lvl 1 Frostbolt then switch to Arcane Missles as he turns to walk away. The missles go through walls and keep him hating you. He charges, drop a rank 1 fb, kite as needed till nova is off cd,

then it should be over very soon.

This macro doesn't help much as any rogue can wait as long as is neccesary until you are OOM/tired of spamming, then comes and saps.

And good rogues do not "charge", they sit around the corner waiting to destealth. Then they get you.
Rayekk said:
I would love to say rogue, but I think there are too many unaddressed variables, like where? In a WSG, I think the mage, because the rogue needs to be thinking about the big picture, and cannot play hide and seek all day. In a duel, it’s a toss-up, depending on how shrewdly each chose the dual location. In Arena combat, I’d have to go with the rogue.

Also, class comes into play- is the mage a human, with improved perception? Is the rogue a Nelf, with the shadowmeld+stealth wanna-be vanish? Is the rogue a gnome with multiple freedom abilities to close the gap? Do either use bombs as a stun? What spec of rogue? What professions do each have?

Too many variables IMHO…

in a true 1v1 within an arena (you obviously don't get true 1v1's within WSG)

best case scenario in terms of variables.

Take into consideration that the rogue is the perfect choice against mages (belf w/ frost res and frost res gear) and duel fieries with subtly spec.

or you can argue a gnome rogue cause of the racial + arcane res.

either way, I think advantage would have to go to rogue.

Pre 3.1 a good rogue could use LoS really well to help themselves vs mages, but duels could last a long time with high HP pools, now with mages losing 700-1000hp, 1 sprint can easily keep a rogue within melee range long enough to kill him.
lol close thread imo
I voted rogue; pop your CDs at the right time and 5 seconds in melee range should be enough to down a mage.

Of course the mage would win if the rogue didn't have his CDs ready for use... but then again a rogue is a rogue so he simply has those CDs and should know when to pop them. =P
I have had a pretty interesting fight with a mage. He just used frostbolt to slow me down and the good ol' frost armor. I used sprint, but then I got trapped by hes specc (I can get frozen if I hit him). I then pop insignia, but then get sheeped. So, a good mage can kill a rogue any time.

This was in WSG though, not 1v1
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